
itemadd event not firing when system goes to sleep mode

I am trying to monitor my Outlook inbox and download attachments. It works fine when I am using my computer but when I lock my computer it goes to sleep mode and the event does not fire i.e., not able to download attachments. Please suggest. I am not here to learn English. ...

Embed an R process in a VBA macro

the title exactly -- is there a way to call an r process from an excel macro? ...

Event not Firing in MS Access VBA

I have a form in MS Access which has an image. The image has an Click event which opens a modal form. The modal form has an OK and Cancel button. When you click the OK button, an event is supposed to fire which tells the main form which button was clicked. (This is to simulate the DialogResult functionality in C#). However, the code...

PowerPoint Programmatically find and delete animation/effect

I have programmatically (VSTO) added animations to the PowerPoint slide using the following code activeSlide.TimeLine.InteractiveSequences.Add().AddTriggerEffect( textBox2, MsoAnimEffect.msoAnimEffectFade, MsoAnimTriggerType.msoAnimTriggerOnMediaBookmark, selectedShape, "Bookmark A", M...

Issue when attempting to sort recipients in To: field in Outlook

I am writing an Outlook VBA macro to alphabetically sort recipients when composing an email. It works fine for sorting, however if I have 3 recipients (for example), run the sort macro, and then remove a recipient, running the macro a second time causes the removed recipient to re-appear. When I step through the macro on the second run,...

multi thread in Excel 2007

Hello All, I have a question/problem on running a macro with some level of concurrency in Excel 2007. Here is my situation. (1) I am using Excel 2007 (2) My PC is an Intel Dual-Core. (3) For this test, macro is very simple and defined in a module. Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Function simple_macro(...

Facebook Login with XMLHttp

How can I login to Facebook using XMLhttp? ...

In Excel VBA, the volatile Offset function is very slow. What is a alternative?

Hi, I'm having a performance issue in my Excel macro. One particular piece of code runs really slow. I think the reason is the Offset function. I've found online that it is a volatile function which recalculates a lot. The strange thing is that I use it as a VBA-function, so I can't figure out how it would affect performance as it never...

how do I force a screen update in Excel VBA?

My Excel tool performs a long task, and I'm trying to be kind to the user by providing a progress report in the status bar, or in some cell in the sheet, as shown below. But the screen doesn't refresh, or stops refreshing at some point (e.g. 33%). The task eventually completes but the progress bar is useless. What can I do to force a sc...

Excel VBA: automating copying ranges from different workbooks into one final destination sheet?

I'm going to be generating some graphs from a lot of data located in multiple workbooks. The data is formatted exactly the same in all workbooks and reside in folders all at the same level. I'm going to be bringing parts (ranges) of the data into one final workbook where I'll generate my graphs from. This made me think that this sort of...

Excel VBA - Create Multiple Columns on Sheet2 from 1 column on Sheet1 with logic

I am new to VBA and i am struggling trying to make this work. I am in need of a macro that will process each cell\Column on Sheet1 and Put the Results on Sheet2. I'm sure this is pretty easy for those who are more advanced with VB code. It contains many columns.. Anytime we encounter a "—" or an empty cell we populate the cell with -999...

Microsoft office Macro - Why is the document jumping around?

Hello All, This if the first time I write a Microsoft Office Macro. Basically, we have a few check boxes on page 1 and when one of them is checked, I need to auto-fill a text box on page 10 depending on which check box was checked. So each checkbox "on Entry" runs a macro. Say the options are "Outstanding", "Exceeded" and "Unsatis...

formula within formula getting CELL/MATCH

i am doing a vlookup of some value is it possible to get the address of where that value was found? are there any other ways besides match and cell? i do thank you for your answers. but for some reason i am doing this: =cell("address",VLOOKUP(B2,Component!A:F,6,FALSE)) and this is not working i also tried: =address(match(b2,Compo...

recovering the cell address of a vlookup statement

is there a way to get address_of(vlookup(.....)) ?? where address_of = "A25" (or something in that format) ?? ...

VBA : Loop to find redundant value and don't treat it

Hi there, I have a problem I just can't fix. I need to find if a product exists so it shouldn't be treated twice (or more). Here's my code : Dim table As Variant finalLig = Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row table= Range("C3:D" & finalLig).Value 'two dimensionnal array (nb of products, 2 columns. 2nd column is just here to...

Access VBA: If Form Value <> NULL then run query else, end if. - not doing anything

Hi guys, I have a piece of code that I've haphazardly written in order to run a query on_click of a form button. Private Sub Command153_Click() If Forms![form name1]![form name2]!Text143 <> Null Then DoCmd.OpenQuery "InsertGroup", acNormal, acEdit Else End If End Sub I haven't written a custom if before in VBA so I think I'm probably ...

Procedure too large in vba

Getting an error meassage: Procedure too large in vba? what is the reason and way out? ...

Check Microsoft Access Form Values before Save

I have an Access Form - lets call it "Add Labor" (Access 2007) that saves data into a table. The table has two columns in particular called "Start Date" and "End Date" (This table stores tasks) There is also another table called FiscalYears which includes Start and End Dates for Fiscal Years, which is structured as follows FyID FYear...

How do I revert to default System.mdw after doing a SetDefaultWorkgroupFile?

I am doing the following in code to set the default workgroup file: Application.SetDefaultWorkgroupFile "c:\myworkgroup.mdw" How do I find out what the current workgroup is before I do this so I can revert? Is there something built into Access? Thanks, Greg ...

Select a value from a table in current DB and use a variable in Access VBA

In Access VBA, I want to use values from a "Settings" table, instead of hard-coding folder locations etc. in the code. I can't figure out how to load a value from the table and use it in the code. Dim oFSystem As Object Dim oFolder As Object Dim oFile As Object Dim sFolderPath As String sFolderPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Main\D...