
Dynamically updating part of a page for all users

I want to dynamically updating a part of a web page for all users on it when I chose to (through a seperate page). The scenario I'm thinking of: Say there's a chat box and a picture on a page. When I click a button on another page (or the same), the picture changes to an embedded youtube video for all users on the page chatting. Wha...

Send a class, not just a class interface, between servers?

I am creating a grid application which requires me to send software packets that wrap a class out to participating nodes within my grid. The first idea that I came up with was to have the master nodes contact each node (running a Windows service) and send an assembly containing a class which adheres to a common interface along with a ....

What's a reliable way to check an RSS feed for new entries?

Part of an app I'm building needs to check RSS feeds for updates. I'm looking for a reliable way to know if a feed has new entries. I know that sometimes people make posts to the future and, after that, posts to the present time which could cause some entries to be hidden. It seems like there could be more complications than that, as we...

Equinox p2 for an arbitrary OSGi application?

Hello. I am designing a software system which I think I am going to implement on an OSGi platform. It is going to be a software system running on self-service terminals. OSGi idea suits well for my demands of managing devices and end-user related functionality. I think I am going to use Equinox as the OSGi implementation. So I came up w...

SQL update to record with nearest data

In SQL server 2008: Suppose I have two tables. Table1 has 3 fields: Name, Date1 and Date2. Currently, all the Date2 entries are NULL. (Name, Date1) form a unique key. Table2 has 2 fields: Name and Date2. (Name, Date2) form a unique key. Every "Name" in Table1 has at least one corresponding entry in Table2. Now, I want to update all...

Twiiter like real time response using PHP

Can anyone explain how does the real time response works in Twitter ? Like when u search in twitter while viewing the result u get real-time updates saying "7 more people tweeted" . I have noticed there is no AJAX call being made. Can someone tell me how this works and is it possible to implement such a thing using PHP ? ...

iphone facebook user's friends status updates

I want to retrieve the status data posted/published by friends of a user. I wrote the following code, but only get the user's own status updates. Could someone please help to tell me what's wrong with my code? Thanks! NSString *fql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"select uid,message from status where uid in (select uid2 from friend where ...

SQL Server - join or subquery in update statements?

Is there a reason to use one of these UPDATE statements over the other with regards to performance? UPDATE myTable SET fieldx = 1 FROM myTable AS mt , myView AS mv WHERE mt.id = mv.id UPDATE myTable SET fieldx = 1 WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM myView ) ...

iphone application updates

are iphone applications that are free when updated charged.... ...

Design considerations when implementing/distributing updates for application

I have already designed an applications that is nothing more than a simple WinForm with one or two classes to handle data and collection. Fairly often I find myself refactoring parts of it or adding new features to it, not huge features but small additions to its functionality. The question I have is what would be the best way to provi...

how to differentiate critical windows updates among all updates in c++

how to differentiate critical windows updates among all updates in c++ ...

Android: how to properly wait on service process completion

Here's scenario: I have 2 activities and one service First activity is a landing view/search page. Second activity displays search results Search is always executed against internal SQLite db Periodically (say daily) db needs to be updated from the remote source which is a long process If user performs the search during the update I wa...

how to determine windows update level through IUpdate interface

Hi, I want to count available "important" windows updates in a c++ program. When windows updates reports about available updates, it classifies them by level. In vista the possible levels are {important, recommended, optional} XP : {high-priority, optional} http://www.microsoft.com/windows/downloads/windowsupdate/updatelevels.mspx I ...

Client app updates...what is the proper way to deal with them?

I do a lot of freelance work and clients often have me build apps from existing packages and applications (i.e.: Wordpress, Magento, Firefox [extensions] etc.). Six or seven months down the line, an update is usually available for the package which I built the apps from. With Wordpress, it's likely that it's a security update; sometimes ...

Run plugin updates outwith Eclipse UI

I'm trying to update the plugins for an Eclipse Galileo SR2 installation from the command line. Something similar to this command (which asks for a specific feature): java -jar org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate -command update Does anyone know if a command exists using p2 or any ...

Should I update an application when a used framework release a new version?

I have an application that use several libraries and frameworks, should I update my application to use the latest version of those frameworks when a new stable version is available? For example, migrate from python 2.x to python 3.x, or from spring 2.5 to spring 3.0, but the question es very general, not language specific. If I keep th...

How to update a string property of an sqlite database item

hi all, I'm trying to write an application that checks if there is an active internet connection. If so it reads an xml and checks every 'lastupdated' item ( php generated string ). It compares it to the database items and if there is a new value, this particular item needs to be updated. My code seems to work ( compiles, no error me...

How to tell if a user updated my app or installed a new one

I need a way to tell if the app being used by a user is a fresh new install (new user), or was a pre-existing user who updated. The previous app version did not track UDID's, and didn't save anything (it just ran as a simple app). Is there a way for an update to tell if the user previously installed the app? Even if that app didn't sav...

Making an updates manager module for a program

Hi! I'm working on a program that shall have an "updates" module (online). I can't figure out how to do this. Initially i'm trying with a SVN repository. Any better idea? How is this normally done? (I'm not asking for a concrete languague, i only want an general idea about the procces) Thank you. ...

How do you do A/B switching in a web app? (for deploying updates)

I currently have a mysite.com (A) which points to /public_html/ and a dev.mysite.com (B) which I created a /dev_html/ for that. I cloned the site but now I need a way of switching between them without having to copy all the files from one dir to another and without bringing the site down. I just want to switch the live site to B and then...