
Bluetooth UUID discovery

Does anyone know how a bluetooth device could pick up the discoverable devices' device IDs in range? I am ideally looking for the simplest solution that involves the smallest implimentation of the bluetooth protocols. A starting point would be good, I just wish to create a device that can store all the device ids of nearby bluetooth ...

Is there and equivalent for Microsoft's UuidCompare, UuidCreate, etc in Linux or POSIX environment?

Is there an equivalent for Microsoft's UuidCompare, UuidCreate, etc in Linux or POSIX environment? ...

cutdown uuid further to make short string

I need to generate unique record id for the given unique string. I tried using uuid format which seems to be good. But we feel that is lengthly. so we need to cutdown the uuid string 9f218a38-12cd-5942-b877-80adc0589315 to smaller. By removing '-' we can save 4 chars. What is the safest part to remove from uuid? We don't need unive...

What are the various options and their tradeoffs for storing a UUID in a MYSQL table?

I'm planning on using client provided UUID's as the primary key in several tables in a MySQL Database. I've come across various mechanisms for storing UUID's in a MySQL database but nothing that compares them against each other. These include storage as: BINARY(16) CHAR(16) CHAR(36) VARCHAR(36) 2 x BIGINT Are there any better option...

UUID in OpenOffice.org Base

How would one go about using a UUID as a primary key in an OpenOffice.org Base database? I have a need to gather data on multiple, unnetworked PCs that I can't install software on (I am using OpenOffice.org Portable). After gathering data, it will be merged into a single database. I believe that a UUID/GUID is the ideal solution, but f...

Creating IDs for uniqueness and URL referentiality

I need to create objects and make them available on the web. Similarly to stackoverflow, I have something like. http://stackoverflow.com/users/78374 However, in my case the ID of the object I create must be unique, so I am thinking about a UUID, leading to a URL like http://example.com/users/{8e931066-7d87-4f2b-a3b5-608c4c9a9083} b...

How to make unique short URL with Python?

How can I make unique URL in Python a la http://imgur.com/gM19g or http://tumblr.com/xzh3bi25y When using uuid from python I get a very large one. I want something shorter for URLs. ...

Find UUID of connected Iphone devices from the objective-c on the mac

Can I find UUID of connected Iphone devices from the objective-c on the mac? Something of a list of connected Iphones trough the usb cable. ...

UUID namespace and name. How to retrieve it ?

I have the following problem. I assign to any object in my database a UUID. When I get a UUID from any source, to obtain the object I need to know what type of object is, so I can query the correct table in the database. As far as I understand, UUID version 5 supports namespacing, but I am not sure I clearly understand its meaning. Is ...

RDF and uuid. why no urn schema ?

<rdf:Description about='uuid:8949dbc6-31ad-11d9-9c7d-d112c21f7031'> Why this about does not contain urn:uuid:8949dbc6-31ad-11d9-9c7d-d112c21f7031 instead? Isn't the uuid a urn, and therefore required to have a urn: scheme in front of it ? ...

Get UUID without iTunes

Hi, I am looking for a way to extract my iPhone (OS v3.0) UUID without using iTunes. I tried "UUID Revealer" from Cydia Store but that is not working on my system. I could SSH with WinSCP and I have a Terminal Program Installed. Any chances using one of those tools (or another one) to bring to light my UUID? Thanks ...

How to efficiently lookup information about a UUID in a distributed environment?

Hello All, I am currently partitioning the UUID space using modulo, so data lookup doesn't require pinging every single server. However, the main problem with modulo is scaling because adding more nodes to the datastore probably requires some data migration. In your opinion, what is the best approach to add more nodes to the system whil...

What kind of data can you extract from a UUID?

I know that we could easily extract the uuid version number. Is there a reliable way to extract information like timestamp, MAC address? Thanks! ...

What do you say of chopping type-4 UUID in this manner

Check this, List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { String value = (""+UUID.randomUUID().getLeastSignificantBits()).substring(3, 20); assertFalse(list.contains(value)); assertTrue(value.length() < 18); list.add(value); } This method is passing like char...

When should I use uuid.uuid1() vs. uuid.uuid4() in python?

I understand the differences between the two from the docs. uuid1(): Generate a UUID from a host ID, sequence number, and the current time uuid4(): Generate a random UUID. So uuid1 uses machine/sequence/time info to generate a UUID. What are the pros and cons of using each? I know uuid1() can have privacy concerns, since it's based ...

Unique UUIDs from multiple processes on same machine

To tag the data we create, I'm considering using uuids. Security is not an issue, so I was going to use version 1 (date-and-mac-address-based). The only concern is that each user may be creating multiple data files at once from different processes with multiple threads. Assuming Python's uuid library is thread-safe (though it doesn't ...

Problem with Apache Commons Id UUID Version 1 generation

My problem is to generate version 1 UUIDs. We use Jetty 6.x, Maven (to start Jetty among other things) and Apache Commons ID (to generate UUID version 1 from the current time). Apache Commons ID requires a configuration file that is told to the JVM, using a parameter, e.g. 'org.apache.commons.id.uuid.config.resource.filename=commons-id-...

Storing UUID in HSQLDB database

I wish to store UUIDs created using java.util.UUID in a HSQLDB database. The obvious option is to simply store them as strings (in the code they will probably just be treated as such), i.e. varchar(36). What other options should I consider for this, considering issues such as database size and query speed (neither of which are a huge c...

How do I identify a blank uniqueidentifier in SQL Server 2005?

Hello I'm getting a uniqueidentifier into a Stored Procedure that looks like this "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000". This seems like a simple thing, but how can identify that this is a blank uniqueidentifier? If I get a value like this "DDB72E0C-FC43-4C34-A924-741445153021" I want to do X If I get a value like this "00000000-0...

Generating a computer-specific UUID in Xcode

How do I generate a UUID that will uniquely identify a computer using Xcode / Objective-C? Windows has UuidCreateSequential(), what can I use on a Mac? ...