
issue with panel override for specific node

I have a node view panel that overrides nodes. My variants are setup to only override certain content types. One variant only overrides a specific node. I am using a php selection rule to achieve this. The node id is 2856. So the url is I also have a view setup that creates a feed whose path is ...

drupal theming a view for Customfield: PHP code

I have a view called "contests_slider" with a block display. I'm hiding all fields and using a "Customfield: PHP code" field instead which calls a function called display_front_contests(). In that function, querying the database and building some html and returning it. I'm displaying the output in a block. The problem is Drupal is adding...

Drupal Views Ajax refresh rows

Hi! I have some view (Views 2 - list of invitations, table style) which uses embedded forms to edit records directly in view rows. I am using ahah to change values in records. What I need is to refresh all records dynamically (some calculations) after I change some checkboxes. Is there any way to refresh view using Ajax? To trigger reloa...

Drupal views add form to add record

Hi! I have some view which lists my module table entries. What is the most elegant way to attach a form below the view to add record? Waht I am trying to do know is: I created dedicated form in my module: function my_module_form_add_record($form_state) { form fields..... } I added to the view theme file: $add_form = drupal_get_form...

How can I have a view and a subview under one tab on the iphone?

Here is my situation. I have an app with four tabs. The first tab contains a registration screen. Once the user is registered I want the SAME tab to load a separate "Latest News" screen instead of the registration screen. Any help would be appreciated. ...

PhpPgAdmin Syntax error when creating View

I am attempting to create a View in PhpPgAdmin (PostGreSQL db) which has the following SQL statement: DELETE FROM myTable WHERE myTable.error IS NULL; PhpPgAdmin gives me the following error: ERROR: syntax error at or near "DELETE" at character 59 In statement: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "Schema1"."Delete empty errors" AS DELETE ...

Drupal Views does not show some nodes

I have a view that has the following settings: Style: Unformatted styleRow style: Fields ... Filters Node: Published Yes Node: Type = Image Node revision: Title begins slideshow_q ... Fields Node: Title Title Image: Image Image I also have 6 image nodes. Yet only one of them--the...

Rails - Application layout with SQL?

Hello, all my fellow coders! I've got a problem ohh chok!.. :P Now my problem i that i'm trying to make a design for a bigger site, it's going good. Until i should make the content/news slider. It should take data from multiple tables and returning to the application.html.erb. So it is take reviews and announcements just the latest 5 ...

How to Expose my tables and their relationships using Views API in Drupal 6

I maintain the role_expire module on and I'm adding enhanced views support. Essentially I want to be able to create a view that shows me all users with role name and their expiries. Here is my What a...

Retaining table relationships through views with Entity Framework 4

Using Entity Framework 4, I am creating the EDMX from a database. The database has views in addition to tables. When I select the views to generate from, the resulting model does not retain the relationships that exist between the underlying tables. Does anyone know how to retain these relationships for the views? I want to be able to wr...

A simle view with a button that calls another view with a tab bar controller

It is quiet embarrassing but I just don't get it. How should I browse prom viewA to viewB to viewC if I have a main view "viewMain"... how can I make it call a view with a tab bar controller for the views viewTabA, viewTabB and viewTabC. (All views should give me the option to go back to the main view "viewMain") It just so frustrati...

PresentModalViewController or addsubview?

Hi I am writing an app in xcode 3.2.3. All I want to do is switch to another view but I am unsure of the best way to do this. I can do it either of these 2 ways... PreferencesViewController *screen = [[PreferencesViewController alloc]initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil]; screen.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal; [...

[IPhone SDK] Stuck on Two views apps.

I want to create log in app. In log in process I create a UINavigationController to do navigation. After log in, I want to jump to a UITabBarController window. Therefore I added a UINavigationController *navigationController; and set it as a primary view. And UINavigationController *navigationController; to handle stuffs after log in. ...

How-to count nodes based on cck filed data in Drupal

Nodes with cck checkboxes need counting nodes based on cck data and displaing via views field In drupal6 + taxonomy - there is a simple and fast function taxonomy_term_count_nodes() But I`m thinking about d7 without taxonomy via cck custom field Are there any API functions for counting nodes based on CCK fileds ? ...

Views 1: Filter by custom table/field (or using Argument Hand. Code)

Hello, I have a page which should list nodes. The views is called from a locality page (a taxonomy term page). What I need is almost the same as using the Taxonomy: tid in arguments and passing the tid. I can't use the term_node table, as (for other reasons) we have a custom table term_node_hierarchy (with nid and tid only). The table t...

Refreshing a listview

I have a listview that's populated by rows that get their data from a web server. It all works totally fine except I want to have a refresh button to re-download the data. I'm getting the data through an asynctask (getting the data in doinbackground) and then setting the listadapter in onpostexecute. All I do to run the asynctask which s...

thunderbird how to apply a folder view to other folders (like evolution)

How does one save a 'view' in thunderbird and then have that applied to other folders (nested and not nested) ? a bit like evolution and outlook? For the life of me, i can't find this in my version: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100528 Thunderbird/3.0.5 thanks, ...

Dealing with nil in views (ie nil author in

I want to show a post author's name; <% %> works unless author is nil. So I either use unless or add a author_name method that checks for nil as in <% @post.author_name %>. The latter I try to avoid. The problem is that I may need to add/remove words depending on whether there is a value or not. For i...

multiple views on the ipad

hey I'm a complete noob working on an iPad App. I need to understand how I can make a tableview within the main view. The tableview takes up 1/4 of the screen and the remaining screen has labels and text boxes from the main view. I can't use the SplitView. Could anyone point me in the right direction. I've been googling for a couple of ...

Drupal, Views: how to avoid duplicated ?

How can I avoid duplicates on my Drupal View ? Should I add a filter specifying that a particular field (i.e. userID) should not appear twice ? I cannot find such option View View edit thanks ...