
VBs and multilevel OLE?

So here is my problem, I have made a vbscript to target some computers and do wmi queries on them, and my boss wants this data to be put inside a document. The problem is that this document is a .doc document with embedded excel objects inside it. Now I have searched wide and far on google on any way to target and manipulate an object in...

VB.net for handheld device

Hi, I want to develop an application in VB.net for handheld device(Ticket machine in Bus and train).Is it possible to develop in Vb net. Whether i need windows OS in my handheld device or any runtime environment only needed. My hardware is ARM processor. I want to run my application as standalone in my machine. ...

Microsoft Word Macro - Exporting Word Review Comments - How do you reference the sentence related to a comment?

I am trying to export of a Word document review comments. I want to export the sentence selection that was commented on followed by the comment. Screen shot of the image: http://jspeaks.com/mswordcomment.png I have found code to loop through the document comments, but I cannot figure out how to reference the sentence selection that th...

Using a WindowsXP VBScript to automate Internet Explorer, how can I 'click ok' when a dialog box appears?

My Windows VBScript opens an InternetExplorer.Application object, and runs through some navigation. At one point the page I'm working with displays a dialog box in which I must click "OK" or "Cancel." Is there a way to tell the VBScript to click "OK" when the dialog box pops up? ...

How to handle a Security Alert Pop Up on IE by VBScript

I need to create a VBScript (WSH) to automatically open Internet Explorer and navigate a security web page. However, it always pops up a security alert before displaying that website. Can anyone provide a solution for either disables the pop up function (security certification) in IE or accepts the pop-up by the script? Here is my scrip...

What is the 64 bit equivalent of Win32_OperatingSystem?

I inherited a script running on Windows Server 2003 that I need to port to Windows Server 2008. The current script is: strComputer = "servernamexyz" Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Shutdown)}!\\" & _ strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colOperatingSystems = objWMIService.E...

VB Script enables multiple inserts into Access database table

I had a functioning ASP page. Before my two modifications (see below), I was able to select up to seven names (with additional information selected/entered) and inserted the information into an Access table. Now only one row appears when testing and, as mentioned, seven rows should appear. This is what I did: I added another column ...

How to access data using VBSCRIPT from a stored procedure which contains values in Temp table ?

Hi , for testing purpose I wrote a VBscript which will fetch values from Sybase by executing a stored procedure which contains values in temp table. When I run the script I get the following errors , "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record." or "Item cannot b...

VB Script and filename with space

Hi I wrote a VBS file to open the "6 May" folder with following content path = "F:\Test\2010\May\6 May" Set Sh = CreateObject("WSCript.Shell") Sh.Run ""path"",3,True Set Sh = Nothing However on executing this I am getting following error Windows Script Host Script: F:\Sperry\2010\May_06 May\open.vbs Line: 4 Char: 10 Error: ...

How can I format date for "expires" value in manual Set-Cookie header in VBScript?

I'm adding a header for Set-Cookie manually, in VBScript, so that I can include HttpOnly. When I make a Set-Cookie header that includes this expires value: expires=5/13/2010 9:57:35 AM; Internet Explorer 8 does not set the cookie (FireFox does). This is what expires date formatting look like when set by Response.Cookies("cookieName"...

varchar data type to datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range??

Very weird problem occurred, I have moved a site from one server to another - All is working, but any query involving a date is playing up. I get the following: DELETE FROM MYTABLE WHERE categoryId = -2 AND datecreated < '3/23/2010'; The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value Now ...

How to "End Task" not "Kill" or "Terminate"?

Hi community. I have a 3G card to provide internet to a remote computer... I have to run a program(provided with the card) to establish the connection... since connections suddenly is lost I wrote a script that Kills the program and reopens it so that the connection is reestablished, there are certain versions of this program that don't...

How do I run a VBScript in 32-bit mode on a 64-bit machine?

I have a text file that ends with .vbs that I have written the following in: Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" Conn.Properties("Data Source") = "C:\dummy.accdb" Conn.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Database Password") = "pass" Conn.Open Conn.Close Set Conn = Nothing When I execute this on a W...

Can I pass an argument to a VBScript (vbs file launched with cscript)?


Help with converting a Linux .bsh script to a vbs / wsh script (or other) for Windows

Hi, I have a Linux .bsh script, which I need to run on a Windows 7, and I’m having some difficulties with creating the script. I would like a script so I can run it in my cmd in windows or if the script could output to a file. The .bsh script looks as following: for ((r=0; r <$[0]; r++)) netcat localhost 4444 < $[1] $ done wait ...

Searching the Registry for a key - JavaScript

Hi All, Is there a way to search the Registry for a specific key using Windows Scripting Host? I'm using JavaScript (Jscript/VBScript?) to do so, and the msdn Library doesn't mention any such method: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2x3w20xf(v=VS.85).aspx Thanks, So here's an update to the problem: The problem is a bit more...

copy exe file from IIS server using VBScript

Copy exe file from IIS server using VBScript ...

How to Use .NET Assembly from Legacy SQL Server 2000 DTS

Hi All, I have a .NET assembly that needs to be called from a DTS package. There are two options I am considering to get this to work: 1) write a COM-callable wrapper for the .NET assembly and have the VBScript create the COM object to use 2) write a .NET command-line exe that uses that .NET assembly and have the VBScript execute tha...

Vbscript - Compare and copy files from folder if newer than destination files

Hi, I'm trying to design this script that's supposed to be used as a part of a logon script for alot of users. And this script is basically supposed to take a source folder and destination folder as basically just make sure that the destination folder has the exact same content as the source folder. But only copy if the datemodified stam...

Server-side Javascript in production fails to open connection to a named instance of SQL2008

I've got a production site that has been working for years with a SQL Server 2000 default instance on server named MDWDATA. TCP port 1433 and Named Pipes are enabled there. My goal is to get this web app working with a copy of the database upgraded to SQL Server 2008. I've installed SQL2008 with SP1 on a server called DEVMOJITO and teste...