
How do I do a loop in Visual Basic

I have programmed in C, Pascal, GWBasic, TCL, Perl, Lisp, but Visual Basic is too advanced for me. FOR j = 1 TO 31 output_to_webpage "<p>Counter is " + j + "</p>" myDay = "" + j IF j < 10 THEN myDay = "0" + j MyStr = MyStr + ",j" NEXT The loop never appears to happen. Although if I comment out any references to the loop vari...

XML to String value

I use an XMLWriter to manually make an XML document. Is there a way to put that in string form so I can write it to my DB? I am coding in VB..Net ...

Connect to remote webservice with servicve under Local system account inproxy environment

Hi all, I have a Windows service running on Local System Account. The service connects to a remote webservice, and donwloads a file. Now I installed the service in an environment with a proxy server (http://proxy:80"). The result is that in the eventlog I get error: "unable to connect to remote server". When I start the service with a ...

VBScript Issue Help Required.

I need a script that can run and pull information from any drive on a Windows operating system (Windows Server 2003), listing all files and folders which contain the following fields: The server is quite big and is within our domain. The required information is: Full file path (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\testPage...

ASP.NET Error: Value of System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments cannot be converted to Integer

Hi, I have declared BindData as: Private Sub BindData() 'hfSearchText has the search string returned from the grid If hfSearchText.Value <> "" Then EntityDataSource1.Select += " where " & hfSearchText.Value End If Dim dv As DataView = DirectCast(EntityDataSource1.[Select](New DataSourceSelectArguments()), DataView) 'hfSort has the sort...

Will this code get the value of the found control? asp.net syntax

x.Parameters.AddWithValue("@areasexpertise1", FindControl("AreasExpertise1")) It should find AreasExpertise1 and make a parameter, but does that get the selectedvalue too? ...

VB GUI Interface to run VBS Script.

Hi Folks I have a VBS script which I need to run on a monthly basis which captures file information suhc as file Name, Type, Date Modified and more. When I processes each file it saves it all onto a CSV file so that I can process it on Excel. To run the script I setup a batch file .bat The issue is I need a GUI interface of some sort ...

How do I traverse/iterate through all the objects inside a form in VB.net?

Hi. I have a VB class inside which one of the methods accepts an array of forms. For each form inside the array, I need it to traverse all of the objects, check if they are a specific tyoe (input, label, checkbox, etc.) and get the properties of each object. Then, I want to dump these into a text file in the following format: Form1 ...

visual basic 6 > ADODB.Recordset > how to properly add new records to empty recordset manually?

How to add new records to a new & empty ADODB.Recordset manually? Right now, here's what I'm doing that isn't working: Dim rs as ADODB.Recordset rs.Open Dim Fields() as String Fields(0) = "SomeFieldName" Dim Values() as String Value(0) = "SomeValue" rs.AddNew Fields, Values ...

Visual Basic - Sending a Carriage Return to an E-Mail

How can I send a string to an email with new lines (carriage returns) included? The problem is that I am sending the string to an email, and the email strips out the carriage returns. Dim myApp As New Process emailStringBuilder.Append("mailto:") emailStringBuilder.Append("&subject=" & tmpID & " - " & subject) emailString...

handling Security Messages in .net WebBrowser Control

I am attempting to write a VB.net application which will allow users to create their own widget plugins in html/jscript and i would like to set my own security options in the applications settings allowing users to choose what can run or not eg scripts, flash, activex. I would like to allow activex controls to be used without the window...

Is VB Really Case Insensitive?

I'm not trying to start an argument here, but for whatever reason it's typically stated that VB is case insensitive and C languages aren't (and somehow that is a good thing). But here's my question: Where exactly is VB case insensitive? When I type... Dim ss As String Dim SS As String ...into the VS2008 or VS2010 IDE the second one h...

how to change the meaning in textbox with listbox word selection

Hello Every One! I am working on simple dictionary software. So I have Two Textboxes and one Listbox on the form. Textbox1 is for searching the listbox and textbox2 is for the displaying the meaning of selected word from listbox. When I type a word in the textbox1 the typed word is automatically selected in the ListBox, here the coding i...

Make custom string encoder .net

I know .net supports base64 encoding of byte arrays. But i thought that i could save even more space if use a higher number of characters. I read somewhere that Unicode supports thousands of different characters so why not use base1024 encoding for example? And if this is possible can you give some guidelines on how to implement it. Tha...

Beginner question - VB - change a button based on an integer

I have a form with a large number of buttons on it, each named btn1 through btn25. I have another button that is generating a random number and saving it to an integer variable intDrawn. I'd like to know if there's a simple way to alter a particular button based on the result in intDrawn; if intDrawn = 5, then I want to change the font ...

visual basic 2008 control arrays...

I'm looking at controlling properties of an array of buttons in VB 2008 (express). I have been looking at the sample code from a whitepaper at MS, and it kind of makes my head spin compared to what was done in VB6! (and yes I'm an amateur, so please forgive the poor coding and what is probably a simple question for the experienced here.....

Getting click events from buttons in a control array

Using VB 2008 Express. Attaching code to buttons when they're clicked is easy when they're static buttons on the form; just double click the button on the form designer and add code to the event. I have a series of buttons that are generated in a control array, so they're generated in a class, and in the form there are no buttons until...

Reading XML from document with VB.net

I want to be able to read my XML document but I am a little lost how to. I cant really post my XML on here because it is just trying to use markup. Anyways, I have a root node that surrounds the whole object i want to read. From there, there are a few elements. 2 of those elements can have multiple instances. There will only be one objec...

Encrypt ApplicationServices ConnectionString

Is there a way where I can set the .NET ApplicationServices connection string in the code behind? Instead of having plain text in my web.config? Or can I just put the encrypted value there and then decrypt and pass it again? Thanks! ...

Using HID USB in Visual Basic 6.0

im trying to interface a Gramin usb GPS to get the coordinates in a visual basic project, but i dont have an idea how to accomplish this, anyone point me out in the right direction please? ...