
UITableView tableFooterView weird resizing

Hey, I want to display a UIButton in a UITableView's Footer (should be exactly the same for the header). This code is in the viewDidLoad of my TableViewController: UIButton *footerShareButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; [footerShareButton setFrame:CGRectMake(10, 0, 70, 50)]; NSLog(@"%f", footerShareButton.fram...

UINavigationController+UITableView: Design pattern: perform three actions

Hi, I have a UINavigationController and a UITableView. I want the user to be able to: Add a new row. Move back to the previous UIViewController. These two actions are supported by the following design pattern: [[Back] Title [+]] However if I also want the user to be able to edit the list, how then do I do this? There is no p...

Navigation Controller pushing my view twice?

I have a UITableViewController that is pushing some views when clicking on a cell: switch(indexPath.row) { case kFollowerSectionUpdatesCountRow: stockTwitsView.reloadUpdates = TRUE; stockTwitsView.showHomeButton = TRUE; //** reversed, true means hide the button ...

Changing the color of UITableView section headers

OK, I know that this has been asked previously, so please forgive me for asking again. It just seems like there has got to be an easier way to do this. Is there a 'simple' way to change the UITableView section header background color? I know that I can use the delegate method 'viewForHeaderInSection' to hand the UITableView a custom U...

Table view similar to iPad app store??

Hello, all. I've been scouring the internet, and I haven't found a conclusive answer to this. If you look at the iPad App store (a number of other apps), the Categories tab has (what looks like) a 2-column table view. One solution I've read using a web view (which I haven't yet explored in depth). I've tried using subviews within a t...

How to send next responder from custom button on tableviewcell to UITableViewController?

UPDATE: i have MENUViewController and i insert this view to TableViewCell, when i press button on MENUViewController how to pass nextResponder to TableViewCell ? from LOG at my button in MENUViewController class->NSLog(@"nextResponder = %@", self.nextResponder); it show like this? 2010-07-22 02:14:12.627 NewsReaderV2[3576:207] button...

Iphone - Deafult implementation of numberOfSectionsInTableView

I'm creating a new subclass of UITableViewController, and with it the below default implementation. It doesn't compile , cause clearly there is no variable called "number of sections", what's going on here ? The error is : "expected expression before '<' token" #pragma mark - #pragma mark Table view data source - (NSInteger)numberOfSec...

iPad: problems with table rows in popovercontrol

Hi eveybody. I have an iPad application which implements the UISplitViewController. As usual I'm using the popover button to show the root view when the device is in portrait mode. It's seems to be ok at time of launch, but if I turn the device to landscape, then back to portrait, the table in the popover, will have an additional blank r...

iphone best way derive UITableViewController

Hi all! I wish create my personal UITableViewController and use it into my UIViewController using interface builder... what's the best and fast way to do this? thanks in advance ...

Scrolling a section in UITableView

I have an instance of UITableView with two sections, the first with one row and the second with up to eight rows. The second section frequently goes off the screen and the user can scroll the whole table view down to see these at will. However I would like the first section to always remain in view because its information is useful. I'd...

UITableView and touching section headers

Can a section header in an instance of UITableView already be made to intercept a touch? ...

iPhone: Grouped TableView background image problem

Hey everyone, this seems like it should be a simple one; I really hope it is. As always, thanks in advance! All I'm trying to do is add a background image to a grouped style tableview. I'm using the following method in viewDidLoad: self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"background.png"]]...

How to create this UITableView

Hi, everyone, I want to ask a question about the iPhone application. I am writing a program with the UINavigationController, and I can click the UITableView cell and go to the detail page. However, I don't know how to create the following table view. (I use the didSelectRowAtIndexPath to go to another page) How can I create this kind of...

iOS4: UIImagePickerController behaving weirdly when presented modally

I'm trying to present a UIImagePickerController from a UITableViewController subclass using the following code: UIImagePickerController *picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; if(library) picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary; else picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera;...

Change the number of rows in a section depending on a variable.

In my 'Sectioned' UITableView I have two sections, the first one for Attributes like name and the second one is editable where you can add objects. Here's a picture of it: There's an attribute that the user can change (in this case Type) which would to change the number of rows in second section. To be more specific, if one property i...

UITableView reloadData - cellForRowAtIndexPath not fired

Hello, I have splitViewController which has as MasterViewController some viewController and as DetailViewController some tableViewController. When I push a button on masterViewController I want to show new tableViewController in detailViewController instead of existing one. So I did like this: SearchDetailViewController *searchDetailV...

UITableViewController detailView never pushed

I have a UITableViewController as one of the view controllers on the second tab of my tab bar controller. In didSelectRowAtIndexPath i create a detail view controller, but it never gets pushed onto the navigation stack... and the app doesnt crash either, as i can NSLog after the call to pushViewController. This is the method: - (void)...

Reloading only one UITableViewCell on a UITableview

Ok Guys, here's the situation I have. I'm using a UITableViewController with Core Data. The table has about 200 cells, that basically function as a checklist. When you tap a cell, that cell has a checkbox that gets toggled set to the UITableViewCell.imageView ( the UIImageView assigned to the left of the label). Anytime I use either ...

iPhone SDK: custom buttons in TableView

I'm using custom buttons in Table view and it works good for me: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { UIImage *detailsButtonImage; UIButton *detailsButton; NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCell...

How can I change a ViewController list (by changing predicate) without popping and pushing?

I have a ViewController whose view results from data from a fetch request with Predicate 1. I'd like to repeat the fetch request with a more restrictive Predicate 2 that will give a SUBSET of the data using Predicate 1. Then I'd like to update (and possibly animate) that view on the iPhone screen by pressing a toggle button, so that ...