
Telerik RadControls RadFormDecorator - Tow Problem About Positioning

hi my dear friends ... i am using with c# web app in vs 2008 problem 1: i do not know why Telerik RadControls- RadFormDecorator Moves some controls (such as Buttons or chech boxes) and changes their positioning up or down in my form after viewing in browser... i put those controls in a cell of a table ... but not help i had ...

Not able add .mdf file in App_data

HI I am not able to add .mdf file in App_data(vs 2008 web developer). If i right click on App_data and try to add new item and select sql server file and click OK. I am getting error as "Connections to Sql Server files(*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly.Please verify the installation of the...

After I've installed it, NUnit doesn't appear in VS2008

Hello, I downloaded and installed NUnit successfuly (or so I was told by the installer). Now, when I start a project, I don't see NUnit in the 'Create UnitTest' prompt as one the choice I'm givven to. All I can see are (i) VS Unit Test and (ii) Mb Unit v3 as choices. In fact, I downloaded today the MbB Unit. After, installing it, I was ...

Why can't I attach the debugger?

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and trying to debug a website created in ASP Classic. I have read numerous tutorials, however nothing seems to be working (PEBKAC?). I have enabled server-side debugging in IIS and am attaching the debugger to dllhost.exe. When I open my page in Google Chrome, set breakpoints and set VS to debug, nothing ...

FxCop CA2227 warning and ReadOnlyCollection<T>

In my VS2008 SP1, .NET 3.5 SP1 project, I have different classes that contain different properties. I use C#3.0 auto properties a lot. Some of these properties need to be collections. Since I want to make it simple, I use ReadOnlyCollection<T> for these properties. I don't want to use IEnumerable<T> since I want random access to the el...

RadAjaxManager - how Exclude Ajaxifing -- UPDATED -- Controls?????

hi my dear friends : my ASPX code is like this : my c# - code behind code is like this : at now my CheckBox1 CheckChanged Not work... when i click on checkbox1 it disappears or nothing happens... how can ...

TFS: Choose which Team Project to add a solution too.

I have a solution which I developed in VS2008 and which I am trying to add to Source Control (TFS 2010, though the issue happened in TFS 2008 as well). I have several TFS workspaces on my computer and I have access to several Team Projects. When I right click the solution in my Solution Explorer and choose the "Add Solution to Source C...

Windows Service Installation Problem

hi When I start to installing using installutil it gives me following error, I have set ServiceInstaller and ServiceInstallerProcess System.InvalidOperationException: Installation failed due to the absence of a ServiceProcessInstaller. The ServiceProcessInstaller must either be the containing installer, or it must be present in the Ins...

Fiddler not sniffing SOAP traffic from ASP.NET website

So far I've been successfully using fiddler to sniff web service traffic from both test fixtures, console apps and web projects. Today I noticed I am not able anymore to sniff that kind of traffic if I am running my web application (it's a ASP.NET website, hosted locally on IIS). I see all the local traffic but the web service traffic i...

CodeRush' XPress solution cache getting a bit big (4.5Gb)

...any ideas how to stop it from growing? Our IT services has placed a cap on profile size anmd now we're getting annoying audit messages. Normally I'd blame IT servcies for their 'One size fits all, treating developers like they were drones from sector 7G' attitude but 4.5GB is a bit on the big size. Give how clever those chaps at De...

C++ Project compiles as static lib, fails (linker error) as dynamic lib. why??

Hi All. I've a VS2008 native C++ project, that I wish to compile as a DLL. It only references one external library (log4cplus.lib), and uses its functions. (also uses log4cplus's .h files , naturally). When I try to compile my project as a static library, it succeeeds. When I try as DLL, it fails : 1>MessageWriter.obj : error LNK2019...

What is the minimum needed to make a BindingList<myClass> available in VS 2008 Designer

I am setting the datasource of a control at runtime to BindingList which works fine. But I would prefer if I could see this in the designer which would mean that I could select the datamember properties at design time, rather than having to set them at runtime also. What is the minimum requirements to allow this? ...

Problem with Remote Debugger while installing VS2008 SP1

This is the error am getting when VS2008 SP1 is being installed. Exe installer's log file/hint (%temp%\dd_VC_IA64Runtime*.txt|%temp%..\dd_VC_IA64Runtime*.txt) does not exist or is invalid. And when am trying to uninstall remote debugger, I get this The folder path 'Program Files' contains an invalid path Any suggestions o...

printing from crystal reports activex printcontrol gives needless error

I've got an application running on a windows 2008 64 bit server that gives an error after printing a crystal report. The server has CR 2008 runtime sp2 installed and views fine. When printing from the print button of the CR viewer the print dialog appears and prints correctly but throws the following error message after printin...

Creating a custom ribbon button in VS 2008 Standard

I want to create a custom ribbon button within Outlook 2007 using Visual Studio 2008 Standard, but am unsure how to proceed. Most of the resources I've found mention VS 2008 Pro, and this SO answer mentions that VSTO is not even included in Standard. Is creating custom ribbon buttons possible using Visual Studio 2008 Standard? If so, ...

Visual Studio 2008 Blank Tool Window

I have a blank property window that I can not get rid of in Visual Studio 2008 SP1. I have tried every thing to get rid of it. If I close it it shows right back up after going into debug mode or restarting visual studio. I have tried every thing to fix all the way to reinstalling VS with no luck. Does any one have a solution for this? ...

WPF StringFormat={}{0:N} Error "Expected '"

I'm getting an error in VS 2008 SP1 with WPF using the stringformat binding, is there an inherent problem with wpf in vs 2008? Error 1 Expected ' ConstituentCrossrateGridControl.xaml 70 141 PriceViewWpfLibrary ...

how can i visible an invisible control with jquery (hide and show not work)

hi my dear friends ... How can I change the visibility of a control with jQuery? I have a control that its visible property to false...(not css) When I used show() function for it nothing happened, it seems that hide() and show() methods are for css set of a control , not visible property... Thanks for your answers, Best regards ...

How to increase Stack size for a Webservice in .Net 3.5

Hi, I have an issue with the stack limit in my webservice. I was suggested to read this article by fellow members of this forum, but I do not have an idea how to run the EDITBIN. I am using VS2008 on Windows 7 (IIS7) Thanks! ...

Team Build error : ASPNETCOMPILER : error ASPRUNTIME: '/localhost:8080' is not a valid virtual path. Any suggestion ?

Hi all, I am trying to build Web Application solution built using VS 2008 and facing the following error. ASPNETCOMPILER : error ASPRUNTIME: '/localhost:8080' is not a valid virtual path. I have absolutely no clue how and why is is occurring? Is it related with the deploy project settings or web site properties? The Solution is checke...