Hi there, Looking for advice as to the correct method of solving this design issue
I have a table for a profile / record (tblProfile), each profile can have more than one address / property (tblProp)
I have a form for adding a profile, and a seperate form to add an address.
What would be the correct method for allowing the selection o...
I have a situation in which text in one of the cells is massive.When I change the contents of this cell the previous value becomes a comment to that cell.Now the problem is, this text is so big that I cannot see complete text.If I use .Shape.Textframe.Autosize=true then I have to go on browsing till god knows when to see the text.
What ...
i'm not a windows administrator, so I do not know what I'm doing wrong.
I have this script to get vmware esxi3.5 reports,
I get this error:
C:\Documents and Settings\admmarc\Desktop\test\vcreport.
DB Provider for ODBC Drivers: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver
not found and no default driver specified...
Option Explicit
Sub peuler1()
Dim x As Variant
Dim y As Variant
y = 0
For x = 1 To 999
If x Mod 3 = 0 Or x Mod 5 = 0 Then
y = y + x
End If
Next x
Call peuler1
End Sub
Why is this taking so long? it doesn't seem to be too convoluted.
I am trying to format a number as currency in Access VBA.
In the immediate window, when I enter:
? Format(123, "Currency")
I get the expected response: "$123.00"
However, in the code window, when I enter:
Debug.Print Format(123, "Currency")
I get an error pointing to that line: "Run-time error '13': Type mismatch"
Why does the s...
I'm encoding a document to attach as a base64 encoded element inside an xml document for transmission. It's easy enough, I just slurp the entire file into a byte array and then use MSXML's nodeTypedValue to base64 encode the data as I put it into the element. The problem, however, is that MS XML then adds its own namespace and datatype a...
I have the following code that executes a Stored Procedure in Sybase throught VBA.
Sub GetInfo()
Dim rstRUB As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strRUB As String
Dim strcnn As String
Dim productType As String
Dim DealId As String
strcnn = "DSN=KONDOR_QUA;DATABASE=Kustom;UID=odbcuser;PWD=odbcuser123;"
Set cnn = Ne...
is there a way to say in vba something like
from x = 1 to 100, by 10
so that the x's are 1, 10, 20, 30, etc. to 100?
Hi there,
I'm looking for advice as to the correct method for form design to prompt the user entering data to avoid duplicated records.
For example:
The user enters profile information in the fields firstName surName
Its highly possible for numerous profiles to have the same name (e.g John Smith, so indexing fields isn't possible to av...
I have the following function in access, which was working fairly well. But now suddenly i am starting to get a compile error : Method or data member not found
Function Serialize(qryname As String, keyname As String, keyvalue) As Long
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDb
On Error GoTo Err_Serialize
Set rs = dbs.O...
I just wrote this function to read a series of email addresses from a linebreak-delimited text file. And it does work, but that's not my question.
Function GetEmailArray(FileName As String) As String()
Dim TempArr() As String
Dim i As Integer
Open FileName For Input Access Read As #1
Do While Not (EOF(1))
i = i...
This function was written to create a Lotus email, populate it, save it to the Drafts section, and then open it for the user to edit. However, it has 2 problems:
It doesn't always open the right draft email for editing.
It sometimes produces a "Notes Error - Specified command is not available from the workspace." error message. (The e...
I am trying to grok the following piece of code:
Mid$(strV, i, 1) = Chr$(intChar And &HDF)
What does &HDF mean? I also have a similar section that uses @H20. I have Googled high and low and the most I found was nothing that I didn't already know about them...that they are constants.
I have a spreadhseet that looks something like this:
Referrer --- Clicks --- Conversions
http://google.com/search?q=hello+world ---- 12 ---- 3
http://george.com ---- 4 ---- 1
http://google.com/search?q=yeah ----- 3 ---- 3
http://george.com/2010/3/this-blog ----- 4 ---- 0
http://www.wave-runner.com/hey ---- 3 ---- 0
How can I write a m...
How can I get the output as a vector in R?
For example, if I want to have
for (i in 1:1000) {if i mod 123345 = 0, a = list(i)}
but I would want to find all i that divide evenly into 123345 (i.e., factors), and not just the largest one.
Currently, I'm using Excel 2002 with a ODBC connection to query an Oracle DB by User ID # and to return a set of parameters such as Name, Address, etc. to fill a mail merge form in Word 2003. I wanted to know where I could automate this process to the point that I would open up Word, be prompted for the User ID and being able to have the...
I am trying to compare two strings in VB but compareTo, compare, equals etc all give compile errors.
If String.Compare(string_one, string_two) = 0 Then
...do stuff
End If
If String.Equals(string_one, string_two) Then
...do stuff
End If
Now both lines give me the error
Compile error:
Expected: (
and it ...
I'm searching for strings within strings using Regex. The pattern is a string literal that ends in (, e.g.
# pattern
" before the bracket ("
# string
this text is before the bracket (and this text is inside) and this text is after the bracket
I know the pattern will work if I escape the character with a backslash, i.e.:
# pattern
" ...
I'm trying to familiarize myself with Visual Basic Add-In Model. I don't understand what LinkedWindowFrame and LinkedWindows properties mean. Could someone kindly explain a little bit? Thank you!
Edit: There's a definition as follows:
linked window
A window that is joined to another window other than the main window.
But I don't...
I don't know between ADO, DAO and DLookUps and such. Does anyone know?