
List of websites

Is there a way to get the url's of google results on big scale? So instead of 10 results 100 or 1000? (example: http://goohackle.com/tools/google-parser/) ...

using preg_match and preg_replace

Hello. I have two strings like: http://localhost/web/ and http://localhost/web/category/ which sometimes become: http://localhost/web/2/, http://localhost/web/3/ etc.... and http://localhost/web/category/2/, http://localhost/web/category/3/ etc... I want to make a verification and: If the link is http://localhost/web/ it remain...

All Javascript Commands for URL's

So I want a list of all javascript commands what can manipulate or get information about URL's. Example: window.location.href ...

Sending a regEx pattern as a parameter in a query string

I have to design a RESTful client and service in Java. For a GET request, i need to send a regEx pattern as a query parameter. in the client i'm sending the pattern as http://localhost:6520/restservice/foo?pattern=^BP$ i'm getting Illegal Endpoint address exception. I even tried http://localhost:6520/restservice/foo?pattern='^BP$' and i...

If a URL doesn't have a filename in it, can I determine if it is leading to an image?

This URL takes you to an image, but has no file extension to check a regex against: http://www.tonymooreillustration.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=393 I'm using Restclient (HTTP and REST client for Ruby) in my app, so I tried doing this: RestClient.get "http://www.tonymooreillustration.com/gallery/main....

Which Internet Telephony URL protocol has the broadest support?

I'm looking for best way to initiate call from a web page, and am trying to choose between the callto: and the tel: URL protocol. The link will be a normal telephone number, not a Skype account, and I'm trying to support as many platforms as possible, including Skype and other similar VOIP applications, as well as Smartphones like the ...

match url pattern in php using regular expression

I want to match a url link in wall post and replace this link with anchor tag, for this I use the regular expression below. I would like the match 4 types of url: http://example.com https://example.com www.example.com example.com preg_replace('@(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', '<a href="$1">$1<...

Removing .php extention with .htaccess not working

What is wrong with this script? The server returns a 404 error whenever I type in a url without an extention. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php [NC] Does anybody have a better way of doing it? ...

Having problem in in url

Hi there, I am having a little problem, it maybe easy but i really don't know how do I get that? right now my site runs on http://www.example.com this url, but i need to run that on http://example.com also. can some body tell me here that how can i do that? Thank you in advance. ...

Download file from java application

Hi I need some help to download a file from my java application. The URL is "http://my.site.com/UICFEWebroot/QueryOneDateAllCur?lang=ita&amp;rate=0&amp;initDay=11&amp;initMonth=10&amp;initYear=2010&amp;refCur=euro&amp;R1=csv" I try using this code but the result is an empty file URL urlAgg = new URL(address); int lf = urlAgg.openCo...

Checking HTTP result code of a HTTP request, if the URL isn't valid the app crashes. How can I catch the error instead?

I'm using Restclient (HTTP and REST client for Ruby) to check if a URL is valid. The Restclient response wraps Ruby's Net::HTTPResponse. p (RestClient.get "www.google.com").code == 200 # outputs true The problem is, if the URL isn't valid, the app crashes: p (RestClient.get "test").code == 200 SocketError (getaddrinfo: nodename no...

Http Handler vs Http Module for Url redirection in SharePoint

Hi, There is a SharePoint farm with aroubd 5 web apps. Each web app has numerous site collections and within each site collection there are numerous sites. Some of the sites in each site collection will on longer be used and when any request comes to the site collection, it needs to be routed to a new SharePoint Url in a different farm...

.htaccess break all css and js, though i set absolute path

Here is my .htaccess file Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond $1 !=cms RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/search/([^/]+)$ index.php?lang=$1&id=search&searchword=$2 [L] RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/([^/]*)$ index.php?lang=$1&id=$2 [L] It doesn't work as i expect. ...

Using the URL option in a form_for

I have a form with a url option. - form_for [@organization, @video], :url => organization_media_videos_with_session_path(@organization), :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| That URL is specifically a helper that I wrote here : def organization_media_videos_with_session_path(organization) session_key = ActionController::Base.sess...

AFP or SMB file links in a url

Is it possible to create a url in the form of afp://server/share/someDirectory/someFile.ext to when you open it on a mac in safari, or through mail, it navigates to that folder or file? I've played with the file://localhost/share/someDirectory/someFile.ext but this often times will not be universal across a group of machines. Mac adds ...

Problem sending the parameters to an AS2 swf loaded in AS3.

Hi, I am a Flex developer and I am trying to load an AS2 swf in my AS3 code. The load itself works, but the parameters are not transported for some reason. This is my code. var urlrequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(); urlrequest.url = "Pres.swf?test=test1"; var loader:Loader = new Loader(); loader.load(urlRequest); In the handler f...

How can i get the http request when MPMoviePlayerController just playing a http URL??

Hi,every one. How can i get the http request when MPMoviePlayerController just playing a http URL?? Thank you very much... ...

How can I debug network requests from my iPhone?

I want to check the network requests an app is making from my iPhone. It's on the same WiFi network as my computer (or if it makes things easier, I can set it up to use an ad-hoc network). I don't want to see every packet, just the URLs which my iPhone is requesting. I don't care about the returned data all that much. A simple solution ...

Modify QueryString based on ActiveStepIndex of a Wizard Control in C#

I'm wondering how I could update the querystring of my URL each time I hit the Next button of a Wizard control in order to show the ActiveStepIndex. Example: http ://ApplicationName/Default.aspx?Step=1 http ://ApplicationName/Default.aspx?Step=2 http ://ApplicationName/Default.aspx?Step=3 ... ...

url rewrite deosnt access my css and images? why

i have this rewrite rule for my urls, it deosnt seem to acess the css and images, why? :)) orginal url its working: http://www.example.co.uk/viewprofile.php?user=muna rewrited url, this deosnt work: http://www.example.co.uk/user/muna htaccess code: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^user/([^/]*)$ /viewprofile.php?user=$1 [L] my css ...