
How to make separator (Single Line) transparent in Tableview?

I have used table view in my application, and within that I have used the single line separator given by tableview. How can I make a transparent separator in a tableview? If anybody has any ideas/code snippets/useful links, I would greatly appreciate it. ...

Built-in tree view for Django-Admin sites?

Why is there no built-in tree view in the Python Django framework? Isn't there an easy way to visualize a model when a class has an 1:n relation to itself? I know about some fancy google code projects to achieve that but I think there must be some common sense among the Django community to handle this common case. Any ideas? ...

Subsonic 3 and GridView

Is there some docs or examples, about best practices working with Subsonic3 and Gridview? Sorting, paging etc... In Subsonic2 there was quicktable, does Subsonic3 have something simnilar? ...

Include view file within same namespace in PHP 5.3.0

Hi, I started developing sort of a mvc framweork on PHP5.3.0 for the static keyword, but since I'm here I said I should take advantage of the namespaces as well. So I have something like this for the view: namespace view { function load($filepath) { include($filepath); } function helper() { echo 'lo...

Automatically Update Field in Database

I'd like to automatically update a database column with an aggregate of another column. There are three tables involved: T_RIDER RIDER_ID TMP_PONYLIST ... T_RIDER_PONY RIDER_ID PONY_ID T_PONY PONY_ID PONY_NAME ... T_RIDER and T_PONY have an n:m relationship via T_RIDER_PONY. T_RIDER and T_PONY have some more columns ...

Loading a dds in C#

I am translating code from tutorial 7 in MS DirectX SDK to C#. I reached this line of code: // Load the Texture hr = D3DX10CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile( g_pd3dDevice, L"", NULL, NULL, &g_pTextureRV, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr; Can someone please help tell which SlimDX wrapper is equivalent to the functio...

Load data to the Table view from Parsed XML

Hi All, Previously i had a doubt regarding the Parsing XML. thanks for all for giving me help to clear that. Now i need to load the data which i parsed from the XML in to a table view. can any one help me in that. [What i need is to load the courses which a student enrolls. the xml file is created based on the login query.] Thanks in ...

Generic Inhertied ViewPage<> and new Property

Question Rephrasing Setup: CustomViewEngine CustomController Base CustomViewPage Base (in this base, a new property is added "MyCustomProperty") Problem: When a view is strongly typed as such: <@ Page Inherits="CustomViewPage<MyCustomObject" MyCustomProperty="Hello">, I get a compiler "Parser" error stating that MyCustomProperty ...

ASP.NET - Grid View and List View with Paging

Hi, We are working on Grid View and List View controls in an ASP.NET application. To provide better performance we planned to provide pagination with 10 records display, at a time. We does not want to get all the records from database (at a time) and bind them to these controls i.e. we need to get only 10 records at a time from databas...

How do I view application directories and directories that begin with dot in Netbeans on OSX?

How do I view directories that begin with dot and how do I browse application directories in Netbeans? I can't seem to view directories that begin with a "dot" through the open file dialog in Netbeans. Similarly, I can't browse any application directory e.g. File->Open File->"". Attempting to browse "" gives the er...

How can I implement swipe up view animation when user tap a button in iPhone application's tool bar?

First of all, I want to Thank you everyone in this community. All of you are very kind to collaborate this site. This time, I am going to implement a transition like the instruction below: 1. user tap on a button. 2. another view 'slide' from the bottom. 3. whether user commit filling form or cancel, that view slide down. The point is,...

ASP.NET MVC View friendly name for foreign key

On my index/list view I have a list of records from the database, currently they display the foreign key id, I would like to change this so that it displays the text name column of the reference table. I can't seem to find any examples on this, am I missing something really simple? ...

Zend Framework and switching view script paths

I have a problem. Basically, depending on whether a user goes to /es or /br or /cn etc on our website, we have different language template files. So far, we were using a custom templating engine to make this work, but are making a switch over to ZF. I can't seem to figure out how to get ZF to look for a view script in say cn/about-us if ...

ASP.NET MVC Dynamic entity items

Not really sure if the title reflects what I am actually trying to achieve... I have a view which is used to create a record (invoice) on the same page I would like to be able to add rows to the invoice dynamically or how ever this is achieved. I am just not sure how to do this with MVC and hope someone can point me in the right directi...

iPhone - tabbar + view issue

Hello, I am using a UITabBar control from library in one of my view (note that I am not using UITabBarController but the UITabBar control). Now, I am adding two tabBar items to this tabBar. I have created controller class for this view (.m and .h) files and used delegates in the .h file. In the .m file I have used the following func...

Zend Framework a common file to put functions in that can be accessed from a view

I need to have a place to put some common functions that various view scripts will use such as creating some html by passing it a variable. I know about using helpers, but I want to be able to put many functions inside it not just one helper for each function. Is it a plugin that I need to create? thanks ...

How to mimick Oracle Materialized Views on MS SQL Server?

Application connected to MS SQL Server will create views where a single row result is an analysis including aggregations of 1-10k records. The applicable criteria across the resulting view will have dozens to tens of thousands of results. The view+criteria will then be ordered by some column (user specified) in the view which are most li...

Master-Detail View ASP.NET MVC

Hello Everybody, I'm new to MVC and I'm involved in a project that is developed with ASP.NET MVC 1.0. I'm also weak in JavaScript :-( I'm trying to demonstrate how Master-Details view work on 'Orders' & 'Order Details' tables from Northwind database. (Hence: the tables has a relation, i.e., an order can have multiple order details) I ...

ASP.NET MVC - Go to a different view without changing URL

Hello all, is it possible to go to a different View without changing the URL? For example in my Index View, I have a link to go the the Details View but I would like to keep the URL the same. Thank you very much, Kenny. ...

Stored procedure search using entity framework

Hi everyone. I want to implement a search logic that I have seen and use. It works like this: There is stored procedure that is loaded in entity framework and it is used as a method in C#, it takes parameters in order to perform search. That method is returning list of views (DB View). The views in list have just some of the properti...