
Localization with separate Language folders within Views

I'm trying to have specific folders for each language in Views. (I know this isn't the best way of doing it but it has to be this way for now) e.g. /Views/EN/User/Edit.aspx /Views/US/User/Edit.aspx These would both use the same controller and model but have different Views for each language. In my Global.asax.cs I have routes.Map...

Creating content in a block in Drupal 6

By default for creating content a new page is opened. I want to do this inside a block. A block where there will be some fields like title body taxonomy terms and a create content button. How can I do this? ...

advance/basic and smartphone views in Rails

In a new Rail app I have to consider 2 differents user's type: basic and Advanced and I have to create smartphone views( unique view for both user's type). Then I have 3 view/layout: web advance web basic smartphone I already have the adv/basic flag for the user, and I followed the RBates tutorial

Collapse taxonomy fieldset on node form by default

While creating a (custom) content in Drupal, I have three vocabularies. But these make my create content page very heavy. I want to collapse the Vocubalary fieldset by default and want it to expand only if user chooses to. ...

why doesn't the cursor show up for resizing docked views?

A strange thing started to happen with our application. The mouse cursor used to change when you hover over the border of a view so that you know you can start to drag and resize that view. Suddenly the cursor no longer shows up and it's difficult to resize the views because of this. Update: It was found that this only happens after we ...

MySQL Table Alias

I'm migrating an application from a case insensitive database to MySQL. My DBA does not permit changing any Mysql configuration settings so using the "lower_case_table_names" is not an option. Does MySQL have any aliasing ability to have multiple table names point to the same table? For example, if USER and usersB were aliased to the s...

ListView items won't show focus when touched

I've got a ListView that works just great, except for this minor annoyance. I can use the trackball/dpad to move up and down my list, and the background changes according to which row has focus. But when I touch the row (click or long click), there's no background change letting me know what's been focused. I've tried setting 'focusab...

Cocoa - subviews not showing after being added

Im trying to add some subviews to a container (container is a NSView derived class, and subviews are some NSImageView objects). Since the code is messy right now due to trying different stuff, i wont paste it all for the time being. This is the part where i add the subviews: NSImage *tileImage; tileImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithCont...

Keeping realtime views of cached content

Hi, I'm working on a busy web site. Sometimes it gets much more traffic then avarage days. The content is cached but as site's owner want to see realtime post views it has to do at least one query to MySQL per post view which is become performance problem under heavy load. All I can think of is create a different table for views and upd...

How do I pass dates as arugments in views in drupal?

I have been trying for awhile now to get the my view to accept a date argument. This is my code: <?php function bookable_views_handlers(){ return array( 'info' => array( 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'bookable') . '/includes', ), 'handlers' => array( 'views_handler_field_date' ...

How to get all columns in Oracle in SYNONYMS

I know how to get all columns in oracle. select * from all_tab_columns but how can I get all columns from SYNONYMSas well? Is this possible to do in oracle? ...

SQL Server Database - Allowing application to edit records in a view?

I made a custom view for a group of three tables. How would I configure the view so that it can be edited by an application using it like a table? I am using SQL Server Studio Express. ...

customising plone breadcrumbs and moving out of plone top

The plone guy is on leave, I have a request to add breadcrumbs to a plone 3 site. Normally in plone the logo, navigation search personal bar and breadcrumbs are all in a view called plonetop This view has been replaced with straight html because it was too hard to modify plones default plonetop view. There is a view in portal_view_cust...

Using TTPhotoViewController without the Three20's URL crap?

Whenever I add the TTPhotoViewController to my window , it appears without a top navigation bar and once I tap the image, the bottom navigation overlay and the status bar (the springboard one) will disappear permanently. How do I create a top navigation bar so I can add a button to hide the view after it was shown and how do I restore th...

How do I specific creation of a link without params in rails?

In my view, I want to use link_to_unless_current create a link to "/payforms" when I'm on page. However, when I pass parameters, such as, "/payforms?submitted=true", for example, the function still thinks I'm on "current" and the link is not created. Is there a way for me to check if there are no parameters? <%= link_to_unless_curre...

Calling android dialog without it fading the backgorund

I have this nice dialog view I set my UserInputDialog class to: <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout01" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:orientation="vertical" xmlns:android=""&gt; <TextView android:id="...

CakePhp - render a view + afterFilter

The problem is i want to call the index function, i need it to render the view and then the afterFilter to redirect again to the index function and do the same.. Like a loop, the problem is it doesnt render it, ive tried using $this->render('index') but it doesnt work and also other things.. PS: I didnt include all the code that i have ...

couchdb - new views checkpointing against huge update_seq

I am running couchdb 0.11 on mac os x in a development environment. I have about 50,000 documents which I have migrated from a mysql db. In the course of migration, I have deleted and reimported this data about 15 times and now the update_seq on the database is around 900,000. Now, when I add new views (or modify current ones), the build...

Creating SQL View, replaceing variables with actual variables doesn't work for me

First, let me thank you for helping! Now I'm converting a query to a view in SQL so I need to replace all my variables with actual values. However I am running into trouble when doing this. When I have DECLARE @TweleveAM datetime set @TweleveAM = '1900-01-01 00:00:00' DECLARE @TweleveThirtyAM datetime set @TweleveThirt...

Drupal Calendar views display

Hi, I am working on a project which has events calendar. I am using date and calendar module for that. On calendar month page, we can display titles of events on that day. That is simple. But suppose there are 10 events on one day, then that day column becomes too long. So, instead of displaying titles, I want to display no. of events ...