
How can I re-instantiate dynamic ASP.NET user controls without using a database?

I'm currently working with a part of my application that uses Dynamic Web User Controls and I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out the best way to re-instantiate the controls on postback by using ViewState or some other method that doesn't require me to query a database on each postback. Basically what I have on my page is a user cont...

Viewstate Optimisations

Hy, I'm interested in some general optimisation methods in an ajax project for Viewstate (ex. to reduce the size of viewstate , or just speeding up the viewstate somehow, or others this should be a general discussion :-) ). So what kind of optimisation do you use for ViewState? What possibilities are offered on or Ajax...

What does the __VIEWSTATE hold?

I'm sorry for maybe making such a basic question but in ASP.NET websites what does the __VIEWSTATE input field represent? Also, is there any way to compute it's value (based on the values of other form fields)? EDIT I understand that __VIEWSTATE, as the name suggests, maintains the values of form field values in webpages however what ...

Asp.Net - page refresh(F5) do not restore the initial value of TextBox

this is the simple code: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { txt.Text = "Original"; } } first load. text box state is "Original". manually , changing the value to "Not Original". pressing F5. the line: txt.Text = "Original"; is executed but the Input value remain "Not Origi...

Store state of my checkbox list

How to store the state of my check box list tick boxes accross the page life cycle? Here i have a unbound checkbox list control where values comes from xml file. how to retain the state? Moreover, when i click on Next button to the new page and comeback state is retained. But when i click on the back button and come to the same page ...

"Validation of viewstate MAC failed" on postback to a different page

I'm working on a web form which works fine as long as it posts back to itself. In Reports.aspx I have: <form runat="server" method="post"> but, when I try to get it to post to a different page: <form runat="server" method="post" action="DisplayReport.aspx"> I get the "Validation of viewstate MAX failed" error. I've tried setting th...

Advice for Building a dynamic "Advanced Search" Control in ASP.NET

I'm building an "Advanced Search" interface in an ASP.NET application. I don't need SO to write this thing for me, but I'm stuck on a specific problem regarding dynamic controls and ViewState. I would like some direction for how to approach this. Here's my situation: Ingredients: A serviceable set of API objects representing ent...

Validation of Viewstate MAC fails ASP.Net 2.0 SP2

I've checked every post on SO, every post on the internet, but nothing is helping. I'm getting the Validation of viewstate MAC failed error. It just started failing on our production server all of a sudden. However it works on our staging server, and the files are identical. We discovered that our production server has SP2, while the ...

Does the ASP .NET Label Add to the Weight of the ViewState Being Passed on Localization?

I am currently working on a localization project for an ASP .NET application. I currently have a massive page with a multi view with about 9 tabs with each tab containing lots of data. I was just wondering, I put a lot of tag on my ASPX page so that I could localize my text easily. I was wondering if the amount of Label has a big impact...

Setting ViewStateUserKey gives me a "Validation of viewstate MAC failed" error

I have the following in my BasePage class which all my ASPX pages derive from: protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); ViewStateUserKey = Session.SessionID; } I also have a machineKey set in Web.config. I don't think this error is because of a web farm because this happens on my dev machine too. My host ...

Viewstate still present in page even though I'm using sqlserver to store the viewstate

I have an web app and on my test (database) server I have enabled sqlserver to store the viewstate and when I run the app from visual studio this works fine. However when I try to host the app on the production machine (IIS 6) the viewstate is still present in each page request. If I use the exact same connection settings again...

disabling view state for page is it a good for performance?

Hi everyone!. Is it better for performance to set EnableViewState to false for all pages and just except some controls that i want to enable their ViewState ?. And how could i do this in web.config file ?. ...

MasterPage and ViewState (VB.Net)

Ok So i have written methods to override the LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium and SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium methods. now the problem is that i am using a masterpage, so how do i maintain using my masterpage and still inherit from System.Web.UI.Page? Please bear in mind that the .vb Code behind the masterpage already inherits Sy...

ASP.NET: JavaScript modifying the value of a HiddenField before submitting

I have looked at similar questions on Stack Overflow but haven't been able to find the solution to this particular problem. I have a simple (not really, but let's pretend) ASP.NET page with an update panel inside it. In this update panel there is a HiddenField control with a value that will be set/updated via my own custom JavaScript. T...

c# Form submit viewstate error

Hi! Im trying to setup a login functionallity in C#, where I have a form on default.aspx that posts to Login.aspx where the logic is runned. But when the form posts to Login.aspx I get a MAC viewstate verification error. What is this and why? When I call Login.aspx direct from the browser I get no error, only when the form posts itse...

TinyMCE and Viewstate verification failed. Reason: Viewstate was invalid.

Visual Studio 2008 .NET 3.5 I'm using the built in web server to test, and everything works fine. My TinyMCE code is the following: <!-- TinyMCE --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> tinyMCE.init({ // General options mode: "textareas", theme:...

ASP.Net - How do I add a HiddenField from another WebControl and maintain it?

I've got a WebControl that I want to dynamically add a HiddenField from. I've tried the following example: Click here, but that doesn't work due to the fact this.Page.Form is null in the Page Init event. I've tried the following, but the value is never maintained: HiddenField hd_IsDirty = new HiddenField(); protected override void O...

ASP.NET MVC and ViewState

Now I've seen some questions like this, but it's not exactly what I want to ask, so for all those screaming duplicate, I apologize :). I've barely touched ASP.NET MVC but from what I understand there is no ViewState/ControlState... fine. So my question is what is the alternative to retaining a control's state? Do we go back to old schoo...

ASP.NET How ViewState works

I have a textbox and button on my .aspx page. The EnableViewState property of the textbox is set to false. But when I enter some text in the textbox and click the button the entered text is still present in the textbox. I expect the textbox to be blank since EnableViewState is set to false. Am I missing something? ...

Web Methods works with html button but not asp:button

I'm am looking at the code in this article on Web methods and I've tried to implement it. The article works as designed but when I swap the HTML button for an asp:button I get different results. CODE behind: [WebMethod] public static string GetCurrentDate() { return DateTime.Now.ToString(); } Aspx pa...