
List circular group membership from active directory

We have 40K+ groups in our active directory and we are increasingly facing problem of circular nested groups which are creating problems for some applications. Does anyone know how to list down the full route through which a circular group membership exists ? e.g. G1 --> G2 --> G3 --> G4 --> G1 How do I list it down. ...

WiX Search and Replace on a configuration file

I'm trying to make an install using WiX and I need to modify a configuration file (not XML or INI) with entries that a customized WiX dialog. Is there a good way to do this? Do I need to make a VB script custom action, perhaps? Below is the relevant bits of the wxs file: <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir"> <Directory Id...

Parameterized queries WITHOUT stored procedures?

Every sample I've seen uses stored procedures. I've adopted an old application written in Classic ASP that uses inline SQL. This is an obvious issue, so I need to convert it to safer code. The client does not wish that I use stored procedures in this application, so is there a way to run parameterized queries without stored procedures...

ASP error "Key column information is insufficient or incorrect." when updating mySQL

I have the following subroutine in a classic ASP class that calls the ADO UPDATE method. I'm using mySQL db using ODBC driver 5.1. If I all the subroutine I get the following error: Microsoft Cursor Engine error '80004005' Key column information is insufficient or incorrect. Too many rows were affected by update. Public Sub Update(tab...

How to declare COM-visible default indexed properties in VB.NET?

Hi, how do you declare a default indexed property in VB.NET such that it is callable from VBScript? I have tried this using <DispId(0)> _ Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal idx As Integer) As ... but VBScript returns the error message Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment Error Code 800A01C2 This error does not...

Side effects of not including CommandType for dynamic sql?

What pitfalls may I encounter by not setting the cmd.CommandType attribute when running a dynamic sql call? I can not use adovbs.inc, and using cmd.CommandType = 200 yields the error: ADODB.Command (0x800A0BB9) Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. So by commenti...

Catch Timeout expired from ASP

Hello I have a ASP site (with VBScript) that connects to a SQL 2005 database. I would like to be able to catch the timeout expired error, through the err object, but I cannot manage to find any documentation that tells me the err.number for timeout expired. Can you help me with this one? ...

doubts in getobject() in vbscripts??

Hi, I am realkly new to vbscripting.So this is my code below which reates a text file and attaches an object to it Set objExcel = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objExcel.CreateTextFile ("C:\mine.txt") Now Can anyone please tel me how am i supposed to use the getObject(Pathname,[class...

Classic ASP App CINT failure - twitpocalypse v2

Due to a qty value exceeding what a VBScript INT can store, I'm getting a pretty nasty error message (actually the users are)... This is totally a case of twitpocalypse. Since CINT() will not work in this situation, what is the best workaround? requestqty = 40200 CInt() max = 32767 CInt(requestqty) EDIT CLng() seems to do the ...

VBScript, MSXML and Namespaces

Given the following XML: <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"&gt; <soap:Body> <GetMsisdnResponse xmlns="http://my.domain.com/"&gt; <GetMsisdnResult> <RedirectUrl>ht...

How to send SNMP trap to different IP

I have the an ASCII message of SNMP traps, how can i sent it to different IP address? i dont want to use email instead. Given a IP address and the port, of that receiver machine. PLease tell me the solution or where can i get references to the command at least. coz i could find anything regarding it. PLease...Hope someone can help me.....

how to delete every n-th char in file (via batch or vbs)?

Hello, how can I delete every n-th (4000th) char (space character) in a file (.txt or .sql) best via batch or vbs? Thanks in advance! ...

How do i show the leading zeros when exporting to excel?

I am creating an excel report by changing the content type. Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" I have values that contain leading zeros. The issue is when exporting to excel the leading zeros are missing. e.g. 000123 -> 123 I know that this can be changed manually via excel. The question is how can i accomplish this ...

What is the difference between VBScript's + and & operator?

On every site that talks about VBScript, the '&' operator is listed as the string concatenation operator. However, in some code that I have recently inherited, I see the '+' operator being used and I am not seeing any errors as a result of this. Is this an accepted alternative? ...

How Do I Copy a table from one Access DB to another Access DB

I am trying to automate a process to create a secondary database from a primary. Both DB's (MS Access) contain one table; the table in the secondary DB is a subset of the table in the primary. Is there a simple way to copy a recordset frone one DB to another? I am using VBScript and ADO. Thanks! ...

WMI/VBS/HTML System Information Script

Hey guys; havin' a problem with this code here; can't seem to work out whats goin' wrong with it. All other variables seem to print fine in the HTML ouput; but I get an error that relates to the cputype variable. I get the following error C:\Users\Methical\Desktop\sysinfo.vbs(235,1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Invalid proced...

What replacements are available for vbscript in an application?

An application I maintain has been around since VB6 days - ported to .Net 1.1, and now being updated/rewritten across to .Net 3.5 The application provides a mechanism to run VBScripts - this was done in a highly integrated way - allowing the program to parse multiple .vbs files and produce a list of all of the subroutines and functions ...

VBScript howto split a quoted delimited AND spaced separate values?

I have the following string: "C:\Program Files\Application\Path\executable.exe" -- "/flag" I am trying to split the string so that I get: array(0) = C:\Program Files\Application\Path\executable.exe I don't care about the rest of the array since I am just concerned about the file path not the args. ...

local computer group membership from an OU of computers?

I have been trying get get a script that will get the membership from the local computer's Administrators group by using an OU full of computers. I can return the Administrators group membership from my local computer and a list of computers from an OU, can't quite figure out how to do both with resorting to AD Users & Computers and goin...

Need a VBScript for Open a local Image File by using Command prompt

Guys, I need a Vbscript that should open a image file from my PC and after some minutes that will get close automatically. I am planning to run the script through Command prompt any help is much appreciatable. ...