
How to handle video calls on Asterisk with Sipdroid?

Hey all! I'm currently able to send video from one soft phone to another but I'm not able to receive the video. So I'm only seeing the video that's being sent from the same phone sending it and not seeing the other phone's video. I know it's possible but I can't seem to figure out how to do this. I already added videosupport=yes in the ...

What is the path to your apps "assets" folder in Android?

I am developing an Android App and would like to have a video file (mp4) bundled inside the .apk so that when the app is launched I can play a short intro video. Unfortunately I'm having trouble figuring out where in my project folder I should place this video file, and also how to access it (the path to the file). I am using videoView...

How to covert PowerPoint to video or flash in php

How to covert PowerPoint to video or flash in php? Or how would I call a process like this in unix Thanks! ...

AVSPEED SDK Video Conferencing bad quality

Hi guys, after googling and spending a whole day in to this topic, i'm giving up and must ask you guys this question. I'm installed AVSPEED SDK Video Conferencing on 2 machines and trying to get a good conference between them with the server application. First, i had run the ip2ip.exe and, no wonder, the quality and the connect...

What video/audio codec settings for playback on Android and iOS

What codec settings will produce valid videos for playback on Android (videoView) and iOS UIWebView)? ...

How would I convert a series of JPEG images to an uncompressed AVI on the iPhone?

I'm trying to convert a series of JPEG images into a simple uncompressed AVI movie. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to do this? ...

How to record a video automatically in Iphone app without user interaction

I am working an iphone app that needs to record a vedio automatically. I used mobile coreservices framework and using that. I made it to came into video mode and clicking on record option its start capturing a vedio. But I want it automatically that is.. I should able to record a video without clicking on record option. That is when vi...

Would it be possible to "hide" a video behind an image?

Essentially, on page load, I want a video to be hidden behind an image (I guess this can be done with positioning divs). I would want the video to begin to play when a user clicks on the image the video is hidden behind. This should be possible with a bit of JavaScript/CSS. What I'm really asking is does anyone know of any examples of ...

Why does MPMoviePlayerController work in the simulator, but not the device?

Hey guys, I'm having trouble getting MPMoviePlayerController to work on the device. It runs fine in simulator, playing a five-second video and then sending the appropriate callback (myMovieFinishedCallback:) to the view controller. When it runs on the device, the movie never shows up, even though I can trace through [player play] with n...

windows workflow foundation video tutorial

I am very new to wwf, not new to c# though. It seems that it's a great idea to do development using wwf when I watch those few video tutorials on youtube, however, all the tutorials show examples with console.write. That's not what I want. I want something that shows how to create an activity that exposes properties and methods. I just c...

How can I insert cues into a video I want to play in my Android App?

I noticed that Flash allows you to insert cue's into a video file (flv). Is something like this possible on Android? I have a video that runs locally in my Android app and I would like to insert cues into the video which will give me callbacks when a certain portion of the video has been reached. If this is not possible, are there any...

Android: Cannot see video on HTC Hero 1.5

I am trying to play a video through my application. public class VideoScreen extends Activity { public MediaPlayer videoMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.videoscreen); SurfaceView demoVideo = (SurfaceView) fi...

Get length of ogg theora video

Hi, I'm currently playing around with libtheoradec but I cannot find an easy way of finding out the playing time of an ogg theora file. There are several examples in the libtheoradec distribution but none of them shows how to get the length (i.e. playing time in seconds or so) of a theora stream. Is this information not available somewh...

JWPlayer IE issues, screen going blank after being hidden and shown.

Hi, I'm using jwplayer in html tabs in IE with jqery showing and hiding them (via style:hidden;) When I hide a tab in IE and then show it again the plays video area goes blank (you can still hear sound and play/pause the video). Does anyone know why this is happening or have a way to fix it. Cheers. Here's the jQ doing the hiding / ...

Is there any documentation on the Pinnacle PCTV API?

I need to develop is an application that shows the TV signal along with information on the channel being displayed. My only need is to communicate the app with the card to change channels and get the video. So, I need to operate a Pinnacle PCTV (-like) card from Actionscript OR C#. Actionscript is preferred, but C# is being conside...

Stopping a jQuery Content Slider while Flash content plays

Does anyone know a simple script that one could add to a custom jQuery content slider that would make the slider stop while Flash content is being played inside? Or, alternatively, just make the slider stop while hovering the mouse over it? All the best, Robert ...

How to programmatically produce a video on the iPad platform?

Hi, I would like to programmatically produce a video using the microphone on the iPad (for sound) and the screen display (for visual)? Is this possible? How should I proceed? ...

How can I format a movie to play through MPMoviePlayerViewController on the iPad?

Hi guys, I've been struggling to make video on the iPad work. I'm using an MPMoviePlayerViewController and it plays fine in the simulator. I've tried several different converters, including ones dedicated to producing iPad-formatted video, but none of the videos play on the device. The MPMoviePlayerViewController loads and the controls ...

How to make a P2P streaming using a web browser?

I want to create an application for P2P video transmission. In more details, I need the following: User can switch on a web camera by clicking a button in an application. Application starts to take images from the web camera and sends them to a certain location (given by a port and IP address). Application starts to accept images send ...

Android TouchEvent Camera and Video?

I have a camera view over a video view in my android application. I want to use touch for both views. For Example: If i touch the camera view, i want to perform specific actions for camera view. Similarly the Video view. Kindly, tell me how to perform touch events for both the views at the same time. | VideoView | | _ | |...