
Write text file from batch file with embedded vbCRLF

I am using a batch file to write a vbs email file. I am unable to create the text body of the email which includes the vbCRLF code. When the TextBody is written to the Target file, it has executed the first vbCRLF, and the DOS returns errors as it tries to execute the second vbCRLF and the last string. Enclosing it in doucble quotes does...

Delphi, using vbscript for connecting ADO, new Be

Connecting to ADO is hard from installation in Delphi, so I decided to use VBscript, which I have never used before. VBscript has little support in Delphi, so how do I run a Windows script editor to get support and carry it over to Delphi? I do not understand the statements in VB script very well yet My Delphi TTable is connecting to ...

ADO LIKE query in ASP (vbs)

I have a query like this: SELECT TaFellesVaktjournal.*, TaBygg.ByggNavn FROM TaFellesVaktjournal LEFT JOIN TaBygg ON TaFellesVaktjournal.VaktFellesByggNavnId = TaBygg.ByggBudsjtilstEiendom WHERE VaktjFellesDato >= @dtfr AND VaktjFellesDato <= @dttl AND (VaktFellesSak = @sok OR VaktjFellesHendelse = @sok) ORDER BY VaktjFellesDato DESC, V...

How to uninstall ODBC datasource with Batch or VBS?

I need to uninstall an ODBC data source on ~30 computers and was hoping there'd be a quicker way than using the ODBC Administration GUI. This is a one time deal so I'm hoping to use a VBS or a Batch file. I've tried using reg delete but the data source still hows up in the ODBC Administration GUI. Anyone know how to uninstall an ODBC da...

Problem with multi conversion into array elements

We are using a code as follows split(Window(window_name).Dialog(dialog_name).WinList(control_name).GetSelection which returns the values as F2 F3 F5 However when i try to split the same, to store the values in the array selected_values as follows, selected_values = split(Window(window_name).Dialog(dialog_name).WinList(control_name).Ge...

Javascript in HTA File

Hello, everytime when i try to add javascript in a hta file with vbscript it comes an error message when i click the submit button: object doesn't support this property or method I try this <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> and this <script type="text/javascript"> ...code </script> Is there anyone w...

Microsoft Word - Dynamically Pull in HTML File and Append It - Possible?

Do Word documents have any scripting capabilities for presenting dynamic information? What I want to do is have the document dynamically pull in the contents of an HTML file and append it at the end of the document every time it is opened. Anybody know if this is possible? ...

Sending email from webpage using Outlook

I have a webpage that has a button that sends a letter on the page to an email recipent. Currently we are use Lotus Notes and with VB script, we are able to create an object of Lotus Notes and one of the properties for this object is PutInFolder. After the user clicks on the email button, the script will send the email and also put save...

VB Script to find the existance of a macro in microsoft word document

I want to write a VB Script which will check in a word file about the macro name we pass from vb script whether it exists or not. It return the result to VB script and i want to call this VB Script from the JAVA and whatever the result is it should appear in JAVA. tell me how to call the VBScript from java and how to pass the name of the...

Strange behavior of button: calling "onclick" parent's element instead of itself (HTML Button)

Hi all! I have following structure of web application, for which I'm automating testing: <em unselectable="on" class="x-btn-split"> <button type="button" class="x-btn-text " id="ext-gen523" title="Add Options">Add</button> </em> Both objects has event listeners,added viw JavaScript in some linked js-file (I don't know what f...

What is 3Dnew in Vbscript?

First of, I have no idea about VBscript or any of microsoft technologies. I came across this in one of the websites I was using and curios as to what it meant. var locator=3Dnew ActiveXObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"); var service =3D locator.ConnectServer("."); var properties=3Dservice.ExecQuery("select * from = win32_NetworkAdapte...

How to judge if a URL is already encoded with encodeURI?

I'm trying to do it in VBScript/JScript, to avoid re-encoding. Should I judge if there is "%" ? Does "%" have other uses in URL? Thanks. Edit: Oh, the original encoding function may not be encodeURI. I'm trying to collect URLs from the browser, and store them after encoding with encodeURI. But if the URL is already encoded, another enco...

Windows Update Check with vbscript

Hello, has someone a script/or can help me to check, is there a windows update for a server available? So i will get a mail when the yellow update icon is in the taskbar. My idea is: Send a mail, if the wuauclt.exe longer than 10 minutes in the taskbar. But i have no idea to make this. I found only this: Dim strComputer, strProcess...

VBS scripting question - manipulating dates

I have the following code (manipulated some code from a helpful soul out in cyberspace). What it is meant to do is to zip all .csv files in a directory and name the zip file with the current timestamp. My problem - I have setup a scheduled task to execute the below code everyday. As you can see, I am going back a day each time the code...

How do I create a macro that would hide and show columns based on selection from a dropdown?

Hello I am totally new to the world of macros but have done some VBscript on QTP before. I am looking to create a macro which would hide certain columns depending on the users selection from a drop down. I am unsure of the syntax and how to identify the columns I wish to hide and how to identify the cell with the dropdown. Here's roug...

how to debug .net dll when ivoked from vbscript file

Hi, I created my .net class library, I have registsred the assembly and I am invoking the methods in the .net class library from VB Script file, I want to debug the code in the class library when methods are invoked from vb script file. Could you please help in doing the above ...

Unnamed Default Property

In VBScript, some built in objects use an unnamed property. Some Examples: Set Dict = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set RS = GetEmloyeesRecordSet() Dict("Beer") = "Tasty" ' Same as Dict.Item("Beer") = "Tasty" Dict("Crude Oil") = "Gross" ' Same as Dict.Item("Crude Oil") = "Gross" Response.Write "The First Employee Is: "...

Set MSMQ permissions using VBScript (via Nant)

We are using Nant to deploy an application and need to create some MSMQ Queues during the process. We use Nant/psexec/cscript to call a VBScript to create the queue itself but we also need to set the permissions. Can this be done programmatically? I am aware of Setting permissions on a MSMQ queue in script however that question asks ...

Error while converting .xml to qctester file type

Hi I have written a vb script to open a file with different type other than the original file type here is my code Dim objShell Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.Run("wordpad " & "C:\OpenWith_Shell32_Doc.doc") The above code works fine but when i am trying to convert .xml to QCTester (QATester....

VBScript: how to find the difference between two strings that look identical

There are two strings "test_name" that are compared in a VB script. They have to be identical, and they look identical in debug viewer, but StrCompare(string1, string2) returns 1. History. This is a test in QTP. The first string is read from Excel. The second one is from a windows application. QTP reads a value from Excel, enters it to ...