
VB and Oracle connectivity

What are the steps to connect to Oracle 9i with VB6? How can I use modules and stored procedures in VB6 and how can I call an SP? What is the method to use ADO which is helpful to insert, update, search and delete the items from the front end? Thanks ...

VB6 (erk) - Inline functions?

I use VB6 for an application. Is it possible to force the compiler to inline a function? Or is there an add-in that achieves the same thing? There's a secure part of my code that I want to make difficult to hack, by repeating the code at every point where it is used instead of being listed once as a function. Hope someone can answer ...

ole excel objects in VB6

Is anyone aware of a good resource online for detailed information on the use of ole excel objects(embeded workbooks, worksheets, etc...) in VB6? I'm maintaining an application that makes heavy use of these conrols and I'm having a lot of trouble getting them to work properly for the user's of this program. The scattered bits of Q&A I ca...

Error registering COM+ application proxy

Howdy folks: I have exported a COM+ application proxy, which generates MSI and CAB files, and I have successfully installed them on a few different Win XP and Vista machines. However, I have a WinXP box that isn't playing nicely. When I try and run the MSI it gives me the following error message: "Error registering COM+ Application." ...

Have any vb applications migrated to delphi?

I would like to hear of the experiences of classic vb developers who migrated their applications to delphi rather than vb.net. How has it worked out? Are you glad or sorry that you didn't move to vb.net? ...

Object/Module not found: RDS from VB6 app to a Win2003 server

I have a rather legacy application EXE written in VB6 and running on a Windows 2000 server that uses RDS (Remote Data Services) to access a business object DLL (also written in VB6) running on a Windows 2003 server. The DLL has never run on this server (we're moving the component off the old W2K server), but it is registered and defined...

how to debug vb6 richtextbox not showing unicode (chinese) properly.

hi there, I have a simple vb6 editor type application which has a richtextbox as the editor page. It allows users to key in stuff and the store it into a file which will keep all the text in RTF stored as CDATA in xml. When you load back the file, it will read it off the xml and load back the rtf. We allow for unicode editing, but my pr...

How to set the Startup Project in VB6?

Can you set the startup Project in the Visual Basic 6 IDE? I looked all through the Settings and can't find a way to do it. ...

Best RDBMS for use from VB6

We are embarking on a grand/huge project which will take us around 1 full year of coding (by 4 developers) to get off the launch pad. It is a complete Business Management System. We can use any commercially available RDBMS like Oracle, MS SQL Server, etc. but we are looking out to use freeware and open source RDBMS system like FireBird...

How to align RichEdit paste object position in Visual Basic 6?

We have a RichEdit control into which we allow the user to insert an Office MathML equation object. Basically the logic goes like this: the user click on insert math equation, we allow them to use an external MathML editor, then we will paste an image to represent the equation into the RichEdit control: ' Paste the picture into the Ric...

What additional "standard" VB6 controls can I enable through Project

There are lots of additional control "packs" (libraries) that you can enable in VB6 via Project>Components. I'm trying to find good replacements for the Sheridan SScommand and SSframe controls. But I also want to find additional controls like a Tabbed dialog. I'm not sure which of the ones in the list of Components are ones that: a. I ...

How do I fix the error "Cannot load control SSPanel; license not found" in VB6 program

I have a VB6 legacy program which I need to change. I am unable to run the program from the IDE. When I activate one of the forms in the IDE I get an error which refers me to an error log file. The log file has the following in it "Cannot load control SSPanel; license not found" The SSPanel is part the Sheridan 3D controls (THREED32.oc...

VB 6.0 system tray application doesn't close gracefully when Windows shuts down

Hi I'm using the following code within a VB 6.0 application to allow give the application a system tray icon: Option Explicit 'user defined type required by Shell_NotifyIcon API call Public Type NOTIFYICONDATA cbSize As Long hwnd As Long uId As Long uFlags As Long uCallBackMessage As Long hIcon As Long szTip As St...

ORM/MDA/UML tool for VB6

I know of Rational Rose and we have got Rational Rose 6. But I am looking for some other tools which are more usable, which do not complain that they are not running in Windows 98/2000 (when installed and run in WinXP) and has got better features as compared to Rational Rose 6. ...

VB6 Cannot Make executable or DLL file

VB6 IDE can get into a state when the Make XXXX menu option under the File Menu is disabled. ...

NAnt/NAntContrib 'VB6' failed to start on remote build

Background I'm putting together a Continuous Integration system at work on two VMs running on my local desktop. VM #1 (Toolbox) is running CruiseControl.Net, Subversion, BugTracker.Net and SQL Server Express. VM #2 (BuildMaster) is running NAnt with NAntContrib and has VB 6.0 and the 1.0/1.1/2.0/3.5 .Net Framework SDKs installed. The in...

Microsoft Patch 958369 MS08-070 broke my VB6 App (Type Mismatch - dynamically created control)

We upgraded our machines with a microsoft patch listed above and are now having issues with some winsock controls. While moving on to the new component library there were two issues that we faced: We are creating a Winsock control dynamically using Form.Controls.Add(...). With the new dlls it gave us a run time error 731 stating that...

What's the best way to use .NET classes from Visual Basic 6?

At my workplace I'm stuck with Visual Basic 6, but after reading the answer to "How do I sort arrays using vbscript?" I got my hopes up, that at least some of the missing VB6 features can be supplemented by .NET features. (Different kinds of collections, mostly) It seems, that at least some .NET classes are available for scripting and ...

What is the best way to determine the correct Charset for a given LCID at runtime in VB6?

I am displaying Japanese characters in a VB6 application with the system locale set to Japan and the language for non Unicode programs as Japanese. A call to GetACP() correctly returns 932 for Japanese. When I insert the Japanese strings into my controls they display as “ƒAƒtƒŠƒJ‚̏—‰¤” rather than “アフリカの女王”. If I manually set the Fon...

How to do development and build in visual basic 6.0

I am looking for best practice in building multiple visual basic projects(all dll's).We have multiple projects, and our final deliverable will be a dll.Now, one project uses 2 other projects, and another refers to another project.Should projects reference the vbp files, or the dll? If they reference vbp files, how to build all the proje...