
Do MySQL Locked Tables affect related Views?

So after reading in regards to performance issues I was thinking about I did some research on locking tables in MySQL. On Table locking enables many sessions to read...

long startup time...Need help

My app is all done and working great. So now I ran it on a old iPhone and the app takes 17.3 seconds to start!?!? i spent a lot of time looking into it and i found that the reason it is taking so long to load is i have a lot of views and each view has a png background image. All my views and made in IB and in my code: #import "MyTest...

mysql select column from view problem

i create a view table like : CREATE VIEW ViewManager AS SELECT us.UserId AS 'Account Manager', ......... after that, when i run a query to select data from this view like : SELECT 'Account Manager' , .. from ViewManager then the data i get in this column is the text 'Account Manager' and not the value of the this columns. Is th...

What should I use to increase performance. View/Query/Temporary Table

I want to know the performance of using Views, Temp Tables and Direct Queries Usage in a Stored Procedure. I have a table that gets created every time when a trigger gets fired. I know this trigger will be fired very rare and only once at the time of setup. Now I have to use that created table from triggers at many places for fetching ...

Using views as a data interface between modules in a database

Hello, I am working on the database layout of a straighforward small database in Mysql. We want to modularize this system in order to have more flexiblity for different implementations we are going to make. Now, the idea was to have one module in the database (simple a group of tables with constraints between them) pass its data to the ...

designing an ASP.NET MVC partial view - showing user choices within a large set of choices

Consider a partial view whose job is to render markup for a pizza order. The desire is to reuse this partial view in the Create, Details, and Update views. It will always be passed an IEnumerable<Topping>, and output a multitude of checkboxes. There are lots... maybe 40 in all (yes, that might smell). A-OK so far. Problem The questi...

Embedded strongly-typed views with ASP.NET MVC

I'm working on a plugin-type of system for ASP.NET MVC that loads views from an embedded assembly. I have created a VirtualPathProvider that does the work of retrieving out of the assembly. Everything is working fine except for strongly-typed views. Whenever I try to load one of those, I get an exception of: Could not load type 'System.W...

Using nodereference + views to create combined view

I'm trying to set up a relational View but not sure how to do it. Here's an example of what I'm going for using the node types Artist and Song. Artist Song Length Bob Dylan Like a Rolling Stone 2:00 Bruce Springsteen Atlantic City 4:00 Burce Springsteen Born to Run ...

Android: how to have a centered background image in a view

I'd like to use a small (icon size) image as the background for my view, but it gets stretched to fill all the view. Any solution (including some way to place a view under my current one and make the latter transparent) will be appreciated. Thanks ! current code: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="

SQL View with Data from two tables

Hello! I can't seem to crack this - I have two tables (Persons and Companies), and I'm trying to create a view that: 1) shows all persons 2) also returns companies by themselves once, regardless of how many persons are related to it 3) orders by name across both tables To clarify, some sample data: (Table: Companies) Id Name 1 Ba...

How can one display local time and date to my drupal website visitors depending upon their geographic location?

I need to display the FIFA world Cup 2010 schedule on my Drupal website. But what I want is that each visitor should be able to see the time for the upcoming matching as per his/her own geographic location . How can this be done ?Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks for reading this through. ...

Wrong label for a nodereference in Drupal content-type

We have a content-type built using CCK. One of the fields is a node reference. The node picker is using a view to build the options. A few days ago, everything was working well. Today, it looks like all node reference fields using views to populate the selection options are displaying the wrong label. Every single label in the optio...

What happens when I create an index on a view? Are there any benefits versus using a table with indexes?

From what I understand the data will be "persisted" (physically stored, not just retrieved when i need it). Is this correct? If so what would be the advantage of using an indexed view versus just using a table? ...

Need some serious help with self join issue.

Well as you may know, you cannot index a view with a self join. Well actually even two joins of the same table, even if it's not technically a self join. A couple of guys from microsoft came up with a work around. But it's so complicated I don't understand it!!! The solution to the problem is here:

How to align views in the middle of another views baseline?

How do you align views relative to the "middle" part of another view? I think it is best explained with a pic of the UI I'm trying to create in android. ...

I can't create a view in oracle database using sqlplus (insufficient privileges)

I'm running this SQL: CREATE VIEW showMembersInfo(MemberID,Fname,Lname,Address,DOB,Telephone,NIC,Email,WorkplaceID,WorkName,WorkAddress,WorkTelephone,StartingDate,ExpiryDate,Amount,WitnessID,WitName,WitAddress,WitNIC,WitEmail,WitTelephone) AS SELECT mem.MemberID,mem.FirstName,mem.LastName,mem.Address,mem.DOB,mem.Telephone,mem.NIC,mem.E...

Is it possible to write a database view that encompasses one-to-many relationships?

So I'm not necessarily saying this is even a good idea if it were possible, since the schema of the view would be extremely volatile, but is there any way to represent a has-many relationship in a single view? For example, let's say I have a customer that can have any number of addresses in the database. Is there any way to list out ea...

Drupal Views api, add simple argument handler

Background: I have a complex search form that stores the query and it's hash in a cache. Once the cache is set, I redirect to something like /searchresults/e6c86fadc7e4b7a2d068932efc9cc358 where that big long string on the end is the md5 hash of my query. I need to make a new argument for views to know what the hash is good for. The rea...

Using Django view variables inside templates

Hi, this is a rather basic question (I'm new to Django) but I'm having trouble using a variable set in my view inside my template. If I initialize a string or list inside my view (i.e. h = "hello") and then attempt to call it inside a template: {{ h }} there is neither output nor errors. Similarly, if I try to use a variable inside my ...

Is it ok to hardcode dynamic links in a permanent view?

Let's say I wanted to showcase 2-3 clickable buttons on my homepage which will be there permanently. These are links to the css, html, and javascript tag listing pages. Is it fine to just hardcode href=/tags/css and href=/tags/html right in my django templates/view? I won't change them for at least a year or so, meaning I don't think I...