
iPad. UIBarButtonItem has an undocumented view of type UIToolbarTextButton. Huh?

I have an iPad app where I have a view controller that is the UIGestureRecognizerDelegate for a number of UIGestureRecognizers. I have implemented the following method of UIGestureRecognizerDelegate: - (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch { // Double tapping anywhere on ...

When the current toolbar is touched previous toolbar items are activated.

I have a UIToolBar *toolbar1. I have 3 buttons on the toolbar. And the tool bar is at the bottom of the view. The buttons are like library button, moreApps button, recordVideo button. If I touch the library button a new view(a UITableViewController) appears. I used presentModelViewController for it. If I touch moreApps button a new view...

UIToolbar UIBarButtonItem Alignment question

I need to create a UIToolbar that has two UIBarButtonItems. The 1st button must be centered and the 2nd item must be right aligned. I understand and use Flexible spacing and it works great when I need to balance buttons across the UIToolbar, but with only two buttons, I can't seem to perfectly center the middle button. I've even initial...

Custom UIToolBar from Images

I need to create a UIToolbar object that uses an image for the background. Most of the buttons are images as well, and rectangular. One button, however, is round and overlaps the toolbar like the Start button on the Windows task bar. See below. I know that I will need to subclass the UIToolbar to paint the image for the toolbar -- I thi...

How do you adjust the frame or vertical alignment of a UIBarButtonItem contained by a UIToolbar instance?

Horizontal positioning of UIBarButtonItems is no problem, I can simply pad the space with fixed/flexible space items. However, I can't seem to adjust the toolbar item vertically. UIToolbar has no alignment property, and UIBarButtonItem has no way of setting its frame. I need to do this because we're using a mix of custom icons created ...

How to have a scrollview take the space between the uinavigationbar and the uitoolbar

Hello, I have a scrollview that I had to the view of the view controller pushed to a UINavigationController. My navigation bar is opaque. However, the scrollview seems to keep size of the whole parent view. I would like the scrollview to have the size of the space between the toolbar and the navigationbar. Is this possible or do I hav...

Cannot get UISearchBar Scope Bar to appear in Toolbar (or anywhere) on iPad

This is really causing me fits. I see a lot of info on putting a UISearchBar in the top row of a UITableView -- but I am putting the UISearchBar into the Toolbar at the top of my screen (on the iPad). I cannot find ANYTHING regarding how to handle UISearchBar and UISearchDisplayController using a UIPopoverController on the iPad. Any mor...

UIBarButtonItem Image is not shown and instead a white rectangle in the size of image is shown, Why?

With whatever image I try to intialize the UIBarButtonItem, its just showing a white background in the size of the image. Even when I tired in interface builder, the result is the same. All these images when used with other objects works perfectly. How can I solve this?? ...

iPhone toolbar shared by multiple views

Another iPhone noob question. The app I'm building needs to show a shared custom UIToolbar for multiple views (and their subviews) within a UITabBarController framework. The contents of the custom toolbar are the same across all the views. I'd like to be able to design the custom toolbar as a xib and handle UI events from its own cont...

Toolbar hiding on rotated UISplitView DetailView

I've based my app on Apple's SplitView project type. I have a TableView as the Master, and am using different types of views as the Detail view. To select types of detail view, I'm using the fancy concept of buttons on my DetailView toolbar. When the DetailView is derived from UIViewController, everything is good. When the DetailView...

Changing UIBarButtonItem colors

Hi! This is a pretty simple question and I really can't find the answer! So okay, by default if I set the tintColor of a UIToolbar, the UIBarButtonItem's colors will be the same. I only want to change the colors of my UIBarButtonItems and also change their text's colors. Is there anybody out there having an idea on how to do so? I r...

Weird background offset of UIToolbar when in formSheet.

As you can see in the pic, the buttons from the toolbar on the right align perfectly with the segmented control on the left. They are displayed on the navigation bar. For some reason though, the background of the toolbar seems to be offset 1px to the bottom. What is especially weird, is this exact same view controller, in fullScreen o...

Hide UIToolbar UIBarButtonItems

Hello, I have a UIToolbar that I set up using IB with three buttons, left, middle and right. In some situations I would like to not display the middle button. Does anybody know of a way to hide a specific button on inside a UIToolBar? There is no hide property, all I can find is setEnable but this still leaves the button causing users...

How to put a toolbar ontop of a UITableView?

I have a RootViewController that is loading a UITableViewController from an external NIB. I am not sure how I can add a toolbar to the RootViewController so that it appears on top of the UITableViewController? When I drag a UIToolbar onto my screen, it replaces the UITableView ...

How can I temporarily put a toolbar on top of the tab bar (without pushing a new view)?

I have a UITableViewController inside a navigationController inside a tabBarController; so far, so good. However, when the user clicks on a button on the navigation bar (at the top), I want to display a toolbar at the bottom of the screen with various actions that can be performed on the table. When I define an NSArray *toolbarItems and ...

UITabBarController "More" tab issues

I've got a UITabBarController with 7 tabs. Each of the 7 tabs has its own UINavigationController and customizes its toolbar. When a view is loaded via the UITabBarController's "More" menu its custom toolbar isn't appearing. If i switch the order of the views around so that the same view is now accessible from the UITabBar without goin...

add searchbar in UItoolbar

hi i want to know is this possible to add a searchbar in UItoolbar ...

Customize UIBarbuttonitem with Background Images

Hi guys, I have added an instance of UIToolbar and buttons on top of it . Each button's belongs to the class of UIBarButtonItem. My Requirement is that each button has a customized layout , i dont want to use the native button styles provided by Apple. So i had 3 options in Interface Builder ( Plain , Bordered , Done ). I have selecte...

add Toolbar above UITableView for use in UISplitViewController detail view

I want to use a table view as the detail pane in my UISplitViewController. How do I put the toolbar at the top? I want to be able to add bar button items in the same way as my non-table detail views. Thanks. ...

How to make a Navigation bar transparent and fade out like in the photo app in the iPhone

Hi... i am new to iPhone Programming ...can anybody help me out please.. i want to develop an app like photo app in iPhone.. How to make the naveigation bar and toolbar transparent and fadeout like in photo app in iPhone Thank u .. ...