
UIToolbar UIBarButtonItem with both image and title has very dim text

My iPhone view adds some custom buttons to its toolbar. Each button has both an image and textual title, and is created like this: UIBarButtonItem *fooButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"foo.png"] style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(fooButtonPressed:)]; fooButton.title=@"Foo"; ...

How to build a 'panel' in iPhone dev (with picture)?

Hi there, I need a toolbar like "panel" that could contain text fields and buttons, just like a toolbar you can define its width and height and its position. And you can put the elements you want into the "toolbar". Like the following: Any clues? ...

iPhone dev: How to build this UI? (two textfileds in a 'panel')

Hi, there, I want to build a UI like the followling: I need two textfields appear in a "panel" and I have control of that "panel" to have it display or not display. How can I make that? Thanks ...

iPhone Navigation-Based application - some global toolbar questions

Hi, I started iPhone development two months ago, so I can't call myself "expert" ;-) But I learned a lot in these two months, a lot here from stackoverflow :) I'm working on an iPhone app which is based on the "Navigation-Based application" app template. My RootViewController is, of course, an UITableView. From that TableView, I can na...

Customized Camera Toolbar on iPhone

Hi, I've created a camera application for iPhone and now I sit and polish the last of it. My application is a collage application where the user can take multiple pictures in a row. As it is today I have a customized camera view that contains one UIButton for taking the pictures and one UIButton for getting back to the main view. The ...

UIToolBar and iPhone Interface Orientation Problem

I am developing an application in iPhone. One view support orientation in portrait and landscape. I have two separate views for both orientation. This view has a UIToolbar at the top. Problem is when I change view back from landscape to portrait, UIToolbar at the top disappears. I want toolbar to come back in its original position when ...

White Line across UIToolbar when table view present

I have a programmatically created UIToolbar in a couple of views. In my view that has a table present, there is a white line across the middle of the toolbar, that appears to be where the border of the table cell would be. Is there a way to get rid of this line? Here's a screen shot: Here's the code I'm using to create the toolbar ...

Is it passible to Hide UIToolbar with animation?

i know this code only available in navigationController only [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:YES]; ...

What works to pass touches through to (and display all) subviews?

I have the following subview chain: UIViewController.view -+ |-> UIView (subclass) -+ | +-> UIToolbar | +------------------------> UIWebView In the subclass, I override its -touchesEnded:forEvent: method in order to hide a...

Can I give a UIToolBar a custom background in my iPhone app?

Is it possible to give a UIToolBar a custom background from an image rather than the usual tinted blue/black fade out? I've tried giving the view a background and setting the opacity of the UIToolBar but that also affects the opacity of any UIBarButtons on it. ...

App Store Buttons

How does the App Store create the "Top Paid" "Top Free" and "Release Date" buttons? They look like UIBarButtonItems in a UIToolbar but with a catch. The buttons merge together into one longer button. If it is a UIToolbar, I'm not sure how they connect the buttons so that they appear together like a tab bar ... ...

UISegmentedControl, UIToolbar and UINavigationItem

I've create a UISegmentedControl and successfully attached it to my navigationItem.tableView. But when I try instead to attach it to a UIToolbar, it blows up. I'm sure I've seen UISegementedControls on toolbars before - but can't seem to get it working. Thoughts? // works NSArray *statusItems = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"one",...

UISegmentedControl Color in a UIToolbar

My question revolves around the distinction of a UISegmentedController on a UINavigationBar vs a UIToolbar. If I drop a UISegmentedControl into a navigation bar as follows: navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent; all is well. The UISegmentedControl identifies the selected option with a slightly darker black. But, if I dro...

How to attach outlet to UISegmentedControl in UIToolbar

I have a view in an application. The view contains a UITableView and a UIToolbar, and within the UIToolbar I have UISegmentedControl that is contained within a UIBarButtonItem object. I can get the segmented control to link to an IBAction event, and it then acts upon a value change, but I cannot see how to add an IBOutlet to this item. ...

XCode iPhone: hiding UIToolbar in parent UIViewController from child UIScrollView

I have a project similar to Apple's PageControl example. I have a UIViewController "PhotoViewController" which contains a UIScrollView and a UIToolbar. The UIScrollView loads another XIB and UIViewController "PhotoScrollViewController". In PhotoScrollViewController, I have a UIButton which displays an image. I have an IBAction on thi...

toolbarItems not being pushed with view

I have a NavigationController based iPhone app that has a navigationBar and a toolbar. Here is basically how it works: The applicationDelegate pushes a "SplashScreen" onto the RootViewController as a modal view. While the splash screen is up, the application does some work and based on the user's location will either just dismiss the mo...

Is there a way to change the height of a UIToolbar?

I've got a UIToolbar in Interface Builder and I've noticed that it's locked to being 44px tall. Ideally I'd like to make this larger. Do Apple allow resizing of this control? and if so, how do I go about it? ...

UIToolbar in UIScrollView fixed with UIViewController as scrolling as subview problem

Hi , i'm having a BIG problem that i don't know how to solve... my UIToolbar that is supposed to be fixed @ the bottom of the screen , appears scaled thorugh all the screen. In my case i have: an UIViewController with an image scroling with an UIScrollView. so i need the toolbar on the bottom of the screen but instead , it replaces...

How do you add a UIToolbar on top of screen?

Is it possible to have a UIToolbar on the top of the screen? The example application would be like "Calendar" where it has the "+" on the right, and then the "Calendars" button on the left. ...

Recreating the Calendar "Day" View on iPhone?

I'm looking to show a Calendar in my application, just like the iPhone Calendar application "Day" View. The iPhone application has what looks like a Navigation Bar on the top (but doesn't perform Navigation). It has a + button to add a calendar event and possibly a left button to bring up the available calendars (if you have multiple ca...