
most efficient way to update a site (lots of data) with no refresh?

I am working on a web project that will require quite a bit of updating from multiple users and large ammounts of data. The expected ammount of data is 70 unique rows each with 14 fields that need updated regularly. That's a total of 980 fields. I first attempted a series of synchronous ajax queries to the database using a for loop to ...

what's the difference between <% %> and <script language="vbscript" runat="server"> in classic asp?

I couldn't find much documentation on the web so far now, the obvious difference seems to be that you cant mix html and vbscript using the "script" tag for example, this is ok <% public sub display_literal() %> literal script language="vbscript" runat="server"> public sub display_literal2() response.write "literal2</br>" end su...

Calling C# dll in vbscript

I am trying to call a C# dll from QTP (uses vbscript). I have tried a number of things with no success: Visual Studio 2010 Create C# class libary (st.dll) code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace st { public class Class1 { public static int GetValue() { ...

Clone existing recordset to excel recordset

I have a recordset that contains all of the data needed to import into an Excel file. Is there a way I can clone my live recordset into the one created when I open an Excel file? Here is what I'm trying right now with no luck. Dim connection : Set connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connection.Open "Driver={Microsoft ...

MS Access 2003 - Good book on learning advanced VBA

Hey guys! Was wondering is anyone had any suggestions on books or other resources on learning novice to advanced VBA as it relates to access programming. I have bought and read the "Access Bible", "The only access book you'll ever need", and "Sams TY in 21Days" and they were all fine for learning the basics. Then I bought and read teh O...

How to change cscript.exe to wscript.exe execution for all VBScript files?

After installing the new server, I am facing an issue. I have lot of .vbs files, all need to run in wscript, reason, I use all those command like WScript.Echo "hello" I want to be able to see the output when I double click the VBScript file. But when I right click on the vbs file, I see console, I want to change the default to Windows...

When is ieaksie.dll registered as InProcServer32 for InternetExplorer.Application?

One of my guys had a problem when instantiating InternetExplorer.Application from VB6 and VBScript. It turned out that he (but no one else on the team) had the following entry in the registry apart from the expected (and working) LocalServer32 entry which creates an instance out-of-process using iexplore.exe: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{00...

windows7 set the "show icon and notification" programmatically

I want my application (written in c#) which needs to run on Windows 7 and show an icon in the notifiaction area. The default is "only show notifivcation" I my icon to be shown by default. looking for the api in c# or to wite a script for this. If there's no direct way to do this is there any overriding way? Any idea will help- urgent is...

CreateObject("WXZ.Agent.1", "RemoteServerName") Permission denied. How can a username and password be supplied?

Hi I'm trying to use CreateObject to DCOM to a service running on a remote machine. I get the error "Permission denied: 'CreateObject'", which is kind of what I expected. I'm wondering though, how can I supply credentials to this call of a user who I know has permissions on the target machine to create the object? Is this possible? Or d...

Executing VBSCript in COM dll using .Net and Interop

I have a VB6 application that I am converting to .Net in phases. The current phase requires .net to make a call to a VB6 dll through interop to execute VBScript using the MS Script control. Other than the process being "convoluted" are there any known issues with this setup? Sometimes nothing is executed or I get an error "Attempted to...

Hot to call to ASP.NET file from VBS file ?

Hi, How can I call to a ASP.NET file (.aspx) from a VBS file that are both on the SAME server ? I need that the VBS file will execute the asp.net file with some parameters. Thanks ...

Encrypt in VBScript/ASP Classic, Decrypt in PHP?

I'm looking to encrypt a string in VBScript, and decrypt it in PHP. I have full control over the VBScript/ASP Classic environment, but zero control over my PHP environment. Given this, what sort of encryption could I use that would be adequate enough to secure a string? Apologies for the vagueness of the question, but I do not know wh...

Build automation, VMWare server 2.0, Final builder

I have a database in a VMWare Server 2.0 Virtual machine. I also have a web application in the IIS (7) in the VM. Now I want to execute some database scripts that are in the VM, from the Host machine. Also I have a VB script in the VM that I want to run from the Host machine. How do I go about setting this up. I can buy Final builder i...

"No columns were bound prior to calling SQLFetchScroll/SQLExtendedFetch" error when opening a Recordset in VBScript

We're in the process of moving a set of websites from one webserver to another. The new server is running MySQL 5.0 whilst the old one was running MySQL 4.0 and we are getting an error on a couple of pages where a sum is being performed. I've had a look at the documentation for the differences between MySQL versions and I can't see any r...

Detect if Access Application has error.

I want to write a script or program to detect If the MS Access application running without errors. If there was an error I would like to know the error number. Is it possible? What is the best way? I would like to write VBScript and run it every 30 minutes. The Access Application that I have is on MS Access 2003. ...

Displaying text with VBScript when running from command prompt issue.

I have a script that pings a list of computers and tells me if I can be reached. For each computer I would like it to display whether or not it was reached on the command prompt, not as a pop-up message. I did Wscript.Echo, but it does a pop-up for each computer so it's really annoying to have to click OK over a 100 times. How can I mak...

Auditing Windows Server 2003 folders.

Is there a way to log which Active Directory authenticated user modified a particular folder's contents in Windows Server 2003 environment? ...

IE scripting security settings

I am working on a tool that accepts an html string, downloads any images found in the code and replaces the image sources with the new local urls. When an image source redirects to another url, I get an access denied error on the request for it: msxml3.dll error '80070005' Access is denied. (i.e. Original URL is: http://ads.cpafuel....

does document.getElementsByTagName work in vbscript?

Well, it works, it just doesn't produce anything worthwhile: elems = document.getElementById("itemsTable").getElementsByTagName("TR") for j = 0 to ubound(elems) - 1 ' stuff next Well, that won't work, apparently elems is an object, not an array like you'd get in that fancy javascript. I'm stuck with vbscript though. So w...

Different decimal separator in VBS between Windows and DOS

I'm running the following VBS script in Windows XP, french version, localised for Switzerland. The configured decimal symbol is . (dot) (in Settings->Regional Options) Here is the script (named test.vbs) : MsgBox CDbl("3.456") & vbCrLf & CLng("3.456") If I run it from Windows (I'm using VBS Factory), it works fine. If I run it from...