
Query to get sum of an employees commission

Query to get total commissions for an employee, and update their totalCommission column in the employee table. This query is run every few days (batch). The rules: 1. an employee can only get a maximum of $100/day of commision, if they get more than $100 it just gets set to $100. Tables: Employee (employeeID INT PK, totalCommissi...

PostgreSQL Update not returning zero count

Hi folks, I tried to update a particular record with same value again and again, but it returns the affected rows value as 1 always. update users set active = 1 where id = 304 1 row(s) affected. again the same query update users set active = 1 where id = 304 1 row(s) affected. but the second update should return 0 row(s) affected...

mysql column data copy from one table to another with a join?

Having trouble figuring out the syntax for this one... :-/ Table 1 ID FEE FAI FOE 0 Fee1 Fai1 Foe1 1 Fee2 Fai2 Foe2 2 Fee3 Fai3 Foe3 Table 2 ID FEE FAI FUM - Fee1 Fai1 Fum1 - Fee2 Fai2 Fum2 - Fee3 Fai3 Fum3 Based on the shared columns FEE and FAI, which when combined form unique pairs, I'd like to...

Is it possible to Update single/multiple columns using "group by".

Hi All, I am running group by on 4 columns of two tables. I have unique ID column in two tables. I want to mark both the tables occurrences column to SINGLE/MULTIPLE based on the 4 columns. Is there any way to update based on the results of group by?. ...

Problem with update statement

I am trying to update all records in a column so that they start with 'CD' e.g. DCE206 would become CDE206. UPDATE table SET column = REPLACE(column1, 'DC', 'CD') WHERE column1 LIKE 'DC%' I am using the above update statement however the following error appears 'Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permit...

Writing / Reading Value to an Array in C

I must be going insane. This is incredibly simple so I am apparently overlooking something: Here is my code: int salesarray[20]; scanf("%d",&sales_input); printf("sales_input is %d",sales_input); salesarray[i] = sales_input; printf("salesValue is %d",i,salesarray[i]); Here is what I will see: sales_input is 2salesV...

Change Large Number of Record Keys using Map Table

I have a set of records indexed by id numbers, I need to convert these record's indexes to a new id number. I have a two column table mapping the old numbers to the new numbers. For example given these two tables, what would the update statement look like? Given: OLD_TO_NEW oldid | newid ----------------- 1234 0987 7698 ...

Stream with a lot of UPDATEs and Postgres

I'm quite a newbie with PostgreSQL optimization and chosing whatever's appropriate job for it and whatever's not. So, I want to know whenever I'm trying to use PostgreSQL for inappropriate job, or it is suitable for it and I should set everything up properly. Anyway, I have a need for a database with a lot of data that changes frequentl...

Battery Level Will Not Update

Hello there, I am having a small problem. I am a beginner to iPhone programming so please forgive me if the answer is obvious. I have found the current charge and want it to continually update while my app is running. I tried this: - (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { NSLog(@"viewWillAppear"); double level = [self batteryLevel]...

Making Select and update in one query

Hy is theere a query where i can do both querys in one? This is the first $q = "select c.id as campaignId,c.priceFactor, o.cid,o.bloggerPrice,o.state as state,o.customerPrice,o.id as orderId,o.listPrice,o.basicPrice from campaign c, orders o where c.id={$campaignId} and c.id = o.c...

Updating records in Postgres using nested sub-selects

I have a table where I have added a new column, and I want to write a SQL statement to update that column based on existing information. Here are the two tables and the relevant columns 'leagues' => id => league_key => league_id (this is the new column) 'permissions' => id => league_key Now, what I want to do, in plain English, i...

SQL Update row by row

My SQL table has 2 fields that impact my problem: "Priority" as real, and Start_Date as datetime. As the user adds items to the table, (s)he specifies the Priority for a given Start_Date. If Item1 is Priority 1, then Item2 may be Priority 2 and it will be given a Start_Date after Item 1. But if Item2 is given Priority 0.5 (or any numbe...

if else condition for update a table in a storeprocedure in sqlserver2005

I want to update some data in a specified case, else these fields are not to be updated. What can i write code in a stored procedure for this? ...

code for update

My table name is table_1, fields are: name dept location status Status is already 1, but I want to update the status into 2 based on a certain condition else not update. My code is UPDATE Table_1 SET model = @model, make = @make, [Asset Serial No / Service Tag] = @Asset, [IT Asset Tag] = @AssetTag, ...

How to implement an automatic update detection model

Our software is not ever officially installed on Windows, and currently has an update model like this: Connect to Internet Click an Update Button Connect to server-side program Server-side program creates an md5 hash list of all the files in the server program directory. Client-side program creates an md5 hash list of all the files in ...

How to read RSS feed using jQuery

How do I parse an RSS feed using JavaScript or jQuery? ...

Insert rows in table if not found in another table

I have a table: Employee (employeeID) EmployeeRank (rankID, employeeID) Now I have another table that has all the employee's that are going to get a raise. DueForRaise (rankID, employeeID) I have to insert all the employees that are in DUeForRaise into the EmployeeRank table ONLY if they are not already there with the same rank. I...

ui sortable object

Hi i am using the code bellow $(#sortable").sortable({ cursor: 'move', update: function (e, ui) { alert(ui.position); } }).disableSelection(); BUT i dont get the position as expected. The ui object has position, or i am doing something wrong?? ...

HG update to revison problem

Using Mercurial, TortoiseHG, Win XP. I had a working directory with a number of files. Committed and ready. My syncing software [incorrectly configured] copied some very old files [from before I was using HG] into my working directory, overwriting many many hours of work. I wanted to go back to the last committed version, so I did "up...

SVN : missing files in local copy.

Hi, I use Eclipse Subversion client to checkout my project from a svn repository. My coworkers has committed 2 new files which i can see on the svn remote repository but I can't get them when i update from the head. The 2 files are in the trunk, like me. Someone have an idea ? ...