
Excel row comparison to columns functions/vba

Problem: I have data that looks like this and I want to compare the rows to the column values. so is(Table1.t1 = Table2.t1)? kind of thing. Table 1 A B x t1 x t2 x t3 x t4 Table 2 A B C D E x t1 t2 t3 t4 Can I do this in Excel with functions or VBA ...

How to identify what control has focus, MS Access VBA

The question says it all. I have a listbox whose rowsource is change programmaticaly. If the control has the focus then I need use me.txtSearch.text when building the rowsource, otherwise I need to use me.txtSearch.value. How do I determine what control has the focus? ...

VBA Equivalent to List<T> in C#

Possible Duplicate: VB6 equivalent to a List<T> Duplicate of: Access VBA equivalent to a List<T> I posted this question with the wrong information before, so I am reposting it in the hopes of getting a correct answer. I have a COM-visible object written in C# that accepts a list of string arrays. Could I send a Colle...

Deleting hidden name definitions with invalid names in Excel 2003

I am using this macro: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/119826 to try and clean up hidden names in my excel file. It works for most of the hidden names, but not for a few _123Graph names. I'm not sure where these names came from, but when I try to delete them I get a 1004 automation error. The knowledge base mentions that names with sp...

migrating mysql to sql server 2008

i have a simple mysql database. it has 3 tables. here is the create statement for them: CREATE DATABASE `qcvalues` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 */ CREATE TABLE `batchinfo` ( `rowid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `datapath` mediumtext, `analysistime` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `reporttime` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, ...

powerpoint rogrammatically add textbox animation triggered by bookmark in mediaobject

I am trying to programmatically add an fade effect on a textbox which is triggered by a bookmark in a mediaobject, eg movie. So when the movie plays and reaches the bookmark the textbox will appear with the fade effect. I have gotten as far as being able to add the textbox to the slide and adding the bookmarks to the mediaobject shape ...

Separate "Year" to several worksheets according to one column....

hello! This task is driving me mad... please help! Instead of manually type in the data, i have used VBA to find the year range, put into one column and delete all duplicate ones. But since excel could give more than 20 years, it would be tedious to do all the filtering manually. AND, now i need excel to separate the rows that contain th...

calling web service using VBA code in excel 2010

I am trying to write some VBA code in Excel 2010 that would consume a web service. I am unable to find any related resources on the internet. Can someone please tell me how to do this. ...

How do I use Amazon itemlookup API with VBA (Excel)

I have a AccessKeyID and a SecretAccessKey, I can't find any working example with VBA on Excel. How can one ItemLookup with VBA, someone has a working example. Do I need besides the two keys for anything else? ...

sql server 2008: setting up a username properly in order to connect from VBA

i set up a login (reviewer) under security for SQL SERVER and under the specific database i set up a User (qcvalues_reviewer) that references this login i have tried all these different ways to login into the database from vba: 'cn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=hermes;Initial Catalog=test;User ID=qcvalues_reviewer; Password=921...

VBA script to close every instance of Excel except itself

I have a subroutine in my errorhandling function that attempts to close every workbook open in every instance of Excel. Otherwise, it might stay in memory and break my next vbscript. It should also close every workbook without saving any changes. Sub CloseAllExcel() On Error Resume Next Dim ObjXL As Excel.Application Set ObjXL ...

Populate fields in VB6 executable from MS office VBA

Hi, I'm developing a VB6 standalone application that I'd like to be able to call from VBA modules running in Excel, Outlook, etc. Ideally, I'd like the VBA module to check whether the VB6 application is already running, if not, open it, then populate certain controls (textbox, listbox, etc) in the VB6 application with information from th...

HOW do i use SELECT @@identity in sql server?

i am currently calling SELECT @@identity from VBA in mysql: Set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT @@identity", , adCmdText) but since i am going to be working with sql server db instead of mysql, i would like to know how to make this statement sql-server friendly would it just be Set rs = cn.Execute("SCOPE_IDENTITY()", , adCmdText) ?? ...

why does SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() return null?

in what case does SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() return null? i am doing this: Set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()", , adCmdText) capture_id = rs.Fields(0) and i getting capture_id=null ...

sql server: how do i get the last record that was inserted?

i am doing this: With rs .AddNew ' create a new record ' add values to each field in the record .Fields("datapath") = dpath .Fields("analysistime") = atime .Fields("reporttime") = rtime .Fields("lastcalib") = lcalib .Fields("analystname") = aname .Fields("reportname") = rname .Fields("batchstate") = b...

Show Excel 2007 Ribbon in XLS file using Excel VBA

Hi, I have a excel dashboard which works such that before the excel file is closed, I would like to display all the EXCEL ribbon, so that next time excel is opened, the application / excel will show the ribbon. At present, it does not show the ribbon if excel is opened. Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(cancel As Boolean) On Err...

this action exceed the number of page breaks you can manually add to a worksheet. a worksheet can contains up to 1026 horizontal page breaks

Hi, I developed a excel add ins using VB.NET 2005. and in this when i adding page break below error is occurred :- This action exceed the number of page breaks you can manually add to a worksheet. a worksheet can contains up to 1026 horizontal page breaks So can any one suggest how i insert more than 1026 page break or any other s...

sql server: is there a way to get last record inserted without stored procedure?

is there a way to get last record inserted without stored procedure in a multi-user environment? i am connected to sql server through vba. i insert some records and call: SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() this is not working. it is returning null every time. here is the entire code: Dim sqlstring1 As String sqlstring1 = "delete from batchin...

is there a way to do SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() in ADODB?

With rs .AddNew ' create a new record ' add values to each field in the record .Fields("datapath") = dpath .Fields("analysistime") = atime .Fields("reporttime") = rtime .Fields("lastcalib") = lcalib .Fields("analystname") = aname .Fields("reportname") = rname .Fields("batchstate") = bstate .Fields(...

SCOPE_IDENTITY() vs. rs.Fields

what is the difference in the way these work: Sql = "INSERT INTO mytable (datapath, analysistime,reporttime, lastcalib,analystname,reportname,batchstate,instrument) " & _ "VALUES (dpath, atime, rtime,lcalib,aname,rname,bstate,instrument) SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()" Set rs = cn.Execute Set rs = rs.NextRecordset and this: With rs ...