
Subsonic Does not Update

I tried 3 variants but doesn't seem to update (I am using Linq Templates and MSSQL) Luna.Data.GameDBDB db = new Luna.Data.GameDBDB(); db.Update<Luna.Record.TB_ITEM>() .Set(x => x.ITEM_DURABILITY == Convert.ToInt32(quantity)) .Where(x => x.ITEM_DBIDX == Convert.ToInt32(dbdidx)) .Execute(); Here is the o...

How to update GUI thread/class from worker thread/class?

First question here so hello everyone. The requirement I'm working on is a small test application that communicates with an external device over a serial port. The communication can take a long time, and the device can return all sorts of errors. The device is nicely abstracted in its own class that the GUI thread starts to run in i...

How can i make a link to update my iPhone application?

hi, i know how to make a link to my app on the appstore with this URL itms-apps://ax.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id= but i don't want the user goes on the software page but directly in the update tab what is the link to do this? is there a link to update the app ?(if an update existing) thanks ...

How to execute an update via SQLQuery in Hibernate

Hi, I need to update a joined sub-class. Since Hibernate doesn't allow to update joined sub-classes in hql or named-query I want to do it via SQL. I also can't use a sql named-query because updates via named-query are not supported in Hibernate. So I decided to use a SQLQuery. But Hibernate complaints about not calling addScalar(): ...

Updating Lists of Lists in Tapestry4 using textfields and a single submit button

In Tapestry 4 I am trying it iterate over a list of lists (technically a list of objects who have a list of strings as a data field). I am currently doing this by using 'nested' for components. (This is pseudo code) <span jwcid="Form"> <span jwcid="@For" source="ognl:Javaclass.TopLevelList" value="ognl:SecondLevelList" index="ognl:inde...

SQL Server find and replace in TEXT field

I have a database in SQL Server 2005 that was brought up from SQL Server 2000 and is still using TEXT type fields instead of varchar(max). I need to find and replace a string of characters in the text field but all of the examples of how to do this that I have found don't seem like they would work for me. It seems the UPDATETEXT command...

how to use database name as a value

I have more than 1000 access databases with the same table names.Each database has a unique name. In each database, I want to add column to one existing table and populate that new column (all rows in the table would be the same) with the database name. I found the example below - How can I alter this to give the new column the name of ...

Delphi Update record´s Insert if necessary from Adotable 2 into AdoTable 1

Filter AdoQuery_1 Record SQL.Add('SELECT * from Med'); SQL.Add('Where Cliente Like ''%'+Edit1.text ); and update AdoQuery_1 from AdoQuery_2 (master) Update record´s of Table1 from Table2 (chield) Update record´s of Table3 from Table4 (chield) is there a faster way to update the selected record and do the sam...

Update query? Or other solution?

I have an Email column with invalid addresses in them e.g. “[email protected],[email protected]”. (It includes the quotes) My select statement cleans these up: SELECT SUBSTRING([Email], 2, PATINDEX(‘%,%’, [Email] – 2)) FROM table WHERE [Email] LIKE ‘”%”’ This works and displays: [email protected] Problem I have is, I have a multitu...

Is there any way to transfer my PDF destinations in my original file to an updated PDF document?

I set destinations in my PDF file, when I go to update the Word file in the future, is there any way to transfer my PDF destinations in my original PDF file to an updated PDF document? ...

delphi Ado (mdb) update records

I´m trying to copy data from one master table and 2 more child tables. When I select one record in the master table I copy all the fields from that table for the other. (Table1 copy from ADOQuery the selected record) procedure TForm1.copyButton7Click(Sender: TObject); SQL.Clear; SQL.Add('SELECT * from ADoquery'); SQL.Add('Where numeraca...

Using a Case statement within the values section of an Insert statement

Please forgive my ignorance and poor SQL programming skills but I am normally a basic SQL developer. I need to create a trigger off the insertion of data in one table to insert different data into another table. Within this trigger I need to insert certain data into the new table based upon values within the newly inserted data from t...

Get rid of all user data of Android application after bigger update

Hi, I completely revamped an app. Tested it for a while on my device and emulator. The app worked fine. However when I updated the app through the Android market, my users experienced crashes. Since there is no way to properly debug this procedure I asume the crash is caused by old data which is not being removed from the device (proba...

R: How to update a package and keep it from reverting to the original?

I want to upgrade the package ggplot2: library(ggplot2) packageDescription("ggplot2")["Version"] > 0.8.3 But the current version is 0.8.7. I tried update.packages(), which seemed to work OK. But it still returned older version 0.8.3. So I downloaded and installed the package source from Cran, which says 0.8.7 in the download page. ...

log mysql updates

Hi to all, i have a migration script that reads from one DB and write to a second DB I usually update the existing records.I was wondering how i can log the updates like below productID : 125 title : Product1 => test update price : 125 => 140 Whitch means that the productID 125 had title Products1 and became test after update and ha...

Approve/Deny in PHP, with some minor javascript

Hi again. Another lame question So, I have a site that displays several students' requests to change advisors, with an Approve and Deny button for each student. Then I have a Javascript pop-up that confirms the decision when clicked on either button, and it will also e-mail the student about this decision. This should all be on one page...

WPF Update Binding when Bound directly to DataContext w/ Converter

Normally when you want a databound control to 'update,' you use the "PropertyChanged" event to signal to the interface that the data has changed behind the scenes. For instance, you could have a textblock that is bound to the datacontext with a property "DisplayText" <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DisplayText}"/> From here, if the Dat...

2k rows update is very slow in MySQL

Hi all, I have 2 tables: 1. news (450k rows) 2. news_tags (3m rows) There are some triggers on news table update which updating listings. This SQL executes too long... UPDATE news SET news_category = some_number WHERE news_id IN (SELECT news_id FROM news_tags WHERE tag_id = some_number); #about 3k ...

Update Progress Doesnt Work in Component Art Grid

Hello, It would be extreme pleasure , if you could please help me sort out the problem that I have been facing. Im using Component Art Grid control along with asp drop down list and both of these controls are in the UPDATE PANEL which allow me to update the Grid based on item selection from the drop down with having to postback the whole...

SQL: How can i update a value on a column only if that value is null?

Hey, I have an SQL question which may be basic to some but is confusing me. Here is an example of column names for a table 'Person': PersonalID, FirstName, LastName, Car, HairColour, FavDrink, FavFood Let's say that I input the row: 121312, Rayna, Pieterson, BMW123d, Brown, NULL, NULL Now I want to update the values for this person, b...