
vbscript - How to get the type of a variable?

The title says it all really. I want to get the type of a variable using vbscript. Thanks. ...

Can't access a Java web service using VBScript with mssoapinit(address of wsdl)

I have a web service in Java that takes and returns a string. It works with both Java and C# clients by creating a proxy class. I cant get it to work wit VBScript though. I have read everywhere about others using code like the following: Set client = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SOAPClient") client.mssoapinit("http://localhost:8080/WebS...

Using WMI to Determine which adapter(s) is connected to the internet

Hi! I am writing a VB Script that uses WMI to determine which adapter is used for internet connectivity? For example - if I have a LAN and a 3G board it needs to tell the user which is connected. I understand that a machine might have >1 internet connection, but for now, let's assume 1. edit: Ok, how can I do this using any command t...

Trouble with strings passed as parameters from command line

I'm trying to convert a flat file into an Excel-readable format. We receive the text file that uses the tilde (~) as a field delimiter, and I want to convert it into one that uses the Tab character. I'm interested in running this from the command line, and I need to be flexible with the filenames, so I want to use parameters. The VBScrip...

Unable to reference UNC paths while using wscript.shell from an ASP script?

I'm having a problem executing a command from a command line through an ASP script using the wscript.shell object. Here is my code: inPath = server.mappath("/connect/dev_f_fusion3/video/6EA63679C27E48538D79F7C7295201CF/6EA63679C27E48538D79F7C7295201CF.mov") outPath = server.mappath("/connect/dev_f_fusion3/video/6EA63679C27E48538D79F7C7...

How to search for file with partial wildcard in VBS

I need to search for filename AM*GQ, where * is sequence eg 344 Can i do this vbs? Thanks in advace!! ...

Event Capture in classic ASP (vbscript) - is this possible?

We have just purchased some software that provides an API into our phone system allowing us to dial, hangup etc.. The API was designed to be used client side (internet explorer / activex). We want to use this server side and execute the dial commands via an ajax call to a classic ASP script. The basic VBScript for initialising the co...

VBScript: XPath Query with multiple namespaces

What XPath query should I use to get to the GetLogisticsOfferDateResult Node? I have attached the vbscript that I'm using. I suspect the problem has to do with the multiple namespaces in the document. But how do I reference the second namespace in the XPath? Dim responseXML responseXML = '"<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.o...

What vbscript DOMDocument calls are required to build this XML?

I want to achieve the following XML: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"&gt; <s:Body> <GetStockOnSO xmlns="http://schneider-electric.com/OrderEntryService"&gt; <requestData xmlns:dc="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Services.OrderEntry.DataContracts" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchem...

Ambiguous Objects in Quick Test Pro

I'm just wondering if it's possible to uniquely identify a given object in an application through Quick Test Pro. For example, if there are 10 Ok buttons on a web page, with no HTML or Javascript giving them unique identifiers, how would I choose the 3rd button? Thanks for your help. ...

How can one open Adobe Reader with VBScript?

I want to programmatically fill in some fields in a form in PDF format. I tried this code: Set objAdobe = CreateObject("AcrobatReader.Application") objAdobe.Visible = True I get the "ActiceX component can't create object" error. ...

Killing processes in Vbscript

I am trying to kill all instances of a process called "AetherBS.exe" but the following VBscript is not working. I am not exactly sure where/why this is failing. So how can I kill all process of "AetherBS.exe?" CloseAPP "AetherBS.exe" Function CloseAPP(Appname) strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & st...

Trouble accessing checkbox properties (client-side vbscript)

I have a bunch of checkboxes where a user can select from a list of systems which they want to load. The checkboxes are created like so: '*************************************************************** ' Print systems from DB in a table for the load page. '*************************************************************** Function PrintSys...

QTP narrow a list of ChildObjects

[The description is a bit fudged to obfuscate my real work for confidentiality reasons] I'm working on a QTP test for a web page where there are multiple HTML tables of items. Items that are available have a clickable item#, while those that aren't active have an item# as plain text. So if I have a set of ChildObjects like this: //Th...

Can I Try to Ping a Website thru a specific adapter?

I hope this isn't too basic a question. The title kind of asks it all. :-) TIA! Rich ...

QTP Using Regular Expressions to match object text dynamically

Let's say we're trying to match SSNs, so the regular expression would be: d{9}. But what if, at run time, I wanted to have, say, the third digit match to 3? So the regex would be d{2}3d{6}. I know that in QTP, you can use regex to match the text property of an object in the Object Repository, but how do I change that regex in QTP code...

VBscript to display all values in a column separated by a comma?

I want to display all email addresses from a column (named email) separated by a comma in html. How would I write a sql query in an html page? ...

VBScript in Reports Expression Editor, filtering out certain values

I have a report that need null values replaced with N/A. It works for x amount of rows until the null value is hit then the rest of the data needing to be displayed just goes away. Here is my expression =iif(Fields!PastBaseline.Value is nothing, "N/A", Round(Fields!PastBaseline.Value)) Anyone know what I am doing wrong? ...

Any way to export an OLE object into an XML file with scripting from ACCESS 2007??

I am trying to output an XML file with an Ole Object from an ACCESS 2007 Database. The receiver is very specific about the format of the XML file. In order to meet the requirements I am using MS scripting. However, when I run the script I get an incorrect procedure error. It is being caused by trying to add the Ole Object because whe...

Run myVBS Scheduled Task

I have a vbs code that i would like to run via a scheduled task. Say myVBS.vbs; I have created another batch file where called my task as : cscript.exe //nologon c:\myVBS.vbs Of course, nothing happened. When i execute myVBS.vbs (via mouse or keyboard, enter command) it works fine. I am open to any suggestion as to run this task but ...