
Is there a script or other method for obtaining the correct variation of a URL for a web page?

I'm assuming there is a single correct variation of a URL for every page. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Given an input of an equivalent URL, I need to get the correction of a URL. For example, most browsers accept slight variations from the exact URL but then correct it to take you to the right page? (Or perhaps this is done at the...

UITextView: Change formatting of URLs?

I currently have a UITextView which has this property setup to detect URL's: txtTemp.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeLink; The URL displays correctly, formatting in blue with an underline. I want to change the formatting of this hyperlink to a bold font style with no underline. The rest of the regular text in the UITextView nee...

Scheme relative URLs

Scheme relative URLs are something that I've just found out about - where you don't specify the scheme of a URL and it picks it up from the current context. For example: <img src="//domain.com/img.png" /> will resolve to https://domain.com/img.png if the current scheme is HTTPS or http://domain.com/img.png if it is not. This seems like...

Intelligencia Url Rewrite doesn't work on iis6 - Message Error: Page not found 404

I have the same problem on shared hosting, on local development machine my website works fine with intelligencia url rewrite, on iis6 it doesn't work and i have error "HTTP 404 Page not found" because i think it ingore rewriting rules on my web.config. intelligencia dll is on directory "bin" of my website i paste here my rules: <rewri...

Preferred Java way to ping a HTTP Url for availability

I need a monitor class that regularly checks whether a given HTTP URL is available. I can take care of the "regularly" part using the Spring TaskExecutor abstraction, so that's not the topic here. The Question is: What is the preferred way to ping a URL in java? Here is my current code as a starting point: try{ final URLConnection ...

Request URL formatting

I am developing an iPhone application from where I need to be able to post a new topic in Yahoo finance message boar at http://messages.finance.yahoo.com/mb/KERX. How do I format the request URL? PLease xcuse my ignorence m very new in this kind of work. I just need the base url to use and the method that will post my topic to the messag...

PHP: URL friendly strings

Possible Duplicate: How to handle diacritics (accents) when rewriting 'pretty URLs' I want to replace special characters, such as Å Ä Ö Ü é, with "normal" characters (those between a-z and 0-9). And spaces should certainly be replaced with dashes, but that's not really a problem. In other words, I want to turn this: en r...

NSURL not working.

Hi, I wanted to ask if anyone could help he get this code to work. Nothing is showing up in my MySQL database. Thanks, enbr. NSString *urlstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"http://mysite.come/myapp/submitrating.php?name=%@&amp;comment=%@&amp;rating=%@", [selectedItem objectForKey:@"name"], comment.text, selecte...

Generating unique URL based on user IP for Amazon cloudfront content

I have contents in Amazon cloudfront. These contents are private but will be given access to users when they purchase to get access to the contents for limited period of time. I want the URLs given to the users be generated for that specific user IP or may be current session key. I am aware of the option of generating an authenticated ...

PHP Parsing URL

Ok, i'm trying to get data from a database to be pulled according to the url. I have a database that is holding data for some announcements for individual customer websites. The websites are in individual directories on my website. (i.e., www.domain.com/website1/index.html, www.domain.com/website2/index.html, www.domain.com/website3/i...

I want to change the length of the shortened ID in PHPurl

Hey, I've installed PHPurl a URL shortener (from http://blondish.net/resources/scripts/phpurl/) to my website and customised it to the style of my site. Everything works okay, except it generates the URL id by adding one number each time. For example: .http://)jpine.co.uk/1 then to .http://jpine.co.uk/2 I want it to look a bit more li...

Does a file linked by a long URL need encryption to prevent brute force attack?

I'm working on a website that allows users to be able to upload files. Each file could be linked to via a unique URL, e.g. http://mysite.com/docs/4324fdf54f65487878788776876564724/456456878acd454bd454457877903631/file.pdf The links would be sent only to people who would require them. But even if they did forward on the link to some one...

Why are URLs in the form of "http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/mongo+-+The+Interactive+Shell"

What is the mongo+-+The+Interactive+Shell part for and why is it that way? It seems like it is urlencoded from "mongo - The Interactive Shell" ...

how to replace url in css using regexp (javascript)

var text = '#anything {behavior:url("csshover.htc");}'; //iam using " with url text += "#anything {background:transparent url('img.png') no-repeat;}"; //iam using ' with url text += "#anything {background-image:url('ok.jpg');}"; result #anything { behavior:url("#"); } #anything { background:transparent url('#') no-repeat; } ...

codeigniter display warning error if argument in URL not provided

If I don't provide the value in the URL for Codeigniter, it'll display a PHP Error was encountered saying it's missing argument for a function call. I do NOT want it displayed at all. If there's no argument in the URL, it should just reroute to its index function. How do I prevent that from happening? For example, www.example.com/profi...

Help needed in dealing with URL

Hi There, I am developing an app using twitter API,in which any user can enter his twitter username in textbox and get his followers. On home.php , I am using jquery. on click event of button, I am calling getinfo.php and passing textbox value along with it. This is the case so far. What I want to do? Right now my url is: http:/...

java to know all subUrls of url

Hi! I have an url. How to know all the existed subUrls of this page. For example, http://tut.by/car/12324 - exists ................/car/66666 - doesn`t exist Desirably, in java. I have already experimented with almost all from java-source.net/open-source/crawlers - no one can do that, they can only go by hrefs. Thx in advance! ...

friendly urls for users profile?

hello i wanted to create a format for users url, for example for the user ninja123, he would get a profile link of example.com/ninja123, im using php mysql on apache. this is the normal link! viewprofile.php?userid=2 how could i appraoch this problem? and im a bad .htaccesss newbie :)) thanks ...

.htaccess not working

I have a .htaccess file to remove the index.php part of the codeigniter-style URL. It's been working fine on one computer but when I copied the file over to my laptop it doesn't seem to do anything. I'm using localhost on both machines. They both run mac osx 10.6 with the bundled apache and php and the latest version of mysql. Everything...

how to check if a URL exists or not - error 404 ? (using php)

how to check if a URL exists or not - error 404 ? (using php) <?php $url = "http://www.faressoft.org/"; ?> ...