
ASPX ajax form post help

Hey all, i have this peice of code that allows a user to select a jpg image, resize it and uploads it to the server driectory. The problem being is that it reloads the aspx page when it saves the image. My question is-is there any way to do this same thing but with ajax so that it doesn't leave the page after submitting it? I've done th...

VBScript Catching Erroring Varialble Value

I have a VB Script (.vbs file) that is just a simple directory listing of a drive. It will the base of a drive back up script. But when running it as it is below, I am getting a Permission Denied error on some folder. What I need to find is what that folder is so I can figure out what the problem is with the folder. The line that is giv...

How to automate response to msgbox

I am developing a C# application to automate the running of a legacy VBScript(vbs) file which calls several VB6 .exe files. The .exe files have message box pop-ups that I need to 'respond' to in order to allow the VBScript process to run unattended. The response would need to be the Enter key. I do not have the source for the .exe files ...

Linux Browsers And VBScript

I've already done some little things using Visual Basic and some nice things with eMbedded Visual Basic, but now I want to go on the scripting way, then I want to know if Linux, BeOS and other OSes browsers will support VBScript pages. ...

How to open a named pipe from VBScript?

Hello. I have a C++ application that can take commands through a named pipe. Is it any way to open a named pipe from vbscript and send a text string, for example "restart" through it? ...

Is there a way to easily serialize form input into xml or yaml for database storage?

I am dealing with an old app in asp classic vbscript. I'd like to store the input of a form in a database text field as the form fields are a subject to frequent change and I don't feel like normalizing the old database. Any solutions for serialization in vbscript? Thank you! ...

getting file list in a folder

i have created a tool which picks up a file from a specific location, copies it, zips it and then puts it at other location. the user has to select the required folders from the location. is there any way through which i can create an option in the tool so that the user can see the list of available folders at that location or some way t...

How to find ordinal position of an element in XML using VBScript & XPATH

I have an XML like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <lst name="responseHeader"> <int name="status">0</int> <int name="QTime">1</int> <lst name="params"> <str name="start">num</str> <str name="fl">string</str> <str name="q">string</str> <str name="rows">num</str> <...

databind a DropDownList control with a list of all sub directories that exist in a particular directory on the server

I am wanting to databind a DropDownList control with a list of all sub directories that exist in a particular directory on the server. The directory I want to search is in the root of the application. I am fairly new to programming and I'm not sure where to even start. I found this code on a website: Dim root As String = "C;\" ...

[Resolved] OWC does not work with IE8

Hi, I have a web page that is generated with Access 2003 and uses Office Web Components. It worked fine with IE6 and IE7 but does not work anymore with IE8. Here are more details. I create an MSODSC component and a WSH object to get my ConnectionString in the registry. Then the Dropdown Lists are fed by a request to the database. It work...

VB Script Creating variable on the fly returned Error Automation type not supported

I have list of variables in an include files which is looks like: var_1 = "string" var_2 = "string" on the main file i need variable created on the fly so i do ' somewhere i have the num variable Execute("new_var = var_"&int(num)) Exactly on the execute line i got this error Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ca' Variable us...

Execute Stored Procedure from Classic ASP

For some fantastic reason I find myself debugging a problem in a Classic ASP page (at least 10 years of my life lost in the last 2 days). I'm trying to execute a stored procedure which contains some OUT parameters. The problem is that one of the OUT parameters is not being populated when the stored procedure returns. I can execute the...

Reordering columns (fields) in a ADO Recordset

I have a classic asp webpage written in vbscript that outputs the results from a third-party stored procedure. My user wants the page to display the columns of data in a different order than they come in from the database. Is there an easy and safe way to re-order the columns in an ADO recordset? I did not write this page and cannot ch...

vbscript xml problem

Hello Friends, I have this vbscript that calls a web service written in .net 2010. I'm getting an error at the last line. Can't figure it out. This is the webservice: http://www.kollelbaaleibatim.com/services/getinfo.asmx/GetFronpageInfo Dim xmlDOC Dim bOK Dim J Dim HTTP Dim ImagePathLeftCar, ImagePathRightCar Dim...

How do I check whether IIS 6 Management Compatibility feature has been installed?

Using either VB.NET, C#, or VBScript, how can I check if the IIS 6 Management Compatibility feature and its subfeatures have been installed on a machine running IIS 7.x? ...

Convert Attachmate Extra visual basic script from Telnet to SSH

I am facing a situation where an Attachmate Extra visual basic script which has worked with Telnet needs to be concerted to SSH. The current Telnet implementation uses a "Telnet specific" edp file. The code which references the EDP is here: Set oExtraBanner = oExtraSystem.Sessions.Open("myTelnet.edp") Set oExtraScreen=oExtraBanner....

How to read utf-8 xml from vbs and get correct character code

I'm trying to read xml file from vbs script. Xml is encoded in utf-8 and has appropriate header From vbs script I use microsoft xmldom parser to read xml: Dim objXMLDoc Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ) objXMLDoc.load("vbs_strings.xml") Inside xml I'm trying to write character by code using &#nnn; notation. Then I r...

How to use click method for a label and Link Label..?

Can any one help, how to Click a Label / Link Label i=of a form using Vb Script Thanks well in advanced..!! ...

VBScript Condition Value from Column

Hi! I am using VBScript in a Manifold GIS Database to verify the distance between two longitude and latitude points using Trig function. The script for finding the distance run without any problems but the script for verifying whether the O-D is valid had syntax error. I really hope any of you could help me with this problem. There were...

Execute a Application On The Server Using VBScript

I have an application on my server that is called leaf.exe, that haves two arguments needed to run, they are: inputfile and outputfile, that will be like this example: leaf.exe input.jpg output.leaf They are all on the same directory as my home page file(the executable and the input file). But I need that a VBScript could run the appl...