
Ideas on VBS structure to allow common code

To all the VBS Gurus out there... I have written a suite of VB scripts (for automating installs, if you must know) which use a set of common functions for thing like logging, starting/stopping services etc. I have come up with a design which uses a script which contains the common functions in a class. It also declares and instantiates...

Reading a text file line by line in a batch or VBS script?

I have a text file that contains a list of filenames, minus the extension, that I need to create. I want to run a quick batch file command or VBS script that will iterate through the list and then create a file based on the name. The text file looks something like this: PRXI0000466 PRXI0000564 PRXI0000636 PRXI0000681 PRXI0001092 So ...

Any other preprocessor directives in VBScript/Classic ASP?

The only pre-process directive that I know about in VBScript / Classic ASP is the #include. I don't know if that is the official name but I'm basically looking for code that can execute code or other instructions before the general VBScript. Are there any other such directives in VBScript? Such as #If or something? I'd like to be abl...

How do I use a VBscript to determine if the monitor(s) connected to a machine is an LCD or CRT?

I am trying to add info to a VBscript that will determine if the monitor(s) connected to the current machine is an LCD or CRT. I know I can get the EDID info from HKLM\System\CCS\Enum\DISPLAY but I can't use that to determine the monitor type. And the only consistent info I can grab from the WMI classes Win32_DesktopMonitor, Win32_Disp...

Send HTML email asp

I want to add some html in an email. I've tried the following. vFromName = "someone" vFromAddress = "someemail" vTo = "recipient" vSubject="someSubject" vBodyofemail = "<html><table><tr><td><b>SomeText</b></td></tr></table></html>" Call SendMail() sub SendMail() 'change to address of your own SMTP server strHost = "mail.internal.r...

MSDAIPP broken on Vista by Update, missing in Win7Beta

I have some code I am working on that worked just fine until I installed Software Update for Web Folders (KB907306) into Vista SP1. I'm using ADO with the MSDAIPP.DSO provider for acess to WebDAV and FPSE/WEC servers. The same code works fine in a clean XP SP3 install, and worked before this update (but I will re-verify on a clean Vist...

ASP: convert milliseconds to date

I need to convert a field with milliseconds created by PHP app to a date value. Is there a way to do this using vbcript? or convert to datetime in SQL 2005 Example: 1113192000 to mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss Thanks, Sam ...

Querying Active Directory using VBScript

I want to query Active Directory using VBScript (classic ASP). How can I accomplish that? ...

Singleton Pattern in VBScript (Classic) ASP

I've just created a Classic ASP version of the FirePHP server side library, that works with the regular old FirePHP console. see the Github project However in my implementation, i have to create a global to store the class instance. I have no idea how to, if it is even possible to create static methods, and thus use the singleton patt...

Trim leading spaces including tabs

I need to read files using vbscript and remove all leading spaces including any tabs. I now LTRIM will remove the leading spaces but how do I remove tabs also. Thanks. ...

Can I code actions directly using vbscript when QTP does the same thing too?

Basic doubt...If QTP generates vbscript code as we record actions, can't we directly write vbscript code and get rid of QTP which does the same thing too? ...

Is there a way to query an openldap with GetObject method on VBS

Hello, i try to get ldap attribute with GetObject on openldap with vbs like set foo = GetObject("LDAP://,uid=DriverSet,ou=Resources,o=my-security") For Each bar In foo wscript.echo bar.name next This block prints only other ldap directory(node). Getobject works only with AD object or with no...

How to Execute an Orace SQL Statements with VBScript


Determine an absolute url to a resource using vbscript/classic asp

I've created a pseudo user control for a site written in classic asp. The control is simply an asp page (with full HTML headers and body) that resides within an iframe in the parent page. The point was to create an AJAX-like interface for uploading files asynchronously (the parent page contains a large form and I didn't want to have to...

How to get next IP in range from Excel

I know there has to be a way: I need help getting any hot excel module/trick/script/macro that would look at a range of IPs and give me the next address up? e.g. ( --> ( Not sure i need sub nets, but will throw it out there as well. ( --> ( I bet is has to be done with vbscript...

VBS string wizzardry

Ok, so it's not, but... so this is a quick script I found on the internet which runs on my Exchange server and dumps a list of email addresses that I can use for recipient validation on a spam filter: ' Export all valid recipients (= proxyAddresses) into a ' file virtual.txt ' ' Ferdinand Hoffmann & Patrick Koetter ' 20021100901 ' Sham...

How To Put a Menu Bar in an Application

I'm having some problems with eVB. How can I put a menu bar in an eVB project? I can't see any components to do that, and I don't know how to do this. Here is an example of a menu bar made in eVB, but it's not my program. I found this image in Google: ...

Find the line & edit it.

I posted another one on this,, but i had to edit it really much... What the thing bassicly is that a Batch (Maybe including VBScript) can find line 29 in a txtfile... it should edit this line. If line 29 is like this: 'option=21' it should change it to 'option=22' the problem is that this line is located more in the file. so it shou...

What are all the actions the Merlin Agent can do?

This is a google question, admittedly. But it appears all the docs have been removed and I can't find them anywhere. So I'm hoping someone can either show me some VBScript code to enumerate objects OR has stronger google-fu. The merlin agent is an abandoned Windows component kind of like Alice that aims to teach programming by letting...

VB Script Quote Character Issues, Need Help Badly!!

I have a very tricky problem going on with content inside a textarea on a classic ASP page. The trigger for the issue is that the end user copies and pastes content from Word into a textarea on the page. This page then sends the contents of the form via email to a 3rd party contact management system. This system display the following ch...