
Problem in Copying the data one Excel to another Excel using VBSCript

Hi All, I have an excel sheet which contains around 1000 lines of data, i have copy these data to another sheet which satisfy the condition. In order to achieve this i have written a script, For m = 1 To x2 'iterate single column For n = 1 To x4 'iterate PM_DUMP If InStr(PMSheet.cells(n,6).value, dupSingle.cells(m,1).value) > 0 ...

What's the environment variable for the path to the desktop?

I'm writing a Windows batch file and want to copy something to the desktop. I think I can use this: %UserProfile%\Desktop\ However, I'm thinking, that's probably only going to work on an English OS. Is there a way I can do this in a batch file that will work on any internationalized version? UPDATE I tried the following batch f...

Converting BMPs to avi

I want to convert folders with video-frames in bitmaps into avi or mpeg files. I already have a VBScript which does a lot of stuff on those files, so it would be neat to integrate a functionallity to convert those folders automatically from my script. I can only find solutions that seem pretty low level and unfortunatley I don't know a w...

ClassFactory cannot supply requested class - WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")

Hello. I get the error "xpto.vbs(2, 1) ClassFactory cannot supply requested class" when I run the code line "WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")" on the folowing code: Dim oShell Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") oShell.run "cmd /K CD C:\ & Dir" Set oShell = Nothing I have version 5.1 of vbscript on a windows2000 ...

how can operate network printer through web page?

i have an intranet web page that need to send text to a network label printer to print it. how can i do that? ...

Why the asp code fail?

HeaderStr = HeaderStr & "<link href="""&HB_ManageFolder&"/Include/ASBox/ASBox.css"" rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"">"&vbcrlf But if I change &HB_ManageFolder& to & HB_ManageFolder & it will work. Why? ...

How to read system processor id in VB6.0

Dear all, can any one help me out in extracting system processor id in vb6.0,, i used following code to extract but only for laptop this code is able to extract processor id but for the desktop it is unable to extract.... The code is as follows...................... Public Function MBSerialNumber() As String 'RETRIEVES SERIAL NUMBER...

copy list of files in a folder to another folder

Hi, I have a folder with approx 10000 images, and I need to copy about 500 of them to another folder. If I create a list of the files I want to copy, how could I copy the files the files? Was thinking vbscript or is it possible thorough DOS commands such as Xcopy using switches? Thanks, ...

First time use: VBScript won't put message on MSMQ queue

I've never used MSMQ before, but that's OK. Neither has anyone else in my company. But one of our product vendors uses it voraciously, yet cannot figure out what's wrong with our system. So, I'm figuring out as much MSMQ as it takes to get it on the road. I've got a working and a non-working installation to start with. On neither syste...

Change script execute permissions of a directory in IIS6 dynamically thru ASP.

This is kind of an advanced problem, hopefully one of you asp/VB gurus will have a suggestion. I am trying to dynamically set a folder's execute permissions in IIS6 from an asp page. I have given the server full permissions to make the changes necessary. When I run the code I get: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046' Permission ...

VBScript Invalid Character 800A0408 compilation error

I get a compilation error when I try to run the following vbs code from a command prompt in Windows 7. Option Explicit Dim objNetwork, strRemotePath1, strRemotePath2, strRemotePath3 Dim strDriveLetter1, strDriveLetter2, strDriveLetter3, strUserName Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") strUserName = objNetwork.UserName str...

Run VBA on any PowerPoint to change the LanguageID

I'm trying to create a toolbar with a button that will change the LanguageID for all shapes and text boxes in a PowerPoint document to EnglishUS. This is to fix a problem where if someone spell-checks a document using another language (in this instance, French), that language is embedded into the .ppt file itself. When another user tries...

VBS Startup script displaying messages

How do i put messages from a VBS startup script in to box that says "Applying Computer Settings" and "Preparing Network Connections" (on XP)? ...

Request Form error in VisualScript

Hi There I am hoping that someone can help me with this visualscript filesystemobject question <% 'Creating the subfolders' Public objFSO Sub Main() Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Call GeneratePath("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\sites") Call GeneratePath("C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\sitesx") End Sub Function GeneratePath(pFolde...

Launching WSH/VBScript file from IE8 not working

I have created a custom rightclick menu element in IE8 using the following registry info: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\WebOn edit] @="c:\\webon_edit\\wo_edit.vbs" The choice "WebOn edit" shows up in IE8's rightclick menu. Before upgrading to Windows 7, this worked fine: When I clicked the menu choice...

VBScript Class/Object Problem

I would like an object that is used on many pages to contain its own connection and recordset variables so that they do not need to be declared on each page that wants to directly access the recordset, rather than interact with the functions of the object that normally handle this. However, the recordset is apparently not becoming an ob...

How do you extract data from vendor website in vbscript?

I have programmed a post image HTA which is launched after an XP image has been loaded onto a computer. The HTA gathers information from the user (ie primary user name, department, etc) and updates the registry under a custom key. Management has asked if I can pull the computer's warranty information (specifically the warranty end date) ...

Is there anyway to get the path of a VBScript (.vbs) while it is running?

I have a script.vbs that can be anywhere on a clients PC and it needs to create a directory relative to its location. Is there a way for the executing .vbs to know where it is running? ...

Javascript equivalent of vbscript setlocale

Hopefully a quick answer for someone, but my google-fu has deserted me. In vbscript I can use "setlocale" to set the locale a script is running in. I need a javascript version. So for example, say my user is using a browser with french settings, but I want numbers and dates to be in english and worked with as if they are english. Then ...

Get remote servers environment variables

The problem: We have Cobol applications that run from many servers (mostly server 2003) on our network. Many if not all of these applications use environment variables for there setting. The Question: From one workstation can you gather the full list of environment variables from a list of known servers remote? Optimally i would like to...