
Some views not rotating when used with UITabBarController

I've got a UITabBarController whose view is rooted to a UIWindow. The first three view controllers are derived from base class A (which inherits UIViewController). The latter two view controllers are derived base class B (which inherits UITableViewController) for 5 view controllers total. The first three view controllers will not rota...

UITableView data reloading problem.

I am working with a UITableViewController subclass, that is supposed to go from a "Login Table" (a table containing a UITextField for the username and for the password and a Start Session cell), when the user touches the "Start Session" cell the UITableViewController should be reloaded and just show one cell with a "Log Out" label. The ...

(IPhone DataCore) Error on ReloadData of UiTableViewController results with UISearchBar

I have only one fetchresult defined in application for displaying data in UiTableViewController. -> No Prob I switch with tabcontrol to an other ViewController with one button. The button action modifies the fetchresults with NSPredicate. If i switch back, the list is updated. -> No Prob. But if i use UISearchBar to change the fetchre...

Problems setting background for grouped UITableView

I want to have a background image behind my UITableView. This works fine, but for each grouped UITableView it seems to be using my background image. I just want it to use the background image once: Note: This is all inside of a UITableViewController class self.view.backgroundColor = [[[UIColor alloc] initWithPatternImage:[UIImage image...

Iphone reload tableview after a purchase has finished gives odd error. " error: expected ':' before '.' token"

Guys I'm using the code below. Xcode refuses to compile the last line. I get: "error: expected ':' before '.' token" on the last line. Can't figure out what is wrong... - (void) failedTransaction: (SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction { if (transaction.error.code != SKErrorPaymentCancelled) { // Optional...

Apple's UIKit experience versus .net experience

I am new to iPhone programming. Coming from a .net background, I find Apple's UIKit really difficult to use. For example, creating a simple static table view requires me to implement a lot of datasource and delegate methods. In .net, you just add the items and set their properties in Visual Studio, that's it! As my application is getting...

Getting a series of methods completed before UITableView delegate methods are called

Hi. I have a bunch of connection related methods that I need to execute before the table is actually being populated (before any of the delegate methods for a UITableView are called). The connection methods will add objects in a NSMutableArray that will later be used to populate the table view. Is there a way to tell the iPhone to wait...

UITabbarController setting view

Hi, I have a UITabbarController set by the Interfacebuilder. The tabbarcontroller has 5 tabs, the first is a welcome page, and the second is a UITableViewController. Both have a NavigationController. The 2nd tab should show a category list. When I launch the app, all is fine. When I press the 2nd tab, it load the view perfectly with the...

iPhone: "Locking" a Cell to the Top of TableView

I am trying to have a cell at the top of the table always remain there and not scroll down when an object is added i.e. the cell should stay at indexpath.row==0. Is it possible to lock a cell to a certain position in a table? If so, how would this be implemented? EDIT If i made a different section for this cell that would work wouldnt ...

UITableViewController - disable selection

How can the ability to select cells in a Cocoa Touch TableView be completely disabled? I have managed to get my code to a state where selection seems not possible, but if you hold your finger on a cell for a moment or two it will turn blue (selected) until you move off it. How can it be completely disabled? ...

How to initalize a button using editButtonItem

I have a table view , within that tableview I'm setting up a section header, which I want to contain an edit button. I know there is a built in support for something like that if my viewcontroller is part of a navigation chain, but is there a way to do it without it, or the only option is to set a button manualy and trigger an action tha...

iPhone - UINavigationController question

Hi. I want to display some data on table, let's call it "TabeView" app. So I created a "navigation-based" application on XCode and it gives me 4 files in the "classes folder". RootViewController.h RootViewController.m TableViewAppDelegate.h TableViewAppDelegate.m Now, I wanted to set up the data in TableViewAppDelegate using the "d...

Why is UISwitch only visible if I rename the class?

Hello everyone, I had a class called OptionsTableViewController which inherited UITableViewController. I changed the superclass to UIViewController implementing the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols, because I needed the tableView to be in a specific position. Now some table cells have a UISwitch as accessoryView....

How to add my swipe code to UISearchDisplayController's SearchResultsTableView

Hello All, I have implemented the Tweetie like swipe action on a UITableViewController which has custom drawn cells using a UITableViewCell subclass. For this I have used the code provided here: http://thermoglobalnuclearwar.com/opensource/ My UITableViewController has a UISearchDisplayController implemented and the searches are work...

[iphone] video plays but no picture - just sound?!

Edit: if you come across this and want to know how I eventually solved it I gave up on that code below eventually and did this: -(void)playMovieAtURL:(NSURL*)theURL{ mediaPlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:theURL]; [self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated:mediaPlayer]; mediaPlayer.view.ba...

How to add my swipe code to UISearchDisplayController's SearchResultsTableView

Hello All, I have implemented the Tweetie like swipe action on a UITableViewController which has custom drawn cells using a UITableViewCell subclass. For this I have used the code provided here: http://thermoglobalnuclearwar.com/opensource/ My UITableViewController has a UISearchDisplayController implemented and the searches are work...

Why isn't UINavigationController popping UITableViewController when I touch the back button?

The navigationBar goes back, but the view stays the same. What gives? ...

When using up/down buttons in a Detail View, then go back to Table View, how to do I get the table view to emerge at the correct menu item?

In my iPhone app, I have a table view. In that menu, when you select a row, it pushes detail view (a UIViewController). The detail view has up/down buttons so that you can go backwards and forwards through the menu items without having to back out into the table view. If I advance to a different item using the up/down buttons in detai...

Swipe to delete vs. edit button tapped on iPhone

I set up my viewController to use the edit button in the way Apple recommends: self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem; When the user taps the edit button, it causes the setEditing:animated: method to trigger. In this method, I add or remove a "new row" depending on the editing value (i.e. a row the user can tap t...

Why is it that my UITableViewController setEditing:animated: method is not called?

I must be doing stupid, but I can't see what: my UITableViewController subclass is never called when the edit button of my navigation is pressed. What could be causing that? My view hierarchy is loaded from a Nib file and put inside a popover. The [+] button is connected to the insertNewObject action of my UITableViewController subclas...