
Entity Framework: Update multiple rows in set with data from other set

I simply want to achieve this line of SQL: UPDATE table1 SET table1.col = table2.col FROM table2 INNER JOIN table1 ON table2.id = table1.id How can that be done using entity framwork with minimal number of roundtrips? All I can think of is using foreach to loop through my table2 and update it's related entry in table1. But that d...

UpdatePanel.Visible = true has no effect

Hi all There is a wide task. There is an update panel upDetails, which displays details table (initialy visible = false) when user selects any item from master table, we should set upDetails.Visible = true; But it soesn't work whatever place/event I had placed it - neither BL methods, neither pre-render. It still be invisible But when...

Best way to update a LINQ model coming from a form

I'm designing forms in my ASP.NET MVC application that will receive objects. Here's what a typical edit action looks like: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Edit(int id, Person person) { peopleService.SavePerson(person); return Redirect("~/People/Index"); } The SavePerson call in the ser...

How to display weather script update autometically in php?

I want to weather information in my website which should be autometically updated daily could you please help me script for weather information? ...

Perform UPDATE and setting a user variable in one single query.

Everyone familiar with php's mysql_query command, knows that it doesn't allow us to perform more than one query (separated by the ; delimiter) in one call... My problem is that I wan't to be able to define a user variable in my UPDATE query so that I increment it for each row (kinda like auto increment). It should look like something as...

MySQL: Simple way to toggle a value of an int field

I know how to do this, but i think I'll overcomplicate it with double selects and so on. How can you do this (example in pseudo-sql) UPDATE some_table SET an_int_value = (an_int_value==1 ? 0 : 1); It must be an int value due to some other functionality, but how do you do it in a simple way? ...

How do I join tables on an update

I have the following query: select count(L.ID) from LA inner join L on (LA.leadid = L.ID) where L.status = 5 and L.city = "cityname" and Date(LA.Datetime) < Date_Sub(Now(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH); which looks for records with status 5 in a particular city that are older than 6 months (the date for which is...

How can I emulate UPDATE x SET (col1, col2) = ( SELECT a,b FROM y ) in Derby?

Derby doesn't support this syntax: UPDATE x SET (col1, col2, ...) = ( SELECT a,b,... FROM y ... ) (see this bug). Does anyone have a workaround other than creating a loop in Java which does the select and sends N updates back? [EDIT] Note that I have 50 columns and a complex condition (joins with x and EXISTS and whatnot). So I'dd li...

Why do I need to convert my visual studio solutions with every new release?

Every time Microsoft releases a new version of visual studio, they always require me to convert my solution and project files to 'the latest version.' Even with something as simple as a "Hello World" solution, I need to go through their conversion wizard! And, to make things worse, the new visual studio solution files aren't compatible...

Updating database tables when values are missing.

I have two tables : Bill : create table Bill( BillDate datetime, Amount decimal(10,2) , BillCurrency varchar(3) , ReportingCurrency decimal(10,2)) FxRate : create table FxRate( RateDate datetime, SourceCurrency varchar(3), Targ...

Best Practice Updating DB Records

Say you retrieve 100 records, and display them on a page. The user only updates 2 of the records on the page. Now you want to update only the two records, and not the other 98. Is it best to have one submit on the page, then somehow know which 2 are updated, then send only those two to the db for an update? What does the "somehow" look ...

What is the best way to deploy authenticated autoupdates in a .NET application?

Currently applications are deployed only to my office of 40 employees or so. ClickOnce works great for this as everyone has network access or VPN access which makes updating pretty straightforward. Now, it has been tasked to me to figure out the best way to deploy these applications to res of the company. ClickOnce would work but the ...

django update modelform

I have a model as follows class UserPrivacy(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User) profile = models.SmallIntegerField(default=1, choices=PRIVACY_TYPE) contact = models.SmallIntegerField(default=1, choices=PRIVACY_TYPE) friends = models.SmallIntegerField(default=1, choices=PRIVACY_TYPE) location = models.SmallI...

How to change the total credits selected live on a webpage with checkbox?

Hey my webpage is having a checkbox where students have to select the modules they wish to select. Is it possible that I can update the total module credits selected live on the webpage when the student clicks on a checkbox? Or when the student clicks submit can I show a message like please select 60 credits? ...

Can the submission of a rails form avoid navigating away from the current view?

I have a bit of javascript magic going on to create and hide divs on the fly as the user interacts with the page. Each div contains a view of some part of my application and each model instance in these views has an owner. If the person browsing the page is NOT the owner, they just see the data. However, if the user is the owner of th...

Microsoft CRM 4.0: How to set "valid for update" = 0 for attribute?

I want my attribute to be disabled if the form is in update mode. I tried to export entity xml and edit value ValidForUpdateAPI documented here but it doesn't work: when I import my customizations CRM ignore them! ...

can linq update and query atomically?

Hi, I need to get 1000 rows from a database, and at the same time tag them as 'in process'. This way, another thread can not take the same 1000 rows and process them as well. With linq i do something like this: msgs = (from m in database.messages where (m.status == MESSAGESTATUSINIT) select m).Take(1000).ToList(); ide...

How to update and order by using ms sql

Hi, Ideally I want to do this: UPDATE TOP (10) messages SET status=10 WHERE status=0 ORDER BY priority DESC; In English: I want to get the top 10 available (status=0) messages from the DB and lock them (status=10). A message with a higher priority should be gotten first. unfortunately MS SQL doesn't allow an order by clause in the up...

Save modelForm to update existing record

I create a modelForm with instance to existing model (Book). I am not able to update the Books record. Adding a new record is fine but when I attempt to update, it appears to be unable to find the publisher (which is a foreign key). Error is "No Publisher matches the given query." models.py class Publisher(models.Model): name = models...

Running another program from c# setup project

I have made a setup and deployment project in C#, Now i have another windows update exe which i want to run and install successfully before it installs my project. I've packaged the exe with my project. How may i run that exe before? ...