
Left-most and right-most buttons on UIToolbar are hard to click

Hi everybody, I spent a couple of days trying to resolve this problem, therefore I decided to share the solution with you so you can dedicate more time to your families: Suppose you have a UIToolbar which needs to accommodate a large number of buttons (say 5). When user tries to click on left-most or right-most button she often hits t...

UIBarButtonItem : selected / unselected an item

I have a favorite image to display on a UIBarButtonItem, on an toolbar. How do you do to change it when this item is unselected/selected like this screenshost http://i50.tinypic.com/10gzehi.jpg ? Thanks! ...

fix position for uitoolbar (iphone sdk)

Hi all, I'm wondering if there's a possibility to set a fix position for a toolbar, for example: In my UIViewController I got an UITableView and an UIToolbar. If the table view have 50 rows, how can I set the toolbar is always at the bottom of the view, so that I don't have to scroll down first to get to the toolbar. The toolbar should...

Trash can icon animation?

Hi, I'm new here and I just had a question about animating the trash can icon in an iPhone application like in the photo and mail app. I tried using the method here to animate the trash icon in a UINavigationController's toolbar, but it didn't seem to do anything. Can anyone post a code sample of how to use this method correctly? Thanks...

UIToolBar Item disapperars

Hey, I made a NavigationBased App ... and I want to add an Item to the toolbar of a Subview. When I click on the Cell of my TableView, the next View is pushed in and my "About" Button shows up for about 1/10 second, then it disapperars. I tried: UIBarButtonItem *infoItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"About" style:UIBarButt...

UIToolbar on each page of UINavigationController

I have an application which runs on a UINavigationController. Now I would like to add a UIToolbar element to the bottom of each screen. The Toolbar on the bottom should the be customizable for the ViewController that is currently being displayed. My first idea was to simply add the toolbar to the navigationController view and tag it, in ...

Hiding a UINavigationController's UIToolbar during viewWillDisappear:

I've got an iPhone application with a UITableView menu. When a row in the table is selected, the appropriate view controller is pushed onto the application's UINavigationController stack. My issue is that the MenuViewController does not need a toolbar, but the UIViewControllers which are pushed onto the stack do. Each UIViewController t...

Trying to add mini UIToolbar under UINavigation bar in a Tabbar application

I Have an UITabbar app with an imbedded Navigation Controller which is loading table views. I would like to add a mini toolbar beneath the navigation bar, with a segmented control to sort table data by group or by name. I have tried this with interface builder, trying to add the toolbar to both the table view controller and the navigat...

How to have multiple rows of items on a UIToolbar?

I'm trying for what is done in Apple's "Maps" app when "Directions" is selected: Does anyone know how to have multiple rows of UIBarButtonItems? I haven't found the answer anywhere. I can add items in a single row to the UIToolbar as follows: NSArray *newItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: settingsButton, textFieldStartItem, goBut...

UIBarButtonItems not showing up on UIToolbar

I have a UINavigationController with toolbarHidden set to NO. I have added UIBarButtonItems to navigationController.toolbar. The toolbar is displayed, but the buttons are not... What gives? ...

how to balance position of UIBarButtonItem in toolbar

is it possible to balance the position of button(example toolbar in Safari)? UIBarButtonItem *infoButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemCompose target:self action:@selector(support:)]; UIBarButtonItem...

- Button's positioning on UIToolBar in IB -

Hey guys, As a fervent adept of IB, I created a UIToolBar (in IB of course) and added to it a few buttons. So far so good ... but then I tried to move each of them to the right position but IB doesn't let me do it ... Each time I try to scroll them IB moves them back to the former position ! Is there a way to choose their position in...

UIKeyBoard resize on orientation change to landscape

This is very rookie question. I have a UIToolBar at the bottom which is supposed to animatedly move up and down with key board when the UIKeyBoard is displayed. I got that working with the help of UIKeyBoard Notifications. The view we are talking about has split view enabled. When device orientation is landscape, both the views as column...

Problem adding UIBarButtonItems to a ToolBar

I have a UINavigationController with a UITableViewController in it. I want to show a ToolBar on the bottom with UIBarButtonItem's. The ToolBar is showing up, but the buttons won't appear. Anyone knows why? - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [[self navigationItem] setTitle:@"Selections List"]; [[self navigatio...

How can I create a custom UIToolbar like component in a UITableViewController?

I have a UITableViewController. I want a "toolbar-ish" component at the bottom. I started by using a background image and a button. In interface builder, I added them to the bottom of the iPhone screen. The problem I ran into was that the background image and button scrolled with the table. I obviously need this fixed at the botto...

Can I center a UIToolbar item?

I am putting a label on a UIToolbar (per this tip: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/333441/adding-a-uilabel-to-a-uitoolbar). But the toolbar has a button on the left side, and so flexible spaces throw the label off the center, which is where I'd like it to be. Can I somehow center this toolbar item so that it remains centered in the t...

Can I apply a texture to UIToolbar?

I tried doing this: [toolbar setTint:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"thingFromMyBundle.png"]]]; but it just ended up black. At first I assumed you weren't allowed to "tint" with a texture, but I've seen apps recently that can do this. Am I missing something? Thanks. ...

How do I force one method to be executed before another method?

I've got 2 methods. One method starts playing an audio file (.mp3), the other method updates a UIToolBar to show a button (PLAY or PAUSE). These two methods are called in the following order: //Adds some UIBarButtonItems to a UIToolBar [self togglePlayer]; //Uses AVAudioPlayer [audioPlayer play]; TogglePlayer does this: -(void)toggle...

What is the best way to move a UIToolbar?

Here is an interesting problem. On the iPhone, I have a view set up that has a toolbar on the bottom of the screen. I am currently trying to make this a universal app so that it runs on iPad as well. I would like the toolbar to be at the top of the iPad screen, so in the viewDidLoad method of the specific viewController I have the follow...

How can I add UISwitch(toggle switch) to UIToolBar without using InterfaceBuilder

How can I add UISwitch(toggle switch) to UIToolBar without using InterfaceBuilder ? It is not a system item, so I could not use UIBarButtonItem *systemItem1 = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemRefresh target:self ...