
What is the correct way to deal with procedures that take a "long time" to complete?

I have a Winforms application created in Visual Studio 2005 Pro, it connects to an SQL Server 2005 database using the SqlConnection / SqlCommand / SqlDataAdapter classes to extract data. I have stored procedures in my database to return the data to me. What is the best way to handle queries that take a "long time" to complete? (i.e long...

Can I get the rowcount before executing a stored procedure?

I have some complex stored procedures that may return many thousands of rows, and take a long time to complete. Is there any way to find out how many rows are going to be returned before the query executes and fetches the data? This is with Visual Studio 2005, a Winforms application and SQL Server 2005. ...

Can't find setup project properties in Visual Studio 2005

All of the various postings, when speaking of Setup projects in vs2005, simply say "the properties are there" and/or "In Studio, I just click on the project name in the Explorer and I get the property window typical to other projects, and it's right there." BUT I DON'T!! I get a very limited list of properties (Output file name, Packag...

Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information in "BLAH.EXE" contains errors.

This is the error Dependency Walker gives me on an executable that I am building with VC++ 2005 Express Edition. When trying to run the .exe, I get: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. (I am new to the manifest/SxS/etc. way of doing...

How can i build a visual studio solution using xbuild (from Mono)?

I recently downloaded Mono 2 for my new MacBook. I'm trying to figure out how to compile Visual Studio solutions with xbuild, which is included in Mono. Any ideas? ...

Ax controls in VS 2008( and VS 2005) .NET Web Application

I am trying to add my Ax controls to a .NET Web form. But, the controls are grayed out in the Toolbox ( after I add them using "Choose Items" and selecting from the COM tab). So, I started thinking may be this Ax cotrol can be added onto a WinForms app and not a Web form. But, what confuses me is that I was able to do it using VS 2003. I...

Building and running C++ unit tests in Visual Studio (TDD)

I have a large project for which I am attempting to use TDD. I am using Tut as my test framework, which has its flaws but is sufficient for what I need. I need to exploit link time test seams, each test must be in its own executable. The project for this executable then launches itself as a post build step. Unfortunately, this means t...

Visual Studio "Find" results in "No files were found to look in. Find stopped progress."

Sometimes while developing in Visual Studio IDE, when you use "Find in Files" dialog to find something, the search fails and you will see the following message in the "Find Results" window. "No files were found to look in. Find stopped progress." Once this message shows-up all the subsequent searches will result in the same message. ...

How to make the group-box text background transparent

I want to make a transparent dialog. I capture the OnCtlColor message in a CDialog derived class...this is the code: HBRUSH CMyDialog::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) { HBRUSH hbr = CDialog::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor); if(bSetBkTransparent_) { pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); hbr = (HBRUSH)GetSto...

Unmanaged C++ libraries - differences between VS2005 and VS2008?

Hi, I'll preface this by saying I'm a C# programmer who inherited horrible code with no documentation. I have an unmanaged C++ library wrapped with managed code that worked fine in VS2003 with .Net 1.1 Framework. I'm trying to get it upgraded to at least .Net 2.0. I have the unmanaged C++ library that was compiled with "MSVC 8.x" (thu...

Is there an SVN:externals equivalent in TFS2005?

Does anybody know if there is an SVN:externals property equivalent in TFS2005? Definition of an SVN External property Sometimes it is useful to construct a working copy that is made out of a number of different checkouts. For example, you may want different subdirectories to come from different locations in a repository, or perhaps fro...

Reusing object files in Visual Studio 2005

Here's the situation: I have one VS2005 solution with two projects: MyDll (DLL), MyDllUnitTest (console EXE). In MyDll I have a class called MyClass which is internal to the DLL and should not be exported. I want to test it in MyDllUnitTest, so I added a test suite class called MyClassTest, where I create instances of MyClass and test ...

VB NET Listing drives and VMWARE

This is a strange one... In a windows forms app (VB.NET/VS 2005) I have the need to occasionally check if the application DVD is inserted. In my production machine (and in the majority of our clients) this code takes less than an second to execute. But in some machines, it takes about 8 to 10 seconds. I couldn't find any common ground on...

Visual Studio 2005 C++ debugger keeps stepping into disassembly view

The Visual Studio 2005 C++ debugger keeps stepping into disassembly view when I "Step into" or "Step Over". This is not something I want, so I have to keep right-clicking and "Go To Source Code". It doesn't always do this - I think it gets confused when stepping between different projects in the same solution (static libs, and one co...

Application has failed to start ... application configuration is incorrect - VC++ 2005 Runtime Problem

Hello, We moved our Visual C++ 2003 solution to Visual 2005 and now we have problems deploying to clean XP machines. Our solution has a DLL project and a command line executable which uses this DLL. Both projects create and embed manifest files. Our installer also copies the VC8 CRT runtimes from the C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Stud...

How can I make the format document shortcut work for C source files in VS2008?

How can I make ctrl k,d work in a pure C file? I really enjoy the auto formatting in C#, and I would like to have the same functionality in C as well. I am using VS2008, but it would probably be helpful if this worked in VS2005 as well. ...

How to suppress compiler warning for specific function in VS2005 (VB.Net)

I have a class that inherits from a base class and implements the following... Public Function CompareTo(ByVal obj As Object) As Integer Implements System.IComparable.CompareTo Now the base class it inherits from also implements this System.IComparable.CompareTo so I'm getting the following compiler warning: Warning: 'System.ICom...

VS2005 Resource Editor Keeps Eating my #ifdef's

The resource editor keeps wiping out code of this form in my .rc: #ifndef V2 IDB_SPLASHSCREEN BITMAP "res\\xyz v1.bmp" #else IDB_SPLASHSCREEN BITMAP "res\\xyz v2.bmp" #endif Anyone know of a workaround? Better way to accomplish the same? ...

Is it safe and acceptable to install VS.NET on your production server?

Usually, we install VS.NET on our production server, to solve problems easily with our product, if necessary. Is this a good or bad idea? ...

C/C++ source file after preprocessing

Let's say I have a source file with many preprocessor directives . Is it possible to see how it looks after the preprocessor is done with it ? ...