
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with this statement?

I am using this to insert a few things into my table and it keeps giving me this error: Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ee' Expected ')' /thanks.asp, line 63 Set rstSimple = cnnSimple.Execute("insert into SALT (Email, Username, FirstName, LastName, ActivationCode) VALUES ('"Request.QueryString("payer_email") "', '" & Requ...

How to remove some html tags?

I'm trying to find a regex for VBScript to remove some html tags and their content from a string. The string is, <H2>Title</H2><SPAN class=tiny>Some text here</SPAN><LI>Some list here</LI><SCRITP>Some script here</SCRITP><P>Some text here</P> Now, I'd like to EXCLUDE <SPAN class=tiny>Some text here</SPAN> and <SCRITP>Some script he...

How to enable IIS 6 metabase compatiblity using VBScript ?

How can IIS 6 metabase compatibility can be installed using script ? I know it can be enabled using GUI. But I need to automate to install a website on Windows with IIS 7. ...

How to get client-side dateTime in server-side ASP script?

I need to get the browser user local date and Time on my server side asp vbscript page. The goal is to show a specific message to all connected users that are in conversation at a specific local time in my web chat application. Is that possible? One way is to include the local time on an hidden text field and then pass it through usin...

Put result of ajax call in a variable

I have two pages we will call page "A" and Page "B". Page A in the root of the server which does not have any ASP access, while page B can do ASP cause it is not in the root directory. What I need to do via ajax is to send a request to Page B from Page A to get the day of the week from the server and put it in a variable for further tes...

Setting Up an ODBC Data Source for Oracle using vbscript

Hi I am trying to connect to oracle database from excel..now this is working fine when i manually create the DSN..but now i want to create DSN programmtically using vb..Please help me i am new to vbscripting... Thanks in advance ...

QTP: How can I return multiple Values from a Function.

Hi , I'm trying to write a function which can return multiple values from a Function which is having 2 arguments. eg: function sample_function(arg1,arg2) ''#Some code................. passenger = list1(0) name1 = list1(1) age1 = list1(2) seatNumber = list1(3) ''#This is an Incomplete function... end funct...

QTP: Set relative Path in QTP during the run time.

using the menu bar of QTP, I can set my folder path and than use the relative path in the action scripts. firstly, If i want to achieve the same with in a Script, how can i do this? secondly, if i want to set the system environment variables named "TEST_ROOT_PATH", than how can i achieve this during the run time of every test? ...

What is the most valuable scripting language, VBScript or JScript?

What is the most valuable scripting language, VBScript or JScript? ...

ActiveX control tab order in an Excel spreadsheet - is it possible to access/control this from script?

I have embedded a number of ActiveX controls in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Is there a way from VBA code to access the tab order assigned to a control so that the controls can be tabbed through in a particular order? The ActiveX controls I have inserted tab through in the insertion order, but this is not correct after changes have been ma...

In VBScript, is there a way to tell if IE is busy loading something (e.g. a page or XHR)?

I am writing an HTML Application (HTA) that runs fullscreen and allows users to browse a list of selected websites. I notice that sometimes when you click on link to load an external website, there is no feedback to the user that the browser has accepted the request and has started trying to load the page. In Internet explorer, you get ...

Is Powershell a mature enough tech for enterprise to be using?

Is Powershell a mature enough tech for enterprise to be using? Are its many benefits worth the time and effort to convert existing VBS scripts, or would you only use it for new scripting projects? We are currently using a mixture of vbs and batch files, with a login script as opposed to alot of GPO. We don't have a huge number of .NET p...

How to format a datetime with minimal separators and timezone in VBScript?

I have the following code in C#: DateTime dt = GetDateTime(); string formatted = dt.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmsszz"); which returns a date in the following format: 20100806T112917+01 I would like to be able to get the same results in VBScript (for a legacy ASP application). It is especially important that I get the UTC offset informat...

passing parameter from vbscript to oracle stored procedure

Hi Dim strConnection, conn, rs, strSQL, objCommand, param strConnection = "Driver={Oracle ODBC Driver};Data Source=DSNNAME;User Id=Username;Password=password;" Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open strConnection Dim cmdInsert As ADODB.Command Set cmdInsert = New ADODB.Command cmdInsert.ActiveConnection = conn cmdInsert....

Creating shortcut links (.lnk) from Java

I am writing an installer (launcher) in Java and require the ability to be able to create a shortcut on the users desktop during the process. I am interested in any ideas as the best way to do this. My one option I have considered is using a VB Script on windows and using the native 'shortcut.exe' to do it for me, however a third party...

How do open an HTML file with a default application using VBScript?

I have an HTML file C:\Program Files\my_html_files\file.html. How do I open this file using VBScript? (By "open" I mean open it with the default application, as if it was double-clicked in Explorer.) ...

Open any file by VBScript

hi How to perform the double click effect with VBScipt to open files? Thanks Lidia ...

Enumerated Types in VBScript

I want to script creating a scheduled task with VBScript. I need to use the Enumerated Types of the Task Scheduler object to set the task to run with "Highest Privileges". Anyone know how I set this? Thanks, Ben ...

Cant use any string functions on xmlhttp response text in VBScript

I can't do anything with the response text from the below code other than print it to the screen. I want to use an if statement to check what the response text is,but whenever I try this it prints nothing. For the sake of this example, assume the response text is "2" Code: Set xmlhttp = server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") xmlhttp.op...

problem running start..run..wscript a.vbs a.bat

I have these 2 files a.vbs and a.bat each has only one line. a.vbs CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False a.bat copy c:\blah\y.y c:\ When it works, it runs a.bat quietly in the background, which does the file copy. I can do start..run...a.vbs a.bat That works. I can open a command prompt...