
Excel macro doesn't update correctly

Hi i have created macro for excel but it seems somewhere i have done something wrong, i want to fetch an image from a URL and then update it up to 1 second (more or less) Sub GetPicture() PictureURL = "This is where i put the URLi want" Set MyPict = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(PictureURL) Cells(1).Value = Now nextTime = Now + TimeV...

Preserving old data changed by user

I have a users table that has the following fields: userid, phone, and address. Since this is user data, I'm letting the user change them whenever he wants. Problem is I'd like to keep track of those changes and preserve the old data too. Here's some of the ideas I considered: appending the new data to the old data and using a separato...

Subversion update commad non recursively and overwriting the files

Hi All, Please let me know which commands should be used for updating the repository non recursively and over writing the changed files using command line Over writing means if some changes are there to local AssemmblyInfo.vb/cs files in the build machine.It should not update that to the repository while doing svn update Thanks in adv...

What can cause SVN Update to merge incorrectly?

I got an email a few days ago from someone who was having trouble building a Delphi project I have on Google Code. The project file and one of the DFM files were munged after he updated with some changes I had checked in. We talked back and forth a bit, and traced it down to what he said was SVN throwing in extra stuff. He deleted the...

Suggest a good way to update staging server using svn

Updating a copy on staging server using svn up and later doing cp command to copy the files from the updated copy to the server copy is always time consuming when there are more than 10 files. Can you suggest me a way of how to do this without copying the .svn files and also saving time? Writing bash script is my aim to resolve this iss...

Update in rails for has_many associations

I have a has_many association, and a UI that uses javascript to dynamically add/remove as many has_many items as the user wants. After they are done, they hit save, which would call update on the parent. When I do this, the child items do not have any IDs, and the controller does not know how to handle it, so it just ignores it. How can ...

Ajax jquery <a> to update database

I have a view_mine_and_others.php file that outputs this html <div class="rec" id="1"> <div class="val">343</div> <a class="change">Change</a> </div> <div class="rec" id="2"> <div class="val">12001</div> <a class="change">Change</a> </div> <div class="rec" id="3"> <div class="val">4233</div> <a class="change">Change</a> </div> I...

Linq doesn't recognize changes in the database

Hi, I did not find something simular so i have to ask: I use linq to SQL and all was fine until i started to use Stored Procedures to update the database entries. (My Stored Proc is something like update all entries which groupid x) The Update runs fine and the values in the database change. But the DataContext ignores this changes. ...

Correct command to retrieve remote mercurial updates pushed from my second machine

I'm new to Mercurial. I initialized a Mercurial project on Machine A, committed my changes and uploaded them to a remote repository. Then I cloned that repository on Machine B, committed some additional changes and uploaded them to the same remote repository. In both cases, I uploaded the changes with the same command: hg push https...

Did sql server 2005 sp3 stop the SQL service

I need to install SQL server 2005 sp3. I need to know before if the installation need a reboot and if the installation will stop my SQL service. I got over 300 database on my server. thanks. ...

How to insert a row, but on duplicate; update it instead?

I have a table which contains the items the users of my game owns. If a user buys a new item, it should be inserted, but if he already got it, it should be increased instead. I understand I can use INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, but I don't understand how in my problem. The item_id isn't unique, because many players can own the s...

Do UPDATE in SQL using a JOIN

Hi I am using SQL Server 2008, and trying to run the following query in management studio: UPDATE Table1 as T1 INNER JOIN Table2 as T2 ON T1.ID=T2.ID SET T1.SomeValue = T2.SomeValue GO Doesn't work though. Is this sort of thing supported? Karl [EDIT] Let me just be more clear, I wan't to do somethin...

Manipulating time in a batch file

Hi guys; I was wonderin' if someone would be able to help with this lil' batch file here. I'm trying to check when the last successful Windows Update was . Here is the code here .. @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL SET RegKey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion SET RegKey=%RegKey%\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Results\Install FOR /F "skip=1 tok...

MySQL update a sorting index column to move items

If I have the following table & data to allow us to use the sort_index for sorting: CREATE TABLE `foo` ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `bar_id` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, `sort_index` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); INSERT INTO `foo` (`bar_id`, `sort_index`) VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4), (2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2...

updating iPhone view without user input

Writing a 4-player iPhone game app with programmable mix of human/autoComputer players. After each player turn the "game view" should update. I have been using "setNeedsDisplay" to update this view. However, this view updates only when my "turn processing" code is "finished" AND it awaits a human player's touch to trigger this code ag...

Help with RubyGems (the package manager).

I really need help with Rubygems (that's the package manager for ruby). Since I'm behind a proxy, I've given up all hope of it working automatically, so I had to download a lot of packages manually and install them for rails to install. Now, I'm getting an error message: Rails requires RubyGems >= 1.3.2 (...) Once again, I manually dow...

SQL update value to highest date in table

I have the following problem: Suppose I have a table with the following fields: [ID] [Start Date] [Status Date] [Status Description] [ID] is not unique, and so I may have: ID Start Date Status Date Status 123 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 Start 123 01/01/2009 01/02/2009 Change 123 01/01/2009 01/03/2009 Change 123 01/01/2009...

MySQL - Search and replace table1.field's contents with contents of table2.otherfield

I need a MySQL query that will do the following: Instead of the alpha team names in the 3rd column of the players table, I want it to reference teams.id table: players id player_name team ------------------------------------------ 1 Sue Smith Silly Chimps 2 Mike Olson Black Cats 3 ...

MySQL: Add sequence column based on another field

Hi all, I'm working on some legacy code/database, and need to add a field to the database which will record a sequence number related to that (foreign) id. Example table data (current): ID ACCOUNT some_other_stuff 1 1 ... 2 1 ... 3 1 ... 4 2 ... 5 2 ......

WPF ComboBox SelectedItem not Updating

I am facing a problem while working with a WPF ComboBox. My situation is that I have a ComboBox that is displaying some values. I am adding ContentControls to ComboBox' Items property. I have bound the Content of these ContentControl to some datasource so that I can change the Content dynamically. The problem is if the Content of item wh...