
Changing the starting view on an existing project Xcode

Hi! I have an old project in Xcode and I want to change the RootViewController files (.m, .h, .xib - a TableViewController) with a normal ViewController! Is it possible or I must restart a new project and import the old files? Thx a lot! ...

How a new view in Tab bar app, that is not part of tab bar, but does not hid the tab bar.

Hi guys. I have a tab bar app, created from the template. One of the views is a tableview, and when the user touches the header I have a new tableview flip over to show some new data. When the new tableview displays, it hides the tab bar. I want the table bar to be visable and active. I cant seem to work out how to do this. Any pointer...

How to remain the old visible cell's position after inserting new cells at the top of the UITableView

Suppose I have a table view, and I want to implement something like this: The table view contains n cells by default. New cells will be added at the top(head) of the table view. The data source of the table view is a mutable array. The problem is when I use [tableview reloadData], the new data is always shown at the top of the tablev...

Present a default view instead of tableview if datasource is empty

Hi everyone, The iOS app I'm currently working on is tabbar-based, and one of the tab is a UITableViewController. The thing is, when I open this tab with an empty datasource (for whatever reason), I'd like to bring another view, with some kind of message/image, instead of the blank view I get with the tableviewcontroller. I tried some...

Is UITableViewCell cache cleared on memory warning?

I'm wondering if the cache of UITableview cells is cleared when a UITableViewController (or subclass) receives a memory warning. I have a subview in some cells and I'd like to know if it's safe to release them on a memory warning. ...

UITableView(Controller) - Hide empty rows

I am trying to create a UITableView that only displays the number of rows that have data content in them. This is a menu system, and suppose there are 5 choices in the particular menu, I only want to show 5 rows on the screen, with a background image in place of where the empty rows would be (A similar example I guess would be the World ...

Repetitive code in UITableView

Hello, I find myself writing a lot of repetitive code in UITableView, especially for config panels spending much more time on it that it seems worth. I was wondering if something like MonoTouch Dialog (http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2010/Feb-23.html) existed in Obj-C. Thanks! ...

Newbie: how do I refresh TabView cells / trigger viewWillAppear in TabView?

Hi everybody, I am fairly new to iPhone/ObjC programming, though I have several years of experience in coding, particularly DB development. The project I chose as my debut is a little app meant to support playing a board game, where one is required to make notes of the playing pieces status. In short, I want to replace pen and paper wi...

Is there an iPhone/iPad library for editing fields on a table view controller?

I generally do the following, but I'm hoping for a library that handles this sort of editing. I couldn't find much using Google. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { // [..snip..] if (indexPath.row == 0) { textViewOne = [cell addSubview:[UIText...

UITableView won't scroll to certain position

[self.tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0,48) animated:NO]; I have a UITableView that has a a UIView in the header. My UITableView won't scroll to (0,48) unless animated: YES. I don't want it to animate. Anyone know whats up? ...

Is UITableViewController compatible with NSCoding?

When I try to get a h file that inherits from UITableViewController to conform to NSCoding, I can't switch views. - (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder*) coder { [self init]; return self; } Inserting the above code into the m file is what causes the problem. Why is that? ...

How to add a navigation bar to a UITableView

I added a subview to my application. The view controller is a UITableViewController. When I open the .xib file I see the table, but I can't drag a navigation bar onto it. So once the user enters the view, they have no way of getting back to the previous screen. What can be done? ...

How to add a navigationController to a view-based application

Is it possible to add a navigationController to a view application that inherits from UIViewController and not UITableViewController? How is it done? ...

TableViewCell, dynamically show Media Player controls iPhone

Hi, I am currently developing a app which records some audio files. The audio files are stored locally and the path is stored in core data. I am populating a TableView with the list of Audio's recorded. When I click a tableviewcell, I am able to play the recorded voice. I want to show some controls on the table view (like play an...

ipad UITableViewController full screen

I am converting my app to run on the ipad. I have a view which is a UITableViewController. How can I cause the table to fill the screen with excess space filled with a background color when the table isn't tall enough. ...

Sections in UITableView with UITableViewStyleGrouped "taking" background with them on scroll

I have this code to set the background image of the UITableViewController: self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"bg5.jpg"]]; Thats in viewDidLoad. On scrolling the table the part of that background image around each section goes with it, annoyingly. If I add a title and header to these ...

NavigationBar don't have to scroll with UITable

I'm developing an iPhone app. I'm using a UITable subclassing UITableViewController. I added a NavigationBar to the view: UINavigationBar *navBar = [[UINavigationBar alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 320.0f, 48.0f)];[self.tableView addSubview:navBar];, now the problem is that the navigation bar scroll down with the table and ...

iOS - how to handle orientation changes in custom table cells

I have subclassed UITableViewCell to make a custom cell for a tableView. I add text and images to the cell's contentView. Everything looks great in landscape mode (iPad), but no so much when I rotate to portrait. Where is the best place to handle orientation changes so that all the table cells can reposition the contents in its contentV...

Reloading tableView when subclassed causing crash

Hey guys! I have some problems reloading my tableView. I have subclasses my tableView, with a class called RadioTable. I have also subclasses my TableViewCells, but thats not important here. I need to point out that i'm pretty new, and built my subclass from some tutorials and stuff. First of all, here is the error message i'm getting ...

how to diplay message that no result found in uitableview. Iphone.

Hi. I am sending argument in xml feed from search bar to php page. now what i want to do is to display no result found in table view if no match found against that argument.... Can any body tell how to do. that.... ...