
How to send the output of a software to a Microsoft Windows Virtual Keyboard?

I am using xvkdb with X11 to send the content of my Barcode reader to the Keyboard Focus Window. But I am looking to port this Barcode Reader on Microsoft Windows. How would you do that? Here is the bash script : zbarstream /dev/video | xvkbd -file - ...

How can I deal with having to code classic ASP?

I've just accepted a classic ASP project, because I need the work and the pay is good. So, can I use Visual Studio >= 2005 to edit this? Are there other editors that can deal with it, such as Aptana, NetBeans? Are there add-ins to other editors that allow them to deal with it? I don't want to go back to Visual Studio 6, because these...

Not able to connect to Mysql using vbscript

Whenever I try to connect to MySql using vbscript, I'm getting an error: Script: E:\VBScript\CreateAccount.vbs Line: 6 Char: 1 Error:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name too long Code: 80000405 Source Microsoft OLEDB Provider for ODBC drivers Here's the code to open the connection to Mysql: dim cn, rs set cn = CreateObj...

How to retrieve column values in vbscript

Hi, I want to retrieve column values(login,password) from my mysql database table to vbscript. How can I do that? I've no experience of vbscript, and I've to do that as a part of myproject. I'm sucessful in connecting to Mysql database table, but I don't know how to retrieve those column values(both are in varchar) in vbscript. I search...

ASP (VBscript) radio buttons not returning value

I have 2 very simple pages, an HTML page and a classic ASP page .. the html page has a form which calls (and sends) the data to the ASP form (which then prints out the data) The problem is I'm not getting the value of the radio button, I'm simply just getting "on". Here is the html: <form action="form.asp" method="post"> <strong>G...

Call https page via .vbs script fails ... why?

Here's the script. Tried executing by itself ... nada. Tried executing via task scheduler ... nada. If I hit the URL below via IE it works. Any ideas??? ''//Force the script to finish on an error. On Error Resume Next ''//Declare variables Dim objRequest Dim URL Set objRequest = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") ''//Put together ...

VB Script Documents.Open throwing 424 error

So I have a vbs script: Function test2open( sSourceFile, sPDFFile ) Dim wApp ' As Word.Application Dim wDoc ' As Word.Document logStream.writeline "inside test2open" on error resume next Set wApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") logStream.writeline Err.Number Err.Clear Set wDoc = wApp.Documents.Open("c:\Windows\Temp...

Zero-length arrays in VBScript

I have to do some ASP work and I found out that the language doesn't provide a way to detect zero-length arrays (well, I suppose you can detect the exception they throw when you try to use them...). Why would Split() return an empty array if there isn't any sane way to handle it? Or am I missing something? I concocted the following hack...

Help with Excel VBScript - fill columns with data

Hi all, I have a spreadsheet with email addresses (column A) I need to write a macro/VBScript function to fill columns B to L with numbers 1 to 11 respectively i.e. [email protected] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Could someone help me achieve this please? TIA. ...

Is there a way to query a VB Script Array?

I'd like to be able to query an array (multi and single dimensional ) with something like SQL. Is there a way to do this? It just seems extraordinarily wasteful to step through it one record at a time. ...

Batch file conversion to vbscript

I need to convert a batch file to vbscript but am unfamiliar with both. If I can understand what is going on in the batch file I can work out the vbscript easy enough. Problem is the batch file runs a few cscript commands which is supposed to have a syntax of cscript [script name] [host options] [script arguments] However whomever ...

I want a function in VB SCRIPT to calculate numerology

I want a function to calculate numerology.For example if i enter "XYZ" then my output should be 3 . Here is how it became 3: X = 24 Y = 25 Z = 26 on adding it becomes 75 which again adds up to 12 (7+5) which again adds up to 3(1+2) . Similarly whatever names i should pass,my output should be a single digit score. ...

VBScript's CopyFile not working

I think it may have something to do with the external file but I am getting the error Path not found and don't know why. Code below. <% Dim fs set fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fs.CopyFile "http://domain.com/file.xml","softvoyage.xml" set fs = Nothing %>DONE. ...

How can I test whether or not "Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium" is the operating system using VBScript?

My first attempt is to query Win32_OperatingSystem for the caption, and test whether the caption "equals" the operating system I am testing for: Dim objWMIService, strComputer strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") msgbox getOperatingSystemCaption() msgbox meetsOperatingSystemRequi...

VBScript regex question (.*)

Hi, I am using VBscript in QTP and I am a bit confused: Browser("name:=.*") //works Why Browser("name:=*") does not work? Why is there a . character? Thank you! ...

How to get the fully qualified path for a file in VBScript?

I am using the Shell.Application object, which allows me to script creation of a zip file. But in order for this to work, I need to full path of the zip file. File.zip doesn't work. I need c:\the\full\path\file.zip, even if the script is running within the same directory where the file is found. How can I get the full path of a fil...

Some validations to be done for a weblist or drop down list in VB Script.

I have a weblist or drop down list in my application which consist of many items. I don't know the count but I need to validate the following - Validate that none of the items are duplicated Verify none of the items are numeric Verify all items are in sorted state. Please suggest your respective solutions in VB Script I want to exe...

Post data from VBscript

Hi! I have a function that need to accept two parameters- user and folder! I call that function from VBscript, and parameters need to be send with post method. This is the Vbscript function code from where I want to post data: Sub loadDocument() Const HOST = ""&amp; PC\User & "f...

Grouping an array in classic asp?

I have an array in ASP that looks like this: 3,5,7,7,3,2,3 What I want to do is group them together with a count so I would have: Number Count 2 1 3 3 5 1 7 2 Is this possible? If so how? ...

Large VBScript array yields 'Out of Memory' error

In Classic ASP (VBScript), if I try to create a large 2-dimensinal array, I get an "Out of Memory" error. For example, this DIM xxx : xxx = 10000 DIM yyy : yyy = 10000 REDIM aaa(xxx, yyy) Response.End yeilds this Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0007' Out of memory Is their another data structure I can use that will work, o...