
What's the fastest way to walk through an Excel Range object backwards?

The title pretty much says it all. I'm using VBA in the Excel VBE, but c# or vb are fine. The concept should hold true across the languages. Thanks. ...

Switching from ms-access client interface to executable file

Are there any object similar to ms-access forms in VB, .NET or other microsoft technologies? We have been now using Access for developping client interfaces with some success for the last 2 years. We are using a serie of development tools making the best use of a metamodel (we have tables for forms, local queries, menus, controls, conne...

The best way to hit a URL (I don't need a response) in Visual Basic.Net

I am basically sending a URL to control the tilt and pan of an IP camera, so all I need to do is send the request, I am not worried about receiving anything. Currently I am using: Dim Request As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/nphControlCamera?Direction=TiltDown&Resolution=320x240&Quality=Standard&...

List of classes in assembly

I've a DLL assembly, in which there are various classes. Each class has around 50-100 members and 4-5 functions. How can I create a list of all the classes and their respective members using VB program. I need to show to the user for performing operation using a particular class. Thanks Rahul ...

Binding and formattingEnabled...?

Hi, I have a combobox derrived class which has a SelectedLookupItem property. This returns a LookupItem object. LookupItem is a MustInherit class. I have a class that has a property whose return type is ChildLookupItem (a class derrived from LookupItem). When I set up binding to link the combo to this property, I get a FormatException "...

Proper usage of array as field member in VB 2005

I normally use C# and I'm attempting to convert a qbasic programmer to the joys of object oriented programming by easing him into VB 2005. Below is a extremely simplified version of what I'm trying to accomplish. It successfully compiles, but all members in the array of card objects are set to "Nothing". The test line throws a NullRef...

ASCX controls ASP.NET - Cannot find Visible method

In a particular page i have a ascx control which contains a table. Now I want to set this control visible/invisible but the visible method is not detected by the intellisense. The only methods are 1)Equals and 2) ReferenceEquals Main Page <VPM:VotingPolls Runat="server"></VPM:VotingPolls> Thanks ...

ASP.NET Datagrid HTML Output (Display)

Currently I am binding a dataset with a datagrid. ds = query.ExecuteReadQuery("select PollQuestionText as 'Survey Question', PollAnswer1Text as 'Selection 1', PollAnswer2Text as 'Selection 2', PollAnswer3Text as 'Selection 3', PollEnabled 'Status' from tbl_pollquestions") For Each row As Data.DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows ...

C# - are all Enum constants?

Are all Enum enumerations constants? Do they get converted to their value at compile-time, or at run-time? ...

Why does this code only work when I use a break point?

See code below, for some reason it only works when I put a breakpoint on line 2 (*) is there some delay? Is it starting the next line before it finishes the 2nd one? dp.SSLCertStoreType = nsoftware.IBizPayPal.DirectpaymentSSLCertStoreTypes.sstPEMKey *dp.SSLCertStore = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("\cert_key_pem.txt...

Invoke method dynamically in VB.Net

I've some classes defined in a dll file. These are in the form of com api. I'm trying to create an object of one of the class dynamically and than setting some property of that object. When I set the property manually, it works, but when I try to invoke the same using reflection it gives the error that Object does not match target ty...

In Access 2003, how can I call a custom VB function from a query?

Is is possible to call a custom VB function, saved in the same Access Db, from a query written in that db, and if so, how? ...

ADO & DAO Introduction

HI, I am looking for some material giving introduction to DAO and ADO usage in VBA. Most of the material i came across give examples of how to use them. I am looking for a broader theory based definition of what they are and how they came about and the requirements for their usage. thanks regards tksy ...

Open FoxPro Table in VB.net 2005

I need to open foxpro free tables in vb.net using the oledb connection. But... i only need to get the column names. I don't really need to 'select' anything. I am trying to dynamically browse through all our free tables and set up a listing of every column from every file and xref that to another free table that contains a description o...

ASP.Net 2.0 VB WebSite Project "Type 'Exception' is not defined"

All of a sudden our VB ASP.Net 2.0 WebSite Project started complaining that Exception was not defined. I have discovered that if I add "Imports System" to the header, or explicitly use System.Exception that it works, but this error permeates a lot of other System descendants like the Data namespace, and the DateTime object. We have hun...

Permission Denied opening an Excel File using Excel 12.0 Library & VB6

I have used Excel in my VB6 apps many times before, and have never run into such a weird problem trying to accomplish something very easy.. I am trying to open an excel (xls or xlsx) file and read through values, as you can probably see. When I try to open the file, I get an error 70 (permission denied) error. The odd thing is that the...

How can I call java from asp?

I'm not familiar with ASP, but am helping someone out with their website as a side project. I am trying to call Apache FOP (a java application) from ASP using VB. I have seen simple examples using the GetObject('java:...') constuct, but I don't know how to pass and retrieve binary data from a java object. Ideally, I would do this all ...

Using VB.NET IIF I get NullReferenceException

I am doing a little debugging, and so I want to log the eventArgs value I have a simple line that basically does: logLine = "e.Value: " + IIf(e.Value Is Nothing, "", e.Value.ToString()) The way I understand the IIF function, if the e.Value is Nothing (null) then it should return the empty string, if not it should return the .ToString...

How do I convert VB5 project to a c# project

I have a VB5 (non .net) project that I would like to upgrade to a c# project. Has anyone have any suggestions on methods or free tools that are avalible to help me with this. Thanks Brad ...

Tablet PC Autocomplete

I have been trying to implement the autocomplete functionality mentioned here. The problem is I am developing on a windows xp machine and I cant seem to find the right dlls used to develop this feature. Using vista for development is not an option, but the production environment is on a Vista Tablet PC. I have downloaded and installed...