
In the iPad SplitView template, where's the code that specifies which views are to be used in the SplitView?

In the iPad Programming Guide, it gives the following code example for specifying the two views (firstVC and secondVC) that will be used in the SplitView... - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { MyFirstViewController* firstVC = [[[MyFirstViewController alloc] ...

ipad SplitView Orientation in DetailView

I am using this code in the DetailView.m of a splitview app. Now the orientation changes occur only when the device is rotated. The detection does not take place when the app is launched. I also get this warning warning: 'RootViewController' may not respond to '-adjustViewsForOrientation:' What change do I need to make the app adjust t...

Multi-level navigation controller on left-hand side of UISplitView with a small twist.

Hi. I'm trying make something similar to (but not exactly like) the email app found on the iPad. Specifically, I'd like to create a tab-based app, but each tab would present the user with a different UISplitView. Each UISplitView contains a Master and a Detail view (obviously). In each UISplitView I would like the Master to be a mult...

SplitView Controller portrait mode- Top button keeps shifting to right.

Hi, I am using SplitViewController in ipad. On a button click from detail view, I open a modalview which is in full screen mode. Whenever I dismiss the modal view, the button which displays the table view in portrait mode shifts to the right. If I continue the process of opening the modal view and dismissing it, it keeps moving to the...

How do I create a UISplitView manually?

I have an app that is going to navigate to a UISplitView (inside another view altogether) like so: - (void) switchToMyDayView { NSLog(@"Show My Day Screen"); if (self.myDayController.view.superview == nil) { if (self.myDayController == nil) { MyDayController *myController = [[MyDayController alloc] initWithN...

TableView as DetailView's subview with a UISplitViewController?

I have a UISplitViewController, I used the iPad template to start. To change the type of view in the detailview area, I'm adding my view types as subviews to the DetailViewController's view. This works for UIViewController derived views, but not for UITableViewController view types?. Why would this be? My problem is rooted in the fac...

UITableView - Select nearest row after row deletion.

like build in apple notes app, after you swipe to delete the selected row, it will select the nearest available row automatically. The logic should be: if row count > 0 then if deleted_row == last row then select deleted_row_index-1 row else select deleted_row_index+1 row end end i have try to implement the above log...

Changeing view in a SplitViewController using a segmented controll in toolbar of DetailView

I am trying to change the views (Master and Detail) of my spliviewcontroller using a segmented controll located on a toolbar on the DetailView. I'm not sure how to controll these views. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Change the width of Master in UISplitViewController

Hi, The iPad programming guide says that the splitView's left pane is fixed to 320 points. But 320 pixels for my master view controller is too much. I would like to reduce it and give more space to detail view controller. Is it possible by anyway? Edit: Link to the document which speaks about fixed width - http://developer.apple.com/ip...

ipad dev - in the UISplitViewController template, how is the method setDetailItem called?

I am developing an ipad app which has a UISplitViewController. (I use IB to build the interface, but I do not use the template) Both master and detail (left and right) views are navigationController. The left view subclass UITableView and the right view should push another controller if the cell on the left is selected. I don't know how ...

UISplitViewCOntroller + TabBarCOntroller + iPad

Hi all, I am developing a tab-based iPad application in which corresponding to each tab, I have to show an UISplitViewController . I have done this by adding two navigation controllers to my tabBarController and assigning a subclass of UISplitViewController as RootViewController of both navigationController. And also I have to show bot...

presenting a modal view over a splitView

Hi everyone: I'm having a problem making a universal app... In the application delegate I set up the main navigation for ipad and iphone: - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[ [UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; if (UI_U...

UISplitviewcontroller - detailedView size on UIOrientation change?

I am creating a uisplitview programmatically, like http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2757489/uisplitviewcontroller-programmtically-without-nib-xib-thank-you/2977885#2977885, I am also showing 2 tableview within the detailedview. I am having difficulty getting the width of the detailedview to show the tableviews in the middle. current...

How to set the RootViewController to a Grouped Table in SplitViewController

Instead of the plain type of table I want a Grouped one in the RootViewController.Anyone knows how to do this? ...

iPad: Split view Controller

I am creating split view based application for i pad. I have 1)root view controller 2)detail view controller It is like menu and submenu Here i am planning to do i would like to have navigation in root view controller. It is recomonded to use or not. If it is recomended how is it possible. ...

UISplitViewController, animating views

Hello, I'm trying to animate my detail view controller to transition with a page curl (up/down). I'm trying to achieve a similar effect as the Notes application on the iPad, this transition was also reproduced by CulturedCode in their Things application for iPad. My problem is that the animation is clipped to the bounds of the Detail V...

UITableViewCell data not showing up *initially* in UISplitViewController

I have a generic UISplitViewController (UITableView in the RootViewController and other stuff in the detail view) I have modified UITableViewCells in 2 ways: The rows have a height of 55 The UITableViewCells contain both a UIImage and UILabel There are 50 rows total PROBLEM: When I launch the app, the first 13 rows (the ones that ...

Where can I find info on using a Universal App on iPhone that uses UISplitViewController ?

Hi, I've followed all posts that I've found about creating a Universal App that uses a UISplitViewController and runs fine on iPhone (without it, of course) and in iPad. My Targeted Device Familiy is => iPhone/iPad iPhone OS Deployment => iPhone OS 3.0 Base SDK => iPhone Device 3.2 My UIKit.framework is 'weak ref' in my Target General...

add Toolbar above UITableView for use in UISplitViewController detail view

I want to use a table view as the detail pane in my UISplitViewController. How do I put the toolbar at the top? I want to be able to add bar button items in the same way as my non-table detail views. Thanks. ...

iPad UISplitViewController Launch Orientation - Root View Displayed In Portrait

So I have a UISplitViewController that is the root view of my program. I have set the initial orientation to be LandscapeLeft and have all 4 orientations supported in my plist. If I launch the app in portrait - the view that is shown is my root view not the detail view which obviously is not what I want. As soons as I rotate the device...