
Error using QueryString, SessionVariables and ViewState in SharePoint

I am doing webparts in sharepoint and I want to transfer the data from one to another. I tried the 3 ways but they all fail. Any idea? It just says An unexpected error has occurred. ...

Does Page class adds ViewState for Controls created in CreateChildControls in ASP.NET

Hi every one! Does Page class adds ViewState for Controls created in CreateChildControls, I mean I have a page which I add some controls to the page and all of them are Literal and EnableViewState is false, my question is are there any ViewState entry gor them in Page's ViewState? Thank you. ...

User control (ascx) and properties

The only way I've found to persist property values within a user control is to use the ViewState. public string Title { get { return Convert.ToString(ViewState["Title"]); } set { ViewState["Title"] = value; } } I can't say I'm real impressed with this though, as the more properties a user control has the more crap ...

Viewstate error

Hi! I am getting a viewstate error on the live site: Thanks on any advice Inner Exception: System.Web.UI.ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate. Client IP: Port: 54016 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; GTB6; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618) ViewState: /wEPDwUKMT...

visible false in OnPreRender method

I have a div that sometimes it is visible, sometimes not. So, I put the code on OnPreRender method, div.Visible = false. What happens is: When the property "EnableViewState" is true, the div never be invisible, only when "EnableViewState" is false. How I solve this problem? ...

ASP.NET DropDownValue is not persisted across one server in webfarm

I have a problem that a DropDownList is losing its SelectedValue after a PostBack on one server on the web farm. On the other servers, everything is working correctly. All servers are on the same version of code with the same service packs and all updates applied. The code also works correctly when I run on my local machine (but point ...

Getting a UniqueId when using RenderControl

I'm using RenderControl(writer) on a set of ASP.NET controls to get the generated server control markup back, for a template. These are form controls, such as radioboxes, input boxes, checkboxes. The problem with this is the control's Parent.UniqueId is not set at this point, not Parent.Parent and so on. This means that the name="" attr...

ASP.Net app through WebSeal is changing viewstate value

I have an ASP.Net 3.5 app that needs to run on WebSeal which is a Java reverse-proxy app that re-formats URLs in the page delivered to the browser so that a URL of can become It looks for URLs to modify in the page and performs a string replacement to the re-directed address. My probl...

Proxy server truncating View State

Is there any way I can simulate a proxy server truncating a viewstate? ...

When and how to initialize the ViewState?

I am trying to use ViewState to store a collection, but it always get me the error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I don't know when to initialize it and where? Sometimes I use: if(ViewState["X"]==null) ViewState["X"] = new List<Checkitem>(); and I put it at the Page_Init() event, but it keeps initializing it ea...

Can I utilize ViewState to eliminate the need to pass a query string?

Hi SO: I have a page with several expandable lists. In a perfect world, I would like to display links to each of these lists and when one is clicked it will reload the page with that particular list displayed. I read that ViewState can eliminate the need for hidden input fields, query strings, etc, but I am not familiar with the concept...

Large ViewState value in ASP.NET

I am building an application in ASP.NET 2.0 and the value for the view state is huge: <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwULLTExNz... The value contains 535,000 characters. Is this normal? How can I make it smaller? ...

ASP.NET MVC: Best practices for keeping session state in a wizard-like app

Let's say I have a Web application implemented like a set of wizard pages to edit a complex object. Until the user clicks on the "Finish" button, the object doesn't get saved to the back-end system (a requirement), so in the meantime I have to keep the whole information about the object in some kind of a session state. Also, some of the...

Is the ViewState and Session Variables wrong in WebParts in SharePoint?

I am using ViewState to save some data from a page to another on sharepoint, and when I write this line at the Page_Load event I get an error but it doesn't say anything. Any clue? Label l = new Label(); l.Text = ViewState["user"].ToString(); and also this one Session["user"] = (sender as LinkButton).Text; ...

Using session like ViewState

I am fixing an ASP.NET application that makes heavy use of session to track per-page data. One of the problems is that the session bleeds between pages. ViewState would be a better solution, except: The data is not serializable There is too much data to be sending back and forth each postback So I want to: create a page key for t...

Maintaining viewstate in mvc?!?!

Possible Duplicate: ASP.NET MVC doesn’t work with ViewState and Postback? One of the major reasons for using webforms is the ease of being able to maintain viewstate. I would like to build an mvc application so what options do I have for maintaining viewstate? ...

multiple usercontrols

Hi, Let's say we have 2 usercontrols uc1 and uc2 in a Page. I set the Viewstate["name"]="John" in uc1. How do I access this Viewstate["name"] in uc2 control? ...

Saving Entity Framework objects in ViewState

Given two tables, Make and Model, where a make can contain many models and resulting in the following EF generated entity types... /// <KeyProperties> /// ID /// </KeyProperties> [global::System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName="CarsModel", Name="Make")] [global::System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttr...

'EnableViewState = false' of an DropDownList

If an DropDownList's is set to EnableViewState=false, DropDownList.SelectedItem returns null. Then what technique can I use to get the SelectedItem of that DropDownList while keeping that EnableViewState=false? ...

Viewstate hidden field so big it makes everything crash

For some reason the viewstate of my application became gigantic (around 14 million characters). It adds around 1 minute of loading time. If the page finally loads (which is not often), the server crashes every time someone send a form because "Post size exceeded allowed limits. " It appeared suddenly. I didn't add any fields, just some ...