
Is it bad practice to create unique view controllers for different tabs that do essentially the same thing?

Ok so basically I have a UITabBarController as my root view controller. I have three tabs that will all have UINavigationController objects nested in them, controlling three table views each. Each mode will access the same database in the same way, but just sort by different variables. Very similar to the way the iPod app works - whethe...

Is there a way to simulate a scrollViewDidScrollToBottom in UIScrollView?

I would like to make an infinite scrolling on a UITableViewController, I'm using the scrollViewDidScroll: method to check the contentOffset, however I'm not able to drill down an offset that would be the bottom of the ScrollView. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. ...

rebuild table cells in UITableViewController

I have a UITableViewController that when loaded gets data from a web-service and stores it locally in an NSMutableArray, once that is loaded I need to loop through that data to build my table cells. I have all of the code for looping through my array working fine I just need to know how to fire my controller to rebuild the table so my...

UITableViewController not reloading data - ASIHTTPRequest

Hi all, I am having trouble getting my UITableViewController to reload/refresh the data. I have a method which uses ASIHTTPRequest to call a URL and bring back some string data. I am trying to put this data into a cell of the table, but [self.tableview reloadData] is not working. I was thinking that the ASIHTTPRequest completes its ...

iPhone - Change indentation row for a cell while editing.

Hi. I'm trying to change the indentation for a custom UITableViewCell's content (namely, a image, a button and a label) when a UITableView is being edited. I tried changing the cell's indentation width and level like this [cellToCustomize setIndentationLevel:1]; [cellToCustomize setIndentationWidth:20]; and it took me nowhere. I als...

UITableView Navigation Bar "Flickers" on Animation

Hi, I have a UIViewController, a "switcher" that will basically just rotate a view from one to another. It all works great, except that the view that I am transitioning to is a UIViewController which holds a UITableViewController. For some reason, when the animation "flips", the navigation bar is invisible, and once the animation compl...

heightForRowAtIndexPath for only one section?

Hi guys. This is the problem I'm facing right now: I've got a lot of UITableViews with two sections each (only one is displayed at any time, on demand). The first section has got 3 cells, which might need to be resized. Because of that, I'm using heightForRowAtIndexPath. The second section might have up to 3.000 cells, all using the d...

Remove Gray UITableView Scroll Bar

Hi, I am making an application with a UITableView that has a few sections (2), and when I run, the table view has this annoying gray scroll bar on the side, like the one in the "iPod" application, that has but 2 options in it. My question is, how do I hide the "scroll bar," because it is an unnecessary waste of space? Example: Code sn...

Need help with table view detail view. I can't seem to write values to the UILabel's text property?

I have a TableView setup as my "root view controller" and a detail view controller called "DetailController" to allow me to display the detail view for what the user selects in the main table view. The navigation is working correctly - when I select a row in my table the screen slides to the left and I'm presented with my detail view, bu...

View Controller in cocoa touch

Can a view be managed by 2 view controllers? An example is the Root View controller has a Table View Controller inside it, The view of both these controllers is the table view. With this configuration the app loads but crashes during run-time where you scroll the table view. Whats wrong here? ...

abstract detailviewcontroller text in its mainviewcontroller iphone?

In my application a maintableviewcontroller and its detailviewcontroller which have textfield & button(save) when i click on button i want to save textfield data into maintableviewcontroller'cell which shows the detailview for this achieving what i do explain in detail? ...

UITableViewController -> EditView - data flow

Hello guys, I have a UITableViewController and in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method I create an instance of a UIViewController and push it on to the stack. The UIViewController is meant to edit the content of the selected cell but how do I get the changes made in the ViewController transfered back to the TableViewController? Cheers ...

TableViewController - Retrieve data from Database

Hi Guys, I've a problem with my TableController. When I call cellForRowAtIndexPath() I'm able to retrieve info from Database class with: myGroupsAppDelegate *appDelegate = (myGroupsAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; myGroupsDB *mgdb = [ appDelegate.groups_db objectAtIndex:indexPath.row ]; cell.textLabel.t...

Pushing UITableViewController onto [self navigationController] causes an EXC_BAD_ACCESS

In the current view that I am in, a button touch-up-inside event leads to the following action: (Note that while in the Debugger, I've verified that both [self navigationController] and the instantiated historyViewController do indeed exist. I am unable to determine why this bad access is happening. I can pop/push this view/other view...

iPhone: App Crashes When Search Bar Used in TableView

I'm new to this and in my application I use UISearchBar. When I enter any word to search in it the application crashes. In my project I am using sqlite and values are fetched from the db in AppDelegate and saved in an NSMutableArray named docArray. RootViewController.m - (void)viewDidLoad{ listOfItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] ini...

iPhone Objective-C: Exact same method call, working the first time, but getting "unrecognized selector" the second.

I am working with a UITableViewController. The method that fails is: - (void) testLoc { self.dictionary = [self.delegate getLocationsWithLatitude:@"0.0" longitude:@"0.0"]; //HERE [self setUpTableArray:dictionary]; } Test results have shown that the exception is thrown in the first line of testLoc. - (NSDictionary *) getLoc...

UITableView works in 3.2 but no tableview methods are firing in 4.0 (simulator & device)

I just came across a situation where my implementation of a tableview is working in 3.2 but fails to fire any of the tableview methods in iOS 4. The view controller in question is defined as a UIViewController and is setup to adopt the UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols, and I'm hooking the tableview up as the view's...

iPhone UITableViewController showing/hiding rows during execution

Hi Guys, I'm trying to realize a UITableViewController with 7 sections. Each sections has a number of rows that could change by user events. For istance, in the first section I have a single row with a UISwitch: if the user activates the switch, 2 more rows appear in that section. The same for section 2. Ok for now.... In sections 3,4,5 ...

Proper way to Add a TableView to an iOS project's view Hierarchy?

We have a simple view based application we're building for the iPad. We're doing a custom UI so everything is being done programmatically. At the moment our view heirarchy looks something like this: UIViewController -> UITableViewController -> TableView We want to transition to the UITableViewController's TableView when an event fires....

iPhone - error loading view controller

I load view controllers all the time in the following format: -(void)loadSelectUser { MyViewController *nextController = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped]; MyAppDelegate *delegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; [delegate.navigationController pushViewController:nextController a...