
Drupal 6: Block visibility settings...

Hi friends, I'm new at Drupal. my url is like I have some blocks that must be disabled for blog part. So I go to related block configuration and make it as below: but it doesnt work :( just to test, I wrote only * , and it worked well. but i doesnt work when I want to define specific page :( ...

Testing element visibility in jQuery

What is the best way to determine if an element is truly visible on the page? As in pixels are being changed both because the element is not hidden via CSS and is in the visible part of a scrollable area (the window or some overflowing block element)? I imagine I'll need to first check .is(':hidden') against the element and its parents...

the use of private keyword

Hi everyone I am new to programming. I am learning Java now, there is something I am not really sure, that the use of private. Why programmer set the variable as private then write , getter and setter to access it. Why not put everything in public since we use it anyway. public class BadOO { public int size; public int weight;...

Style:Display and Visibility errors ?

< table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> < tr> < td>1< /td> < td>1< /td> < td>1< /td> < td>1< /td> < td>1< /td> </tr> < tr style="display:block "> < td>2< /td> < td>2< /td> < td>2< /td> < td>2< /td> < td>2< /td> </ ...

Checking method visibility in PHP

Is there any way of checking if a class method has been declared as private or public? I'm working on a controller where the url is mapped to methods in the class, and I only want to trigger the methods if they are defined as public. ...

Changing the itemsSource of a treeview makes it's children invisible, when they were already displayed

I found some strange problem in WPF, using the itemsSource of a treeview. I hope I can make this specific problem clear for you. First; a story. There is a treeview. It has a list with treeviewitems as itemsSource. This list is called _roots. There is another list, called _leafs. For as in a treeview, the _roots contain the _leafs in so...

Visibility of properties in scala class

I defined a property in the constructor of my class the following way: class Step(val message:String = "") When I try access to message value from Java code y get a visbility error. Why? ...

how can i visible an invisible control with jquery (hide and show not work)

hi my dear friends ... How can I change the visibility of a control with jQuery? I have a control that its visible property to false...(not css) When I used show() function for it nothing happened, it seems that hide() and show() methods are for css set of a control , not visible property... Thanks for your answers, Best regards ...

Inheritance inside a template - public members become invisible?

I'm trying to use inheritance among classes defined inside a class template (inner classes). However, the compiler (GCC) is refusing to give me access to public members in the base class. Example code: template <int D> struct Space { struct Plane { Plane(Space& b); virtual int& at(int y, int z) = 0; Space& s...

WPF ContextMenu bind some property to another property of the same control

I have a ContextMenu and a ColumnHeaderStyle defined in Window.Resource section witch i use-it to a DataGrid ColumnHeader. My code is something like this: <ContextMenu x:Key="cm_columnHeaderMenu"/> <Style x:Key="DefaultColumnHeaderStyle" TargetType="{x:Type DataGridColumnHeader}"> <Setter Property="ContextMenu" Value="{StaticResour...

jQuery: "Nested" visibility

I have a table with multiple <tbody> elements. At a given momement, certain <tbody> elements are visible and some are hidden, and I need to select only the visible ones. I use jQuery's :visible selector. Now the problem is that I need to perform that task before I display the table, AKA while the table is hidden, and then the :visible s...

toggling div as well as "expand/collapse" text and image with jquery

Hi - I have a simple piece of jquery i am using to toggle the visibility of a div (below). What I'd like to add is some text and a little plus sign image that changes to different text and a minus sign image after the div is expanded. Here is my code: jQuery $(document).ready(function(){ $(".toggle").click(function(){ $(".hidden...

How to tell whether a class/method is accessible using reflection?

I use a Dynamic Assembly to create derived classes at run time. How can I tell, using reflection, whether the base class and individual methods in the base class can be used/called from within the derived class in the dynamic assembly? ...

IE7 table cells made invisible by CSS cannot be made visible by later class changes (??)

Here are two test files: The markup on those two page is all almost the same. There's a table with two columns. The <th> and <td> elements of one column (the second one) are all given the class "junk". In the "good" page, when you load it you'll ...

How to set the textfield is not visible in frame

I am using Swing framework, and I have one question. The Address panel is dynamically added to the main frame. I want to call the visible(false) method from the main frame on the Address Panel. ...

How would you chromatically run external JFrames?

I want to make an if statement, BUT I need to return the value of setVisible so I can make a statment like: if(visible = false) { haha theres no code in here <_< } I have no idea to return the value of setVisible. EDIT: All of my JFrames are seperate programs called by the Main program, I want all of the frames to run individual...

What is the required visibility of an action method in iphone responder chain?

In a UIViewController subclass I create a bar button item that fires an event up the responder chain: UIBarButtonItem* editListsButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Edit" style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:nil action:@selector(edit)]; self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = editListsButton; [editListsButton release];...

WPF Tooltip Visibility

How can I ensure that a button's Tooltip is only visible when the button is disabled? What can I bind the tooltip's visibility to? ...

Show and hide labels with assosicatedControls and their controls

I want to show and hide a label and its control. I can do this in c# in the code behind. But, I can only show/hide the control. Any ideas? <asp:label AssociatedControlID="thisLabel" runat="server">This: <asp:label ID="thisLabel" CssClass="ascontrol" runat="server" /> </asp:label> I want to be able to show and hide that whole thin...

Can I detect if a window is partly hidden?

Is it possible to detect if a window for a program outside mine is 1) completely visible, 2) partly hidden, or 3) completely hidden? I want to be able to tell my application not to do anything if a window (based on a retrieved handle) isn't visible. I don't care if the window has focus or not,what the z order is, or anything else, I'm ...