
PHP Facebook App Problem

I am working on my second Facebook App and seem to have run into a problem. On my first App, I used $user_id = $facebook->require_login(); to get the ID of the user that was using my app. It worked great, and still does. However, on my second App, I used the same thing but keep getting the old 500 Internal Server Error. ( Using Opera...

C# .net how to read property from Web User Control.

Hi all, I have a Web user control that consists of a dropdownlist which bind to an autoPostBack event when selectedindexchanged. I assign the selected value to a public property. But when my aspx page try to read that property, I got empty value because the aspx page get executed before web user control(I think). Should web user contr...

iPhone - How to recognize the iTunes user of my app

Hi there, there are some apps that seem to recognize the iPhone's iTunes user. I need to develop an app that supports In-App Purchase of kind "Subscription". Apple wants that my app grants the subscription in every user's device (iPhone, iPod, iPad). To do so I can build a server-side subscription system that binds the subscription with ...

Mass Deletion of User Profiles in Win XP ( SP3 )

Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has a script to delete all user profiles from a machine without deleting the basic ones that XP needs to operate, mainly: Administrator ( local ) All Users Default User ( Normally Hidden ) LocalService ( Normally Hidden ) NetworkService ( Normally Hidden ) Perferrably in Powershell, .BAT, .VBS, or ....

Best way to Identify a user uniquely

I am building a Like/Dislike feature. For this purpose I need to identify the particular user liking or disliking the post. I have an idea that without user logins this cannot be done perfectly, but whats the closest to perfect technique, Issues I have are stated below: Cookies can be cleared, and vary form browser to browser Most of t...

Deleting a Mac user account after logout

Hello, I am developing an image for a maclab, and I am running into an issue with Snow Leopard. We have set up the machines on active directory so network users can login, however after they logoff their user folders are still in there and I am not really sure how to go about auto deleting there information from the Mac machine. ...

Problem creating users programmatically in

For reference here is what my web.config and code look like: <membership defaultProvider="SqlProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="15"> <providers> <clear /> <add name="SqlProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider" connectionStringName="MySqlConnection" applicationName="/" ...

User Control for source editing

Hi, Similar to other user controls in C# to add to a winform (such as commonly found for xml formatting) does someone know of one for source editing? Hopefully, this includes the source for the control and does a pretty nice job of making source code readable in a visual studio kind of way. thanks Or maybe Microsoft provides one, but ...

multi domain multi user blog

hi, i need to develope a multi domain multi user blog. can any one give me some guide line?. ...

Wordpress Plugin to group subscribers

Hi guys, do you know a Wordpress plugin that provides the ability to group subscribers. It would be nice if there was a page for each group where a photo and some information can be inserted. The final website will be for a basketball club. So I need the groups as the teams. I haven't found anything so far. Thanks in advance ...

How do I add a user model to my application so data is "user" specific in my Rails app.

Hi, looking to see if there are some ideas on how I should introduce the idea of a logged-in "user" that effectively 'federates' the data....let me explain. I have been building my app so far as if there is only one user. Me. All the data and reports are specific to me. I just added authlogic. I now want to be able to introduce a wa...

Ruby On Rails User Model for multiple types

I am learning RoR coming from many years of c# and MSSQL. I have picked a project to build a web site for my brother who is a rental property manager. I figured this should be fairly easy as the models should be straight forward, but it think I may be over thinking everything or I’m having trouble letting go of the ‘old’ way. Anyway h...

Not able to access the child control with in user control using javascript

Hi I have a user control "SettingsControl" containing an ajax:CollapsiblePanelExtender which in turn has a GridView (gridView) and checkBoxes. On top of GridView we have two LinkButtons "Select All" and "Clear All". I have written to enable select all and clear all functionality. Select All should select all the rows in the grid by call...

Creating a custom folder in a Setup Project for multiple Windows versions.

The users that will be installing and using the application I created may not have to access to the Program Files folder. Therefore, my boss and I thought it best that we put the SQLite database in a public location, but not the desktop. We were thinking of the Application Data folder on the All Users profile, but when I got to my othe...

C# Ensuring the GUI is as smooth as possible

Hi guys I'm being overly simplistic here, but say I have a WinForm with several controls on it (for example: a textbox, a treeview and a listview). To ensure the smoothest possible experience for the future (for instance, that listview may one day hold a lot of data), what should be done at the start? My knowledge of this kind of thin...

SQL is only reading 1 UserID When I'm Requesting A Picture + Name from the ID. Wondering Why

I have an asp repeater reading a datasource and it's linked eventually to this code through the code behind [dbo].[GetFeatStatic] AS BEGIN DECLARE @FeaturedStatic TABLE ( UserID INT, UserTitle varchar(50), Title varchar(50), Summary text, DatePosted date, FirstName varchar(50), LastName varchar(50...

taking the user back to the intial page after login?

im using php, i wanted to know if a user lands on a certain page, and they have to login or signup to be able to do actions like commenting or rating etc. i wanted to able to take the user back to that same page after they login. i was thinking to use the php get function and pass the url, im not sure thats the best way to do it, thanks...

What are some methods to rewards users for participating on your site?

This is not strictly programming related, so I apologize. But I think this fits within the scope of this site. We have a community site (part forum, part wiki, part knowledge base) where our users can participate in discussions, Q&As, etc. One of the things I would like to do is have some type of reward system where users feel like they...

cakephp user/login redirects to users/login automatically

I have a model called "user" and a controller for "user" with an action "login". The controller is empty right now as I'm simply testing the page, however, going to redirects me automatically to*s*/login and then says that the users controller does not exist. I know it doesn't exist but I'...

WPF UI not updated upon property change

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here... I have a custom HashTable that has a method that allows someone to delete a "partNumber" (a value) from the HashTable. The delete method is as follows: class COSC202HashTable : INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; //.... private List<i...