
UIToolbar disappears after dismissing Modal View Controller

I'm aware some of you may not be familiar with Monotouch, but this could certainly be a general iOS issue rather than a specific Monotouch issue. I'm recreating an app with similar functionality to the default mail app: This is a simple recreation of our app. It's a UIView which contains a UITableView and a UIToolbar. It's loaded from...

changing an item of UIToolBar programmatically

Hi, I wonder why this is not working? UIButton *infoButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeInfoDark]; [self.view addSubview:infoButton]; [infoButton addTarget:self action:@selector(showInfoViewController) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; //NSLog(@"%@", [infoButton description]); //button s...

UINavigationController Toolbar and device orientation (rotation)

So I have this iPhone app with a nested setup like this: [RootViewController]->[UITabBarController]->[UINavigationController]->[subViewControllers]. Everything is built programmatically, not in Interface Builder. I'm simply trying to support all device orientations. All of my AutoResizing masks are set up and everything rotates and expa...

Edit Button on Navigation Controller does not enter edit mode

I have a UIToolbar with an edit bar button on it. This is defined as self.toolbarItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:self.editButtonItem,nil]; The edit bar item shows up, and but when i tap it, nothing happens, it does not change to Done and none of the editing controls show up. I have implemented the following methods as i would like...

iPhone - SubClassing UIToolbar the right way ???

I created a new Class named CustomToolbar Then i created an empty nib, added a toolbar to it, and set the toolbar class to "CustomToolbar". What is the proper way of initializing CustomToolbar In code so that my class uses the nib file? I already have written the code to do that but i know it's not the correct way and it has a leak. ...

UIToolbar is cutted on the bottom

Hy, my UIToolbar which I added via the InterfaceBuilder gets been cut if i push to the view, but in the subview's I added via the IB a Toolbar on the bottom side but it cut's it still halfway. Under the icon there is normally a text.. ...

UIScrollView + UIToolbar problem

Hi guys, I got a small problem with my UIScrollView. I've added the scrollview to my UIView with Interface Builder. I've also added a UIToolbar as a subView (programmatically if it matters) to the view. Now, my problem is that the scrollview scrolls under the UIToolbar. It doesn't "stop" at the top of the toolbar as it should to. It w...

iphone - How can I use an UIBarButtonItem style without the UIToolBar

Hello Can I show a black style UIBarButtonItem in my view without the underneath UIToolBar? The UIToolBar always has a kind of border thing, I want the system UIBarButtonItem in black just like a black standard cancel button, but not the UIToolBar How can I do it? Thanks ...

UITabbarController + UINavigationController, detail view with UIToolbar instead of tab bar

Hi, In my Main Window IB file I have a TabBarController and the first controller is a Navigation Controller. When I push my detail view (after pressing a cell in a table view) I want to push my detail view and display a tool bar instead of the tab bar. The problem is that when I try tabBar.hidden = visible; in my detail view contro...