
Android - Custom Widget doesnt update

Hi, I'm trying to make a widget to my app, but it doesnt update. I just need to change the textview text and open an activity when a press a button, but none of them works... the code public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds) { RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(c...

CakePHP update multiple elements in one div

The idea is that I've 3 ajax links and each link is coupled to one single element (a form). The element will be loaded in one div. Each time when you click on a different link, the element that is requested before must be removed and the new one must come in there. So it has to update the DIV. The problem is, that it request the element,...

NHibernate update using composite key

Hi, I have a table defnition as given below: License ClientId Type Total Used ClientId and Type together uniquely identifies a row. I have a mapping file as given below: <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" auto-import="true"> <class name="Acumen.AAM.Domain.Model.License, Acumen.AAM.Domain" lazy="false" table...

iphone submit an application update

hi all, i want to submit an update of my application. I want to change all my interface and i spend less time making a new application and import my code. is possible make an update in this way, using my distribution profile and incrementing my version number? or i must change something else? Thank's ...

ado sql update table with result of group by query

I am trying to update records in an .mdb table with the number of records containing the same value The sql below does not work but I think gives an indication of what I am trying to achieve. UPDATE table1 AS A INNER JOIN (SELECT PH_BSP , Count(PH_BSP) AS PHCOUNT FROM table1 GROUP BY PH_BSP) AS B ON A.PH_BSP=B.PH_BSP SET A.PH_SORT = ...

updating changes from one database to another database in the same server

I have a copy of client database say 'DBCopy' which already contains modified data. The copy of the client database (DBCopy) is attached to the SQL Server where the Central Database (DBCentral) exists. Then I want to update whatever changes already present in DBCopy to DBCentral. Both DBCopy and DBCentral have same schema. How can i do ...

How to create SSIS package to update from one database to another database within same server

My query is related to the answers i got for questions i had posted earlier in the same forum. I have a copy of a client database which is attached to SQL Server where the Central Database exists. The copy already contains the updated data. I just want to transfer the updates from that copy to Central Database both holding same schema an...

How to install new packages on Cygwin?

Hi all, I installed the latest version of Cygwin with a number of packages. I soon realised that I need more packages (such as wget, etc) and I coudln't find a way to install the new packages without running the set up again and reinstall everything from scratch. What I'm looking for is the equivalent of apt-get on Cygwin (if such a th...

NHibernate Save Details Performance

Hi, I am new to NHibernate. As I am doing some dummy applicaiton to learn, I got a doubt. I request you please clarify me on my question. I am doing a reset password page in which I am fetching the user details and resetting the password and save back to the database. 1) Do I need to retrieve complete(whole row) details of the user. 2...

Internet Explorer doesn't update file

Hi! I'm using AJAX with PHP to read from a file and update the div's innerHTML. It works on Chrome and Firefox, but not in Internet Explorer. I tried to use: But I think it is useless, since I'm not refreshing the page. if(!$newMsg || $newMsg == "") { // only reading from the file // do nothing } else { $fileData .= "$new...

EXT-js PropertyGrid best practices to achieve an update ?

Hello, I am using EXT-js for a project, usually everything is pretty straight forward with EXT-js, but with the propertyGrid, I am not sure. I'd like some advice about this piece of code. First the store to populate the property grid, on the load event: var configStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ // store config autoLoad...

Update a list of things without hitting every entry

I have a list in a database that the user should be able to order. itemname| order value (int) --------+--------------------- salad | 1 mango | 2 orange | 3 apples | 4 On load from the database, I simply order by order_value. By drag 'n drop, he should be able to move apples so that it appears at the top of the li...

Update rows by separating values from one column and inserting into 2 diff. columns

For eg. I have table T1. There are 4 columns in it c1 c2 c3 and c4. I have c1 as id, c2 contains combine name and address. c3 and c4 are empty. There are multiple rows for given id. Let's say there are 10 rows for id=10. What I want is for all the rows with id=10, I want to read c2, separate values in c2 as name and address and store n...

Update function

Hello everyone! I try to learn java for android devices.. i have to create the update function. But still have one question: How???? in class root public void update(){ maindebug("update"); // This is my debug function } public void run(){ while(isRunning){ // isRunning is a boolean variable SystemClock.sleep(100); update();...

UPDATE query that fixes orphaned records

I have an Access database that has two tables that are related by PK/FK. Unfortunately, the database tables have allowed for duplicate/redundant records and has made the database a bit screwy. I am trying to figure out a SQL statement that will fix the problem. To better explain the problem and goal, I have created example tables to use...

Large number of UPDATE queries slowing down page

I am reading and validating large fixed-width text files (range from 10-50K lines) that are submitted via our ASP.net website (coded in VB.Net). I do an initial scan of the file to check for basic issues (line length, etc). Then I import each row into a MS SQL table. Each DB rows basically consists of a record_ID (Primary, auto-increm...

How to update widgets from a service?

I have a background service that can be configured to perform some action every x minutes. I want to implement a widget that gets updated every time my service performs that action. However, I can't get the onUpdate method of my AppWidgetProvider called in any way, except when adding a widget to the homescreen. I tried sending APPWIDGET...

Updating List Elements, Haskell

I have homework where I am to update a list using a function that takes two elements and returns a value of part of the first element given in the function. So it's required to update the entire listing by going through each element and update its value by applying the function against all other elements in the list (including itself). ...

Android's listview. Update view within of of the cells just after invalidating Activity's view

I have ListViewActivity public class SelectActivity extends ListActivity { protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.select_one_of); SimpleAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter( this, createChildList(), R....

mysql_affected_rows() always returns 1 even though no row was updated.

What I am trying to do is: (programmatically) Update status where id is something, if no rows where updated, give error: we cannot find the record with id something, otherwise give message success. Here I am using mysql_affected_rows() to know if a row was updated or not, but it always return 1, so the user gets a success message, even...