
Preventing :make in VIM from going to a warning.

I have a warning I can not easily remove from my build, every time i run ":make" from inside vim the quickfix takes me to some header file I don't care about. How can I prevent VIM from doing this and only showing me warnings and errors I do care about? ...

Editing multiple buffers in vim: "((1) of 3)" in status line

When I switch between buffers in vim with ":bn" and ":bp", my status line shows the following handy information: "foo.txt" 43 lines --88%-- ((1) of 3) 38,1 All (I think it's "set showmode" that enables that.) But that "(1)" is always literally "(1)" -- it doesn't change as I change buffers. (The parens a...

Running :make from gVim in Background

I use gVim in windows to edit my code (mostly C++). I use :make in gVim to compile the project, but this is a blocking operation, that prevents me from using gVim until the compilation is complete. How can I do :make asynchronously and still get the benefits of reading the errors back into Vim and jump to the errors in source code? Bonus...

How to expand variables in vim commands?

I'm trying to get a variable expanded in a command call. Here's what I have in my .vimrc: command! -nargs=1 -complete=dir TlAddPm call s:TlAddPm(<f-args>) function! s:TlAddPm(dir) let flist = system("find " . shellescape(a:dir) . " -type f -name '*.pm' | sort") TlistAddFiles `=flist` endfun At the : prompt, the `=flist` syntax...

How to avoid extra brackets from appearing while I paste into Vim

Hi, I use some maps while I code : imap ( ()<C-[>i imap [ []<C-[>i imap { {}<C-[>i so that when I put "(" , it writes "()" (same thing for "[" and "{" ). The problem is that when i paste something into Vim : for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { tab[i] = something() } I get for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { tab[i] = something() } )]}) I...

Using vim+LaTeX with Scandinavian characters

I want to create a lab write-up with LaTeX in Ubuntu, however my text includes Scandinavian characters and at present I have to type them in using /"a and "/o etc. Is it possible to get the latex-compiler to read these special characters when they are typed in as is? Additionally, I would like vim to "read" Finnish: Now when I open a .te...

How does one make a VIM window a full on terminal?

I can setup my workspace nicely with split and vsplit and open... but I would like to simply use one of the splits as a terminal window. I know opening an additional xterm and placing it strategically might be able to accomplish this but many times I am telneted into a single window and my hands are beginning to hurt from alt tabbing be...

VIM folds for Everything except Something

A code is over 2 000 lines full of folds. I select a certain block in Visual mode to which I would like to start writing. However, things around, such as folds, hinter my writing, and I accidentally tend to modify them. Currently, I avoid such mistakes by writing the block in a separate VIM. It is not a real solution, and it gets awkward...

Go to the end of the C++ function in Vim

If I am in the middle of the function, I would like go to the very end of it in vim. I run into this problem as we sometimes have function of 500+ lines long (don't ask why). I use vim, gvim. ...

Pasting functions from system clipboard to gVIM

The following is the contents of the Windows System Clipboard :function CurrentLineLength : len = strlen(getline(".")) : return len :endfunction I hit the colon and then control r I then hit shift 8 to paste the contents of the system clipboard. I hit return and vim comes back with E488: Trailing Characters I see some ^M charac...

Vim replace selected text

Lets say we have a a text and i enter in visual mode and select a text and how do i quickly do a search for the highlight text and replace it with something else thanks ...

netbeans jvi vimrc file location

I have started using netbeans vim plugin Jvi and i cant seem to find the vimrc file location I found an option that seem to say that it will save the vimrc in the home folder, but there isnt one there. I am using Ubuntu. thanks ...

vim: copy selection to OS X clipboard

There must be a really simple solution here that I'm missing: Say you've got an area selected in vim. How can you copy it into the OS X clipboard? (Hint: the OS X clipboard can be written to via pipe to /usr/bin/pbcopy) ...

Is there a decent Vim regexp OR command? What is the best way to find mismatched if else's?

I have some mismatching if and fi statements in a script. I would like to strip out everything but the if's else's and fi's. Just so I can see the structure. Why am working so HARD with such a powerful editor? I need a BIGFATOR operator for regexp or some epiphany that has eluded me... I don't care for pontification on regular expres...

Global "Go to definition" in vim for Ruby?

I've been using vi/vim since '97 for various quick edits and administration tasks, but have only recently considered using it to replace Netbeans as my ruby editor of choice. One thing I find extremely useful in both Netbeans and Eclipse is the Ctrl+Click "Go to definition" feature, where you can ctrl+click on a class or method and it wi...

Vim keep cursor location while scrolling

Is there a way to keep the cusror location off-screen in Vim / gVim while scrolling? Similar to many Windows editors. I know about marks, and do use them. I also know the '.' mark (last edit location), But looking for other ideas. I'm asking this because sometimes i want to keep the cursor at some location, scroll to another place usin...

Is using 'gf' in vim with symbolic links possible?

Is it possible to configure vim to follow symlinks via gf? For example, suppose I have a file foo.txt and a symlink bar in the same directory. I'd like to be able to edit the file bar points to by gf'ing over the word 'bar' in foo.txt. More generally, I'd like to be able to use find and other path-using commands as though the actual fi...

Math symbols in vim

Does anyone know how to have vim convert the html entities of math symbols into the math characters? For example: &ne; becomes ≠ &there4; becomes here is a table with the symbol html entities Updated: Solved, bignose came through with the solution. using the :digraphs functionality of Vim. with a ...

moving lines from one window to another

Is there a simple command that will move lines from one window to another. Currently I go to one window, yank the lines, and then paste in the other window. I would like to know if I can do it without switching windows. ...

how to config the gvim as a ide for C/C++/java in windows

I found some source about how to configure gvim as a ide on linux, but I don't have the configuration On Windows. Can anyone help me? ...