
iPhone simulator touch tab bar area problem

Hi, everyone, I want to ask a question about the iPhone simulator on Mac. I am using the 3.1.3 iPhone simulator and I create a tab bar by using pro grammatically method. After created the tab bar, I found that it don't switch to another tab when I click the text in the tab bar. However, it works when I click the space or icon? Is the f...

UITabbarController:Is there any way to Switch Tabbar Item(s) of Tabbar

Hi Huys, The senario is, I a TabbarViewController, which contains Tab {A, B, C, D}. After User clicked Tab:B, instead Tab {A, B, C, D}, I want show {E, F, G} as the Tabbar item on the Tabbar. Is there any way to switch Tabbar Item Set? I'm a newbie to iOS. Thanks! EDIT: I've also tried to modify self.tabbarcontroller.tabbar.items, but...

iPhone -- active region of UITabBar

On my simulator, a UITabBar appears to react to mouse clicks up to about 10 pixels above the visible bar. On the phone, it is hard to tell what is going on, but my experience has been that if I put a button right up against the tab bar, users will frequently aim for the button but end up tapping the tab bar, which can be extremely confu...

Help about Tabbar

Hi I want to develop a screen which displays a view named "A" initially and the screen has a menu for navigating towards views "B", "C" and "D". So i thought of creating a tab bar based view in which "B", "C", "D" are tab bar items. In this way tab bar is behaving like a menu. But problem is that for displaying view "A", I need to add "A...

How to present a Modal View over a Tab Bar Application?

Hey everyone, I'm relatively new to iPhone programming but have read my way through a hefty book already. I want to build a Tabbed Application where in one of the tabs I can push a button that presents a modal view over the screen. I have built demo apps that utilize UITabBarController and the ModalView system, but I can't figure out ...

How to add a badge to a UITabBar that is customizable?

I am adding a badge to my UITabBarController's UITabBar as such: UITabBarItem *tbi = (UITabBarItem *)[stTabBarController.tabBar.items objectAtIndex:1]; tbi.badgeValue = @"2"; However, my UITabBarController is customizeable, so the index may change. How can I make sure the badge gets applied to the correct UITabBarItem? ...

sharing NSManagedObjectContext and other service classes between iphone/ipad tabs

Hi geniuses out there, I am well into building a Core Data tab-based iPad application. I am passing in my NSManagedObjectContext to my root view using the following in my app delegate class. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { self.rootViewController.man...

How to remove a UITabBar badge after the user clicks another tab?

I want to remove a badge as soon as the user clicks another tab. I am trying to do: - (void)viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidDisappear:animated]; UITabBarItem *tbi = (UITabBarItem *)self.tabController.selectedViewController.tabBarItem; tbi.badgeValue = nil; } But it doesn't work. ...

How can I determine UITabBarItem position?

How can I determine if a UITabBarItem has the title "Hello" and is in position 0? ...

Is there a way to use a custom selected image for UITabBarItem?

I like to have a custom selected image when a user selects an item on the tab bar, by default it selects as blue like but would like to have a green color instead. something like below any thoughts? ...

Saving view configuration changes in my Tab Bar Controller based application

Hi. I have an application that uses a tab bar controller. The tab bar controller manages 11 views in total so there are 4 views available on the first 4 tab bar buttons and the rest are available via the 5th button named "More". I have a couple of questions here... Firstly... Can i rename the "More" button? Secondly... When i pre...

UITabBar ignoring occasional "clicks"

I'm working on an iPhone app that has a UITabBar. Occasionally the tab bar ignores my "clicks" (or "taps", or whatever they're called in the iPhone world). It happens on both the simulator and the on the device. Clicking on a tab bar button won't result in any action, and I have to click it several times for the expected action to occur....

TabBars inside a viewController

Iam having a headache trying to find a solution to my problem. I have a login screen on my window application so that when the user is logged in, he/ she can do what she wants in that view. In that view, i inserted a button to flip to another view (SecondViewController). I wanted the SecondViewController to have the TabBars. i successful...

TabBar of TabBarController loosing background color

Hi there, I have a question. I'm developing an application which loads a first UIViewController, used to show some logos while fetching some data on the net. When it has finished, it discard itself as subview and loads a UITabBarController. In a first time, this process started when the user tapped the screen, and I had no problems. Now...

UITabBarController Initial View?

Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to start my app with all my tabs in the "up" state and show a "landing" view to the user. Kind of like a welcome/quick start. When they select one of the tabs, it switches views as normal. Will you point me in the right direction? Kind of like this: ...

Switching to another View with UITabBar

Hello, I just started developing with the iPhone SDK and I have a problem with switching to another tab with the UITabBar. This is my current code, and it works so far: myAppAppDelegate *appDel = (myAppAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] [appDel.tabBar setSelectedViewController:[appDel.tabBar.viewControllers obj...

use two different uitab bar in application

Hi, I want to use two different uitabbar control in the application. first UITABbar control i add in the starting windows. and in this after the navigation i want to show the other tab bar with 5 tabs. can any one suggest how i do this ? Or we need to add a different window for add this and need to show this windows on the click or other...

Hide tab bar control in tabbar project

Hi, I am working on a tabbar project and in this i also have navigation controller. and i am doing below steps :- Show the main screen navigation from first tab to 5 next screens. and on the 6th screen i want to show the tabbarcontroller and want to show my other tab bar. i tried the below code :- self.navigationController.tabBarCon...

Get callback/execute some code when a tab on Tab Bar is clicked

Alternatively, I could use something like viewWillAppear, only switching tabs doesn't call viewWillAppear - IF I can access selectedItem or selectedIndex reliably from there. The goal is to re-use a similar table view, with 3 tabs filling the table with differently filtered data. I tried overriding didSelect and using the app delegate ...

MKMapView inside Tab Bar and Navigtion Controller hides Google branding

I just received the following message when submitting to the app store: In addition, the application displays images provided by Google Maps without the corresponding Google branding, we cannot post this version to the App Store I have a TabBar with a NavigationController inside. The Navigation Controller loads the map in ...