
Problematic delete with SQL index

I have some table: table ASK with idask table PREFERENCES with idpref, fk_idask, fk_idstructure table STRUCTURE with idstructure With all the constraint between the id and the fk_id and a unique index on the table PREFERENCES (fk_idask, fk_idstructure). The problem is when I have two row in PREFERENCES. `IDPREF` `FK_IDASK` `FK...

Update DataGrid WinForm control in .Net 2003

I've been using VS 2005 and VS 2008, and never asked this question, but now I'm having a hard time using controls in VS 2003. A dataGridView does not exist, and I'm forced to use DataGrid control to show some data. The problem is, that I want to edit some of the values displayed by this control, and to reflect those changes in database, ...

Hibernate - child collection Identifier changed in update

Hi guys, when I trying to update the object RFQ , Hibernate tends to update its child collection BQMaster and trying to set and update the identifier of BQMaster which normally it should not be allowed. The postgre log file: *2009-05-22 11:16:53 ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "bq_masters_pkey"* *2009-05-22 11:16:53 STAT...

Updating Column C with the values of Column A and Column B

I need to achieve this update [table] set [column c] = ( select [column a] + ' ' + [column b] from [table] ) but I get this error message Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. How can I achieve the desired effect withou...

Update using linq

how can i update a record against specific id in (Linq to sql) ...

Flex How to delay setStyle until next update ?

Hello, I have a component composed of two parts, let's say two Hbox A and B in a Vbox. On a specific call I want to: - Hide B with B.visible = false - setStyle("borderSkin", FooBorderOn); The problem is that the border get drawn before the resizing of the parent Vbox happen, so i end up with a border Around the Vbox with B invisible...

Why is this UPDATE statement updating every record?

I have an UPDATE statement that's intended to update a status field for a limited number of records. Here's the statement: UPDATE warehouse_box SET warehouse_box_status_id = wbsv.warehouse_box_status_id FROM warehouse_box_status_vw wbsv INNER JOIN pallet_warehouse_box pwb ON wbsv.warehouse_box_id = pwb.warehouse_box_id INNER JOIN rou...

Windows Update API c# code can't get update history

I'm writing a code to automatically patch Windows Operation Systems with security hotfixes in a corporate intranet. (I'm using Visual Studio .NET, thus .NET framework 1.1, and developing in c#.) As a first step, I'd like to list the hotfixes already applied to the system using the WUApi. I've added the reference to the "tlbimped" wuapi.d...

FormView doesn't return to ReadOnly mode and it doesn't update my record...

hi How can I update a FormView which has been bound to a Dataview? ...

jQuery - If a database is updated, update the page...

Righteo, Just started messing with Jquery, and I can update a database etc with it, but I want to know if there is a way to display new info posted into a database (even if it is not what was just posted) without a reload etc. Don't write it out for me, just point me in the right direction... I want to pull it together myself.. best way...

Checking single instance of NSIS installer

Hi All, I have an Updater program written in NSIS. I just wanna make sure that when it's invoked twice or more, it won't create another instance of the updater, else there would be two or more updaters running. How do you restrict the updater from creating another instance if your updater is already running? So that only one updater ...

SQL Query help -- update many records from 1 record in same table

We've got a table of places. The same place may occur multiple times in our table (bad design, not our choice). We had someone go through and find addresses for each of these places. They only updated one of the many instances of each place. Here is a query that does NOT work, but I think shows what I am trying to do. update places ...

MYSQL - generating subset sequence in a table

Hi, I have the following table Id Value 1 3 1 12 1 67 2 7 2 99 5 30 5 33 5 4 5 87 5 12 5 1 I'd like to update it to have this table. Id UniqueIdBySubSet Value 1 1 3 1 2 12 1 3 67 2 1 7 2 ...

Nothing happens on SaveOrUpdate using FluentNHibernate

Nothing happens when updating an entity using the SaveOrUpdate method with FluentNHibernate. Flush does work but I want to use SaveOrUpdate due to existing repository infrastructure. What could be the problem? Configuration: sessionFactory = Fluently.Configure() .Database(MsSqlConfiguration .MsSql2005 .Connectio...

Location of Mac Firefox updates log files

Where does Firefox for the Mac (Version 3+) store logs about it's security updates? ...

How do I get Adobe AIR to update an application using JavaScript and the update framework?

This is the basics of what I have: var onError = function() { alert( "error" ); } var appUpdater = new runtime.air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI(); appUpdater.configurationFile = new air.File( "app:/updateConfig.xml" ); appUpdater.addEventListener( air.ErrorEvent.ERROR, onError ); appUpdater.initialize(); I loaded in all the appropriate...

How do I trim these fields of quotation marks in SQL Server?

I have a table with 6 million + records, but the first field has a " at beginning and the last field has " at the end i guess when doing a bulk insert they forgot to remove it. I want to run an update query which will remove the " from those 2 fields Sample data - Field 1 "18157142 "18157152 "18157159 "18157177 "18157189 "181571...

ODBC Command does not throw error

I'm working on a VB6 executable that uses ODBC to update a DB2 Table. When trying to update a row that does not exist the program does not throw an error as would be expected. Why would this happen? objAdoConn.Execute("Update T1234 Set A = 'X' Where B = 'y'"); ...

nHibernate SchemaUpdate Failing

I'm trying to use the schema update feature in nHibernate against an Oracle 11g database and it's throwing the following exception: "More restrictions were provided than the requested schema ('Tables') supports." It appears to be an ado.net exception, but I can't find much information for it. Any insight towards this exception would be...

Updating a single field with Linq to SQL - Can I just disable all concurrency logic?

Yes, this subject is covered on hundreds of posts all over the net, and yet I still haven't found the one that doesn't involve loading an entire entity (sometimes serialized) just to change a single field. Some had suggested that changing "Update Check" on all properties of the entities would resolve this, but so far I'm still getting Ch...