
Is it possible to embed an http link in a vbscript message box?

I would like to direct the user to an appropriate download link per case. Can I embed a clickable link in a vbs message box? Or, is there a cleaner way to solve this problem? select case FSO.GetFileVersion(strCorLib) Case "2.0.50727.42" strNETVersion = strNETVersion & " SP0 (not so good!)" Case "2.0.50727.1...

Any good libraries for parsing JSON in Classic ASP?

I've been able to find a zillion libraries for generating JSON in Classic ASP (VBScript) but I haven't been to find ANY for parsing. I want something that I can pass a JSON string and get back a VBScript object of some sort (Array, Scripting.Dictionary, etc) Can anyone recommend a library for parsing JSON in Classic ASP? ...

How can I programmatically determine my processor type?

How can I determine programmatically whether my machine is an x86, x64 or an IA64? ...

Write/Read external files with custom extensions in VBscript

How do you write or read to external files with custom extensions (like, instead of a .txt extension it could have .cyc for example) using VBscript? I don't know how, and cannot seem to figure it out. For reading a file, is it possible to only read part of a file? For example, if I have a line string1=Hello World! inside of my file, ...

Detect if the contents of a folder have changed?

Conditions: Windows 98 SE WMI not available I have code that looks like this, written using my steroidal wrapping of VBScript using MSScript. do a = files.collectfiles( "c:\userver", "" ) for i = 0 to ubound( a ) f = a(i) if strings.endswith( f, ".usv" ) then d = files.readfilee( f ) on error resume next executeglobal...

How do I extract HTML img sources with a regular expression?

I need to extract the src element from all image tags in an HTML document. So, the input is an HTML page and the output would be a list of URL's pointing to images: ex... http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif The following is what I came up with so far: <img\s+src=""(http://.*?) This does not work for tags where the src ...

VBScript Expected End 800A03F6

I am getting this error while trying to run a VBScript (note this is not in a web environment - just running a VBScript on Windows): Line: [Last line] Error: Expected 'End' Code: 800A03F4 Source: Microsoft VBScript compilation error I think it is an If statement that is not closed correctly with an "End If," but I've gone through ever...

VBS Script for modifying multi-value Active Directory display specifier

Following the howto Extending the Active Directory Schema To Track Custom Info I'm able to setup a single-value schema attribute that is easily changeable via a context menu in ADUC. Multi-value schema attributes get considerably more complicated. Say (for the sake of argument) my value is "Projects" and each user may be a list as many p...

VB Script ActiveX Task for SQL 2000 DTS Package

I'm trying to load data from an external csv file that needs to be massaged before being inserted into a SQL table. Reading the file is fine, but when I try to loop through the stream and load an array using the SPLIT function I get a "Expected End of Statement" error. Do While Not txtFile.AtEndOfStream strText = txtFile.ReadLine ...

Calling VBScript from Javascript

I've seen the related post on this, but it only covers using inline VBScript for onmouseover events, while calling a Javascript Function for the onClick. Is there a way to call a VBScript Sub for the onClick event from a button that uses Javascript onmouseover and onmouseout events? Currently when I try I get an error that the objec...

What is the function of the "With" keyword

Given the code below, what does the "with" keyword do? I'm not very familiar with it, and I'm not sure of its purpose. Sub NotePage_Load() With Request.Form Thanks Kevin ...

Calling back to VBScript from C#

Hi, I'd liked to know whether it is possible to call a function in VBScript from C#. Let me try to clarify. I'm using an application (Quick Test Professional or "QTP") that automates another application, mostly using VBScript. There is the ability, via an add in model, to extend the test functionality by writing add-ins to the testing...

Go to specific line number on a page using # but not in url

I have a record set with hundreds of rows. when a user clicks the row they go somewhere else and later get redirected to the page with the rows again. I want the page to start on the exact row the clicked on. I have rows set up with a line number corresponding to each record number from the database. //some record set while not RS.eo...

Converting VB.NET code to VBScript

I have this snippet of VB.NET code that I want to convert to VBScript. It basically starts Microsoft Word, displays the Open dialog and mail merges the selected document. Any help will be highly appreciated. Dim oMissing As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value Dim oEndOfDoc As Object = "\\endofdoc" Dim oFalse As Object = False 'St...

How to get value of drop down menu in Microsoft Word

I have a Microsft Word document with a drop-down menu in it. I am trying to write a macro that gets the value of the drop down and performs calculations. How do I get the value of the drop-down? ...

VBScript: Using WScript.Shell to Execute a Command Line Program That Accesses Active Directory

I'm attempting to execute a .NET (3.5) command line program from within a VBScript file which does two main things: Connects to an Active Directory that is on the same domain as the server the script is hosted to retrieve an attribute value. I search AD using the first command line argument which is a username. Creates a DTO using sai...

JScript/VBScript error

I'm trying to have a script automatically transform an xml file into several html files using different xslt style sheets. However, whatever I try, I get errors. I've tried it in both VBscript and JScript, and both give me errors. The xml file is 537 KB, and the xsl file is 5 KB. Here's iteration 1 in JScript. This script works for one ...

Expected Loop error on VBScript for adding users into AD via csv

I need to add a bunch of users to an AD domain and obviously don't want to manually enter. I also don't want to use CSVDE because I want to add passwords in. I don't have much of a background with writing VBScripts so i found one on the internet from techrepublic. The problem is when I run the script I get an expected loop error and t...

How do I insert data into a Postgres table using PowerShell or VBScript?

I need to periodically query the event logs on a handful of servers and insert specific events into a Postgres table. I am having trouble figuring out how I can insert data into a table via ODBC using PowerShell and/or VBScript. I'm reasonably familiar with both VBScript and PowerShell generally, and I can craft a SQL UPDATE statement t...

VBScript FTP Login with Username and Password

I am trying to update a VBScript (very little experience with this, I do a lot of VB.NET), that reads an FTP directory and moves certain files to a new local directory on a daily basis. I have old code that works on an FTP site that uses anonymous logins, but I now need it to access an FTP site that requires username and password. Here...