
VB .NET Save Panel without form

In Visual Studio 2008, using VB .NET, I have a Split Container that I want to dynamically load panels into the Panel2 slot from other team member's work based on user input in the Panel1 controls. Can my team members work on panels outside of a form, save it, then have the main Form just load those panels when needed without copying and...

Size of array in Visual Basic?

I've tried this code in VB: Dim a(1) As Byte Console.WriteLine(a.Length) The output is "2". Anyone any idea why? ...

How do I convert this from C# to VB.NET?

ASP.NET MVC - what is this in VB.NET? Html.TextBox( "name", null, new { @class = "css-class" } ); ...

New line character in VB.Net?

I am trying to print a message on a web page in vb.net. I am trying to get the messages in new lines. I tried using the "\r\n" and the new line character. But this is getting printed in the page instead of it comming to the next line. Please let me know if there is any alternative. ...

ArcGIS MapControl and Ms Access delay map re-draw?

Hello, This pertains to embedding ESRI MapControls into Access Database Forms. I have two access files, split into a frontend and backend. My backend is also a PersonalGeoDatabase that ArcGIS uses to store a feature class for display on a From embedded ESRI map control. The feature class stores polylines, points, and polygons which a...

VB/ASP.NET Fire events across WebParts

First off, my Environment: VB.NET .NET 2.0 AJAX Update Panels also used around webpart zones. I have a masterpage and default page. Default page has WPM and two Zones. each webpart is just a shell and a usercontrol is used for A & B I have two webparts, A & B. (Usercontrols)- A has a number of buttons. B has a listbox & Subs which popul...

How do I convert VB's Double to COBOL's COMP-3?

Hi All, Does anyone here know how to convert a VB Double to Cobol S9(15)V99 Comp-3 data type. Any help would be appreciated. ...

HowTo Copy data by a double click on a specific cell of one sheet to another sheet

Hallo I am writing down the requirements of what I want to do using a macro in excel: I have a workbook with 4 worksheets: The SourceSheet where I save my database, the TargetSheet where I want to send some products of the database, in order to do some calculations,the resultsSheet and the InfoSheet. If the user double clicks in a ce...

Reference one inline class from another.

Guys, I’m having difficulty referencing one main VB file from a new vb file. Here's the problem - the code file is ancient, and runs on ASP.NET 1.1. It runs without being compiled to a DLL, and changes regularly. for that reason, I'd rather not compile either New Person or Old Person to a DLL. A default page look something like this....

remove a chunk of a string

Anyone know a better way to do this? Dim Result1,Result2,FinalResult As String Result1 = Left(sXMLResponse, sXMLResponse.IndexOf("<start>")) Result2 = Mid(sXMLResponse, sXMLResponse.IndexOf("<end>")) FinalResult =Result1 & Result2 Surely there is a built in String.Remove(StringOne, StringTwo) Method or something more graceful? ...

Add Controls to WinForms dynamically in another Thread

Hi all, I have a Winform that contains a datagridview, bindingsource, file explorer control, etc... I need add several controls (Custom UserControls) to a Panel dynamically (like Panel.Controls.Add(...)). This process can be slow. I want to show to the user a message (waiting). What is the best way? I use Backgroundworker but I have...

How do I directly read and write database files in vb2008?

How do I read and write a file using a file format which is readable by a database server, in vb2008? I have very little experience working with databases, and I can't seem to find any tutorials which don't involve some type of server as a middle-man. ...

VBA UserForm Object

Hi, I'm really struggling with something here. I have a class module, let's call it FormMan which has a bunch of methods relating to the large number of userforms I have in my project. One particular method is to be called from a lot of different places and is pretty simple - it simply adds a user defined number of controls to a form and...

While using Linq sum rounds up the values. How to avoide that?

Data : Empcode Amount 30034 27.25 30034 124 linq code Dim ComputedData = From p In AllOrders _ Order By p.Field(Of String)("EmpCode") _ Group By Key = p.Field(Of String)("EmpCode") Into Group _ Select EmpCode = Key, _ Consump...

VBA - Check for active internet connection

Wrote a small app that accesses a bunch of search websites and puts the results in a word document, which gets run a few hundred times a day. It saves individual search results in a number of local folders so the next time those words are searched, it grabs them locally instead of loading the website again. This works fine - even thoug...

Pre-Build Events in VB6 Ide (similar to Visual Studio 2005)

Hi, Does anyone know if VB6 IDE has the ability to run pre-build events prior to making and compiling the code (this is for creating a .vb file from a template file for subversion revision numbers to be compiled into the code using SubWCRev.exe). Thanks ...

How to simplify several similar collection files in VB

Hi all, I'm new in programming. In VB2005, I have some object files, like a.vb, b.vb, c.vb.. each of them has different properties. Then I have the collection files, for example: as.vb is the collection of a, bs.vb is the collection of b... each has mostly the same content, like add, item, count... So now I would like to know, is th...

How do I compute a win/loss percentage in Visual Basic?

Huge noob here trying to teach himself VB. I need to compute the percentage of games won and games lost. I keep getting errors and it's driving me up a wall. I've changed my code so many times that I don't really remember what it was like when I started. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance. Private Sub btnPercentage...

VB.NET forms behave strange on design-time

I'm developing with VB.NET 2008. One of my host was crashed, so I take the files and keep development on another host. But now something strange is happening:All frames, lines and shapes are disappeared on design-time, but are seen normally in runtime. Please see the attached screenshot (Upper is design-time, lower is runtime). http://go...

Converting UTF-8 to ASCII in VB.NET

I am writing a console application, which reads emails from different email boxes and processes through them. Emails are received from various automated systems. The email messages are logged and/or sent forward. The problem is that some emails are encoded in UTF-8 and transfer-encoded in quoted-printable which messes up special charact...